Two games I'll quickly recommend:
Knights of the Chalice - turn-based RPG based 3.5E Open Game License (similar to DnD). Unlike every DnD released in the past 5 yrs or so, this is actually freaking turn-based. May have been the most fun combat I've had in a WRPG in recent years.
Try the demo.
Very retro look: (you can also go for a low-res font, which I do)
If you miss awesome party-based turn-based combat in your WRPG, support this game! Sequel is in the works.
AI War - grand strategy space game. Asymmetrical player (up to 8 co-op) vs AI where you slowly try to retake the entire AI-controlled galaxy planet by planet, as the AI tries to crush you (sending waves in a 'tower defense'-esque kind of way).
I love this game. While its initial release wasn't bad, the dev has been constantly improving the game (gameplay balancing, interface stuff) in very very significant ways. My absolutely favorite post-release support for any game, period.
One xpac is out, Zenith Remnant. Another mini-xpac, Children of Neinzul, has all profits donated to Child's Play. (demo available, though the full game has a lot more features/updated - a LOT more). Also available on Steam or other DD services.
I'll repost a short AAR I did of a small session we had:
Here's the current sitrep. Here is Murdoch, a frontier planet where we've established a firm defensive base able to repel substantial enemy raids. A few hundred fighters/bombers/frigates, some starship support, 6 force fields, 2 fortresses, and a Maginot line of fixed turret defenses (the main pride of the base being its large number of lightning turrets - which do area damage - which has likely saved its bacon in a previous siege by thousands of enemy attackers). It's a pretty sturdy base and has served us well so far (even though we've had it destroyed once and had to repel the large swarm of enemy raiders that cut through to our much less-defended rear planets. Since then, however, the front has been well-stabilized. What's the worst that could happen?
Now, over time, the enemy has been accumulating a large fleet on the neighboring planet, numbering about 4000. Should be okay, since we've been able to beat back similar numbers before. Perhaps the addition of an impending cross-planetary invasion was a bad sign. Here you can see the main enemy fleet assembling right near the warp to Murdoch at the bottom there, with an endless stream of reinforcements from other warps. It's a bit cliched to say, but in this case it's actually over 9000 in the literal sense.
Here's a closer look at the eye of the storm (and it's now over 10,000 -____-)
Quick follow-up. Remember that fighters destroys bombers, which destroy frigates, which destroy fighters.
Here is the incoming massive wave. They also sent a small vanguard of (fast-moving, cloaked) raptors first, but we quickly dispatched those before the main fleet arrived.
Enemy contact! Maginot line is doing its job, tractor beams holding whatever they can while the lightning turrets deal out mass damage throughout the entire area.
It's kind of hard to see what's going on in the screenshot (or in the game when there are 10,000+ units involved in a battle -_- ). The main threat here is the 1500+ bombers, which can potentially wreck havoc through our force fields and destroy the command stations. We need to prioritize those. We're pulling our frigates out of the forcefields via both flanks to try to lure the bombers on them (they'll get decimated if so, but a small price to pay to maintain the base). On the upper right you can also see us mobilizing our bombers out to attack their lagging frigate fleet (bottom of the map, can't see on screenshot). Meanwhile, as their bombers are mostly at the center of their fleet, we're sending our fighters directly on them to destroy them as soon as possible.
While they're not really taking the bait re: bombers --> frigates, they are sending their fighters after our bombers (which you can see on the upper right). We're having our bombers break off to the south-east while trying to hold the fighters off with my (green) screen of frigates conveniently positioned there. Note that I have 107 frigates.
This screen is to showcase that our forcefields have been getting pummelled continuously by the bombers. We've been keeping tabs on which get damaged, quickly pull them out via the nearby warp (where they get automatically repaired by a Mobile Repair Station already set up there), then return them when they get back up to strength.
A more global view of the battle. Our bombers have broken off and are going straight for the frigate fleet at the bombers (with chasing fighters), while my frigates on the right try to stall the enemy fighters as much as possible. Worthy of note here is how uniformly damaged all the enemy ships at the top are. That's from the lightning turrets, which deal damage to the entire area. I don't usually find them very useful since they're not that powerful, but when we have 50 of them and the enemy has grouped thousands upon thousands of units, that's a lot of damage being spread out.
As the battle rages on, attrition takes its toll. The entire enemy frontline crumbles as the lightning turrets kill them off all at once. I will never underestimate lightning turrets ever again. Our bomber offensive is turning to be a big mistake, however, as their frigates are being escorted by 300+ lightning shuttles. Again, it's the concentrated damage that's so destructive here. We're retreating our bombers to the left (all extremely damaged). As I've been pulling my frigates down to follow the enemy fighters, they've also gotten within range of the lightning shuttles. As I was focusing on the top of the battle, I hadn't realized it until it was too late. I now have a total of 3 frigates left. Out of 107. Our bomber strike wasn't very fruitful, either. Not sure how many we destroyed, as the screenshot actually show their numbers increasing via reinforcements.
But that's just a setback. The battle is over, we take care of the shuttles quickly, then loose our bombers onto the remaining retreating enemy frigates. It's a slaughter.
The battle's over. But the AI is already massing up large reinforcements at the nearby planet. The status quo isn't going to work. We need to expand and destroy their raid engines.