I like Nintnedo's games and have had hours of fun with their hardware, but I don't expect them to go all out to impress people. I expect them to do their thing and keep me as a customer, but when it comes to anxiously anticipating something -- I'll leave that to Sony. First PSP, now PS3, Sony seems to be capable of dropping bombshells at shows, hardware from the future, and libraries of games that provide everything from gaming I want (aside from my Nintendo fix which is what Nintendo systems are for)
Given what we know about Nintendo, Nintendo fans and this forum do you think:
1. Microsoft blowing their load early and missing the chick's face entirely
2. Sony stepping into and strolling about the onsen intimidating all with their giant cock (altho there is some speculation about parts of it being prosthetic)
3. Rabid Nintendo fans like the guy who made the Nintendo On video starting rumors about a last second megaton to shock all at E3
4. Nintendo always moves at their own pace often ignoring what gamers ask for initially letting them down many times and sometimes but not often finally delivering it after a long ass wait
5. Drinky started this thread and he hates Nintendo fanboys
6. Drinky started this thread and he hates Nintendo fanboys
7. Drinky started this thread and he hates Nintendo fanboys
8.Drinky started this thread and he hates Nintendo fanboys
9.Drinky started this thread and he hates Nintendo fanboys
10. Drinky started this thread and he hates Nintendo fanboys
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +7 + 8 + 9 + 10 == THURSDAYTON ?
Don't kid yourselves, nothing's gonna happen
In the N64's life cycle when it became obvious that the Playstation was going to crush it the Nintendo fanboy in me held out hope that Nintendo would do something so heavy hitting that they'd swing the battle in their favor, sort of like with the SNES and Genesis. When Gamecube launched I held out hope that Nintendo had learned from all their mistakes (they switched media, claimed 3rd party support was going to be beefed up, and that they were dedicated to being competitive in the console business). We see how that ended up. Nintendo's past two home consoles have delivered on the tech side (well N64 was limited by cards) but failed on the business/marketing side. In the handheld market Nintendo seems to deliver on the business/marketing side but deliver weak and underpowered hardware.
Has Nintendo found a happy medium with Revolution? We don't know because they chose not to show anything. We'll have to wait, it's still at lesat 9 months off I'd guess. If there's one thing that we can always expect from Nintendo is that they will proceed in their own little world releasing and revealing stuff on their own time.
Hopefully later this year or early next year they show impressive real stuff running on at least 90% - 100% dev kits. When they are ready to show stuff they will. I think that's a big reason devs haven't been talking about Revolution, it wasn't a priority coming into this E3; DS, GBA, and the last few games trickling out on the Cube are Nintendo's priority.