-jinx- said:I can understand all the doubt, but as I said, Nintendo is watching...and the chance to shut up all of the critics and skeptics in a single blow would be just as important to Nintendo as the big reveal. They've taken a LOT of heat this generation, and had to put up with the "third place" talk even though they are clearly kicking the shit of Microsoft in Japan.
To give it a sports analogy: When you ask someone to recall their favorite games, do they ever mention the blowouts? As much as it might be nice to see your favorite basketball team win by 30 points, the ones which are truly memorable are the ones where they were down 15 points going into the fourth quarter, and manage to win on a crushing, last-second three-point shot. It's the DRAMA which makes it great.
So, when you think about it, wouldn't playing this off as a joke, as fodder for Sony/MS fanboys, be the PERFECT setup?
No. Absolutely wrong. Get your sports right.