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Tiger Woods injured in car crash, Jaws of life needed

Neil Young

i just saw that. how do you not give him a ticket for speeding or reckless driving.

Instead of pressing brakes, he pressed gas. Surely thats grounds for a blood test for alcohol levels.
Yeah, I guess since there were no witnesses....there are no citations. And they ASKED if he was on medication or drinking and he said no. Good enough I guess. So, if a regular person crashes their car on the side of the road and was intoxicated, the driver can just say they weren't drinking or taking pills?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Rich and famous getting preferential treatment is not new. I think this is more of a case of not needing to pile on to him with the injuries.


ChatGPT 0.1
What about his final location on the drive? I root for fast drivers who don’t kill themseleves or speed, anyway I would like to see Tiger return.
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