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Tinykin: a great 3D platformer



Please don’t read this post if you plan to experience the game first hand.

I finished Tinykin on New Year’s Day, and whilst it’s been spoken about on GAF, I wanted to post my thoughts.

After the initial cutscene, when I was thrown in to this world, I smiled. I was struck by a setting that oozes authenticity. A (giant) house that feels like a house. Accurately scaled, homey and believable, with care and attention to detail. You interact with this house in a logical but brilliant way. Opening cupboards and drawers reveals the hidden contents within, which expand the level and act as further platforming sections for you to explore. There are 6 main levels. Dense and self-contained, every bend and corner has something to discover. Visually, each level is fantastical and with near level-wide draw distance, this is a striking game throughout. Splashteam have created a sense of wonder.

The movement in this game is tight and excellent. I was surprised shortly after beginning the game by the soap surfing mechanic. When combined with the bubble jumping and Green Tinykin you have a character in Milo with tremendous reach horizontally and verticality capable of quick and precise movement.

The main collectible in this game, pollen, is there to guide and reward your exploration. Your time exploring is rewarded in the form of single lines of web that connect the hard-to-reach areas of the level into one central hub. This allows for quick re-traversal of the vertically dense levels. The near level-wide draw distance allows you to see pollen from across the map, making unexplored areas clear.

The animation in this game is top class. Avoiding convoluted explanations, these short videos act as simple, humorous and effective tutorials when needed. The best example of this is in the City of Sanctar, when you first encounter the Red Tinykin. Milo picks him up, cute huh? Then the fuse lights on its head, Milo panics and tosses him, he explodes. In 4 seconds we’ve learnt everything we need to know about Red Tinykin.

Not only is the artistic direction and gameplay on point, but the sound design is first in class. The little details elevate this game and show the love and care that has been put in. When you come across a guitar, each string makes a different noise when you jump on it. When you enter the guitar, one tiny part of the level, the world music shifts to acoustic guitar strings. When you meet a preacher called Bumblebore, the over world theme is orchestral. The bongo registers, but the piano keys don’t, because you don’t weigh enough to press them. When you come across a tiny xylophone staircase every key is different, and when you gently push the stick forward the notes become extremely soft. When you walk inside the microwave and walk on the microwave plate; dink dink dink as you walk around.

Tinykin doesn’t overstay its welcome. All of its elements come together beautifully and respect your time. With the 6 handcrafted levels, I completed the game in 5 hours 20. I’d estimate an 8 hour play time for a completionist. I have been left wanting more, and I’m eagerly awaiting this fledging developer’s next game. In the meantime I will try Splasher, Splashteam’s first and only other effort.


It's definitely good, particularly how good the platforming feels, the way that levels flow into constant shortcuts, green tinykin and those soap challenges. The things that hold it back are boring story/npc's, no real strategy/puzzle use with tinykin, unmemorable music, very similar level challenges and inconsistent grinding mechanics. The tinykin thing is neat but outside of green and maybe red they kinda felt like fluff mechanically. Either way I recommend it and keep an eye on their next game.
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All these paragraphs and no video or screenshots.
I thought about providing screenshots of the levels, especially Celerion Park, however I didn’t want to spoil them for anyone who hasn’t seen them yet.

It's definitely good, particularly how good the platforming feels, the way that levels flow into constant shortcuts, green tinykin and those soap challenges. The things that hold it back are boring story/npc's, no real strategy/puzzle use with tinykin, unmemorable music, very similar level challenges and inconsistent grinding mechanics. The tinykin thing is neat but outside of green and maybe red they kinda felt like fluff mechanically. Either way I recommend it and keep an eye on their next game.
I agree with a lot of what you’ve said and those criticisms are valid.

The story is bare bones, that’s how I like my platformers though (Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, The Precursor Legacy all have bare bones stories too).

There’s no real strategy or puzzle element. I personally just enjoyed exploring and finding the Tinykin in order to progress. It’s barely a challenging game though, at all.

The (Yellow?) Tinykin that built bridges were particularly painful and redundant, but luckily I felt only played a small roll later on in the game.

The music too, whilst I’ve praised the sound design, the overall main soundtrack is unremarkable, I agree.

Like you say, even with the flaws I agree it’s still worth a recommendation (y)


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Great like Poi or Skylar & Plux (huh, it's been removed from Steam - edit: and other stores - weird, glad I got it while it was available) or "great" like A Hat in Time? What's a trailer showing the platforming/game flow, there's barely any in the first couple videos on Steam.
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I don't share the love for this game at all. Everytime it's mentioned it's praised and i don't really understand why.

The mechanics stop being interesting after like the second stage. The tinykins that carry objects or convey electricity are boring. The level design of each zone feels redundant. Everything in the world is frozen, no ennemies, no moving plateforms, just you and your tinykins.

It's not because it's a collectathon that it has to be a game that you play on autopilot, without a shred of challenge or reflection.
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Glad you also enjoyed it, it was one of my fave games of 2022, very underrated. I must be slow, took me 8 hours to finish without getting everything, I did explore a lot, spoke to almost everyone and collected most but not all of the pollen though. Didn't know they'd made another game, will check it out, thanks. (Edit: Can't find it on Steam)
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Great like Poi or Skylar & Plux (huh, it's been removed from Steam - edit: and other stores - weird, glad I got it while it was available) or "great" like A Hat in Time? What's a trailer showing the platforming/game flow, there's barely any in the first couple videos on Steam.
I wasn’t able to play Skylar, and I’ve not played Poi.

I’d put Tinykin in a tier below Banjo-Kazooie, Mario 64, The Precursor Legacy and A Hat in Time, but above something like Yooka Laylee.


Watched a video and... eh. The character and whatever his minions are have a completely different art style than the environments for some reason.

Also, what's up with the reverse running animation?

I don't know how it plays but it looks very off.


Watched a video and... eh. The character and whatever his minions are have a completely different art style than the environments for some reason.

Also, what's up with the reverse running animation?

I don't know how it plays but it looks very off.
It is because the protagonist is a stranger in a strange land.

Anyway, it is a great game and one of the best Gamepass additions in 2022. A very confident indie both in terms of gameplay and the graphics.
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Watched a video and... eh. The character and whatever his minions are have a completely different art style than the environments for some reason.

Also, what's up with the reverse running animation?

I don't know how it plays but it looks very off.
It plays very well. But yeah, it looks odd at first and then you get used it, it charmed the heck out of me!


I thought about providing screenshots of the levels, especially Celerion Park, however I didn’t want to spoil them for anyone who hasn’t seen them yet.

I agree with a lot of what you’ve said and those criticisms are valid.

The story is bare bones, that’s how I like my platformers though (Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, The Precursor Legacy all have bare bones stories too).

There’s no real strategy or puzzle element. I personally just enjoyed exploring and finding the Tinykin in order to progress. It’s barely a challenging game though, at all.

The (Yellow?) Tinykin that built bridges were particularly painful and redundant, but luckily I felt only played a small roll later on in the game.

The music too, whilst I’ve praised the sound design, the overall main soundtrack is unremarkable, I agree.

Like you say, even with the flaws I agree it’s still worth a recommendation (y)
I like light story elements in my platformers as well but welcome charming npcs, especially if there's alot of them like tinykin but instead they were very bland/generic.


Gold Journalism
I finally got to it (on the 'scissor' stage now), and I absolutely love it. Fantastic game, very charming, and just so much fun.

If anybody knows of other similar games like this -- sense of progression, gameplay mechanics, checking off things in a round, vibe -- please suggest.


I finally got to it (on the 'scissor' stage now), and I absolutely love it. Fantastic game, very charming, and just so much fun.

If anybody knows of other similar games like this -- sense of progression, gameplay mechanics, checking off things in a round, vibe -- please suggest.
The Wild at Heart is a little bit like it, but it is 2d and has no platforming.


Gold Member
These are the types of games that make me wish Microsoft would create a native Game Pass app for Steam Deck.
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It's really good. A great game to play while having a podcast on or something. Yes it's not very challenging and doesn't demand much of your attention but it's such a theraputic game to play
Recently got the platinum trophy for this game. I have strong emotions about this game, don’t really know what they are though.

Like, i feel like i highly enjoyed it as i was playing it but it really is just a big collectathon that frustrated me a lot of time. I kind of feel like it was a waste of time just platforming around collecting random shit, but thats kind of the same thing with other games.

Like I said, I’m not really sure how i ultimately feel about it. It’s a good game but im not sure i would say i loved it or would recommend it, but i wouldn’t question if someone said it was their GOTY either

It feels like a more involved version of something like Candy Crush
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I liked Tinykin. It very light on difficulty, meaning it's basically impossible to fail, but I had a great time with the game regardless. Very reminiscent of Banjo-Kazooie in many ways from the world design and collectables to the way the characterss speak in the "Gah-GAhh! Gah-gah-gah"voices.

Lots of cool nostalgia stuff around the house too for those of us that were around when VCRs were the newest technology.


I liked it a lot. One of my fave games last year. Fun going back to earlier levels with your glide upgraded to pick off achievements. I didn’t attempt or care to try to collect everything though, seems like a recipe for ending in a low note checking YouTube videos.
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Gold Member
I tried this when it first dropped on gamepass. I didn't have high expectations and mainly played for some gamepass quest points, but the game grabbed me and I saw it through completion. Really fun game.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Certainly one of the better games to come to Game Pass in 2022. Had a lot of fun with it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I wasn’t able to play Skylar, and I’ve not played Poi.

I’d put Tinykin in a tier below Banjo-Kazooie, Mario 64, The Precursor Legacy and A Hat in Time, but above something like Yooka Laylee.
Those are games of wildly diferent quality levels, to lump it all together like that just to put this game among them is to tell me nothing. I guess I'll go by it being "great" like A Hat in Time then. Oh well.
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Those are games of wildly diferent quality levels, to lump it all together like that just to put this game among them is to tell me nothing. I guess I'll go by it being "great" like A Hat in Time then. Oh well.
I didn't like A Hat in Time, but I loved this game. If watching some gameplay doesn't grab you, I'd just move on.


There was a Wii game with some "Pikmin elements" called Earth Seeker. It was a Monster Hunter clone, but the "cats" helped you to transport and move things around, and you require different numbers of cats to transport different weights. The game wasn't bad, but really repetitive and it had an stupidly convoluted battle UI.

I can't show this mechanic since no one on Youtube has reached the "Pikmin part", it seems, but it was pretty basic. The game looked like this.

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I love Pikmin, but fuck that company for dragging their heels on this, also Pikmins awful time of day restriction and the 3rd ones awful juice gimmick too. This game proved that you don’t need any of that shit in this type of game to have a great game.

This game overall was far more fun than Pikmin 3 and some of the others.

As stated by others, the game was really easy, but so is Pikmin.

The art style was great, it ran perfectly on my 5700g potato with no issues.

I look forward to what these people do next.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Its the best 3d platformer since Mario Odyssey. The scale in the levels and the quality of the design of the rooms is crazy. If you ever liked a 3d platformer collectathon this is among the best I've ever played.

I barely compare this to Pikmin aside from the numerous aesthetic similarities. A lot more platforming than that.
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