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Tinykin: a great 3D platformer


I’m with you. It’s not that I don’t understand the pikmin comparisons but they really are very different games.
Players are so thirsty and desperate for anything resembling Pikmin, it’s similar if you open your eyes a little.

You foster small creatures, then use X number to move and pick up objects. If you have pattern recognition you can see the similarities.


Man, I only need to collect the pollen in the last two worlds but cant find shit!

Happened to me too on one of them, eventually just gave up and followed someone on YouTube. Takes 20 minutes or so but I wasn’t finding anything otherwise.


I just dealt with the last few achievements. The game was delightful little romp from start to finish and it deserves the 98% user score average. Just a shame it seems to have failed to find an audience on Steam with only 1k user reviews.
One aspect I loved was the bewilderment as you entered a room for the first time and start exploring, later by the time you finish up you know every nook and cranny of the place.

As Banjo said, it does not overstay its welcome and is well paced.


It's a great platformer, clearly, the devs love the old N64 platformers.

I wish they found another protagonist than that ugly fucking guy with a pink weird bowl cut though.

A slight issue I have is something I noticed in a few modern platformers, and that is the focus on characters spread out around the world that have stuff to say. I am the sort of person that needs to talk with everyone, and it makes progression slightly annoying when there are so many characters all over the map.


I like this game a lot, though I started it a month ago and am only up to the third area. Some of the complaints are valid, but some I also see as strengths -it's a very chill game that won't demand all your faculties but it doesn't just play itself either. Charming areas to explore, tight controls. It is less RTS and more platformer than Pikmin and therefore mechanically simpler. So it works as a chill change of pace between more stressful or demanding titles. Even if the NPC characters are bad and the art style can seem at odds with itself.
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