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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


The funny thing about skirmish is that more than half of my games ended up being one team getting all of their titans, stomping the other team, and ending up with hilarious moments like this:

Give us your lunch money Ion!

Lol, that's hilarious. :D

Playing Northstar again after spending so much time with Scorch (now lvl 10). I'm rubbish with it now, I'll need to learn all the tricks again.
Any reason CTF isn't selectable in the mixtape now that it's a featured mode? Live Fire was still selectable when it was featured (and gave 2x XP when it came up in mixtape).


Any reason CTF isn't selectable in the mixtape now that it's a featured mode? Live Fire was still selectable when it was featured (and gave 2x XP when it came up in mixtape).

skirmish wasn't selectable by itself either, it's kind of a bummer

maybe it's an oversight


lol I realised why I was getting a bit bored of TF|2.

I have been playing with the G2 a lot. It's fine, but the game is NOT about that. Back to the SMGs
and assault rifles that are basically SMGs.

R201 is now the best gun...right?


lol I realised why I was getting a bit bored of TF|2.

I have been playing with the G2 a lot. It's fine, but the game is NOT about that. Back to the SMGs
and assault rifles that are basically SMGs.

R201 is now the best gun...right?

Ran into a guy running G2 and headglitching an entire match the other day. I was still winning but at one point i got so bored of having to sneak towards him to kill him as he waited for people to rush him i shut the game off.

But nothing drives me more crazy now than dealing with the pilot outlines. Watching kill cams and seeing how the guy JUST HAPPENED for a split millisecond notice a giant orange blob move in his peripheral vision so he can turn and tap tap tap with his G2 from a ways away and kill me....sigh, there's nothing worse in this game than that.

And i ABSOLUTELY go apeshit when i see people arguing on reddit that a glowing moving object is somehow not that visible compared to a stationary one. As if Respawn introduced the player outline to help prevent camping.... RIGHT.


lol I realised why I was getting a bit bored of TF|2.

I have been playing with the G2 a lot. It's fine, but the game is NOT about that. Back to the SMGs
and assault rifles that are basically SMGs.

I'm personally switching weapons all the time, trying to level them up simultaneously. It helps keeping the game fresh.
I'm trying different pilot abilities too, but none are as fun as grappling hook and stim (teleportation has potential, but it doesn't improve your mobility, and it too often feels like gambling, blindly selecting where you want to appear next).
Ran into a guy running G2 and headglitching an entire match the other day. I was still winning but at one point i got so bored of having to sneak towards him to kill him as he waited for people to rush him i shut the game off.

But nothing drives me more crazy now than dealing with the pilot outlines. Watching kill cams and seeing how the guy JUST HAPPENED for a split millisecond notice a giant orange blob move in his peripheral vision so he can turn and tap tap tap with his G2 from a ways away and kill me....sigh, there's nothing worse in this game than that.

And i ABSOLUTELY go apeshit when i see people arguing on reddit that a glowing moving object is somehow not that visible compared to a stationary one. As if Respawn introduced the player outline to help prevent camping.... RIGHT.

The outlines, turrets and a-wall are all ideas that I don't really understand how a designer can play the game and say yep these are great let's include them.

Also why did the devs think it's a good idea to allow stacking turrets. While on the topic of the stupid turrets when are they getting another nerf? The turrets should have been anti titan from the jump and not even lock on pilots.


I love the glowing outlines. As someone with below par vision, even with glasses, they make the game so much more accessible to me.

I can actually see people, whereas in games like Battle Field I die before I even know that someone was around.


I love the glowing outlines. As someone with below par vision, even with glasses, they make the game so much more accessible to me.

I can actually see people, whereas in games like Battle Field I die before I even know that someone was around.
I like that they cut down on people hiding and camping. It's a fast paced game with super low ttk, people shouldn't be in a bush, hole, etc camping.


Ran into a guy running G2 and headglitching an entire match the other day. I was still winning but at one point i got so bored of having to sneak towards him to kill him as he waited for people to rush him i shut the game off.

But nothing drives me more crazy now than dealing with the pilot outlines. Watching kill cams and seeing how the guy JUST HAPPENED for a split millisecond notice a giant orange blob move in his peripheral vision so he can turn and tap tap tap with his G2 from a ways away and kill me....sigh, there's nothing worse in this game than that.

And i ABSOLUTELY go apeshit when i see people arguing on reddit that a glowing moving object is somehow not that visible compared to a stationary one. As if Respawn introduced the player outline to help prevent camping.... RIGHT.

Pre-cloak nerf, people continually argued that cloaked pilots were far easier to see than uncloaked pilots and that being permanently invisible at all times in a low TTK shooter provided no advantage whatsoever. People will make blatantly insane arguments to preserve their crutch or status quo.

Personally, I don't really care about the glow. I play only attrition so it helps separate pilots from grunts. If it gets me killed every now and then because someone sees me wall-running in the corner of their screen, I'm not too broken up over it. Totally fine with them keeping the glow. It works both ways so it's not a deal breaker for me.


I'm completely used to it now, but I remember finding the outlines jarring at the beginnig. It's mostly a matter of aesthetics though, since in Tf1 you could spot pilots in the distance from the very recognizable glow of their helmet (or their backpack, of course). It had the same effect, but with a more subtle implementation.


Unconfirmed Member
Fired up the game for the first time in months-- it's freaking dead. No way to choose a mode-- just random playlists and no actual player count number. Sheesh.


I love the glowing outlines. As someone with below par vision, even with glasses, they make the game so much more accessible to me.

I can actually see people, whereas in games like Battle Field I die before I even know that someone was around.
And that's why it should have been a kit. It should have been the default kit to choose and taken the place of explosive pack. It would have been a great kit for people, up there with health regen and power cell. They could have even tied in the health meter to that kit, so if you didn't have the kit chosen you wouldn't get the outline nor the health bar of your opponent. A real solid kit compared to power cell and health regen. People would have to make a real sacrifice going with either of them. Instead we get power cell or health regen to choose from (the warp whatever into your titan is only viable for LTS and no one choices explosive pack, ever)

I like that they cut down on people hiding and camping. It's a fast paced game with super low ttk, people shouldn't be in a bush, hole, etc camping.
huh? they did not cut down on people camping. Maybe camping buildings, and little houses but definitely not rooftop camping.

They could have really done something special with the outline if it would shrink the faster you go or the more you move and jump around, but intensify the more you sit stationary or stay crouching. They didn't do that though. Shame.

Pre-cloak nerf, people continually argued that cloaked pilots were far easier to see than uncloaked pilots and that being permanently invisible at all times in a low TTK shooter provided no advantage whatsoever. People will make blatantly insane arguments to preserve their crutch or status quo.
Yeah, it drives me bonkers. I'm all for helping the lower to mid tier players have a great experience but these things should be optional not given flat across the board. There should be a trade off for you to be able to spot glowing pilots, and sit stationary with a crazy accurate weapon like the G2 or devotion.

Titanfall 1 visibility was a bit too much, at times it was definitely hard to spot pilots but they did enough just with the aesthetics alone that it wouldn't be like that in this game. The outline is simply overkill.


I think the outline curbs the desire to camp, it does it job but its also annoying when you cant basically approach anyone when you slightly enter their field of view. even at max speed and even when they are not looking at you.
I think the outline curbs the desire to camp, it does it job but its also annoying when you cant basically approach anyone when you slightly enter their field of view. even at max speed and even when they are not looking at you.
Titanfall curbs camping by the core nature of some of its gamemodes and how the Titan meter works. Camping never happened in Titanfall 1 (until they introduced PvP, which was awful), and it didn't have player outlines.


Just went 21-0 in Atttrition. The highest amount of kills that the other team had were 9. None of their players had points in the triple digits. Really wish balancing in this game was better. Or at least give one of the better players a chance to switch teams or something.
Man I haven't played in over a week because I moved to another state. And I can't believe how I've already lost my feel for the game. And I mean that like I have to get use to the movement again because it feels too fast for me and I just can't keep up right now. I'm sure I can regain that back quickly but I just didn't think 1 week could do this to me.

On the other hand I decided to play CTF. I was in a game populated by people who couldn't slide hop so the fact that I could even though I'm not even that good at it allowed me to get MVP with 2 captures and 12 kills. This is on top of the fact that I'm trying to get use to the feel of the game again. But man phase shift is so cheap in CTF. During my first capture in Kodai I figured someone was waiting for me so I just phase shifted twice when I entered the left side of the two connected building in Kodai and safely reappeared over the flag point for a score and then was killed immediately. Didn't bother me lol.


Junior Member
I played quite a few games yesterday (Attrition) of which the balancing was absolutely terrible. I ended up getting on average 140 - 190 scores. It was fun tho dropping into a game being behind by almost 100 points and going beast mode with Ronin and winning. Got some salty msgs afterwards.


Why with everything else in this game (fast ttk, pilot glow, heavy aim-assit) do we also have weapons that can take you out mid-to-insanely-far ranges in 2-3 bullets. I don't for the life of me understand this game design philosophy.

This may be ok with the current garbage matchmaking and playing with pubs people that can't play for shit, yeah it's fun running around with an SMG but as SOOOOON as capable players are in a lobby and running one of the ridiculous AR weapons it turns to a complete and utter shit fuck camp rooftop fest because the instance someone has you in their sites, no matter the distance really, you're DEAD.

I really wish Rayme could explain their mentality on this one. At least in Titanfall 1 you didn't have pilot glow, aim-assist couldn't track you that crazy if you were super fast, and the Carbine took a few more shots to kill you, you had time to react, and with stim you could save yourself.

"competitive" titanfall pretty much looks like COD. There is no question about that.



Why with everything else in this game (fast ttk, pilot glow, heavy aim-assit) do we also have weapons that can take you out mid-to-insanely-far ranges in 2-3 bullets. I don't for the life of me understand this game design philosophy.

This may be ok with the current garbage matchmaking and playing with pubs people that can't play for shit, yeah it's fun running around with an SMG but as SOOOOON as capable players are in a lobby and running one of the ridiculous AR weapons it turns to a complete and utter shit fuck camp rooftop fest because the instance someone has you in their sites, no matter the distance really, you're DEAD.

I really wish Rayme could explain their mentality on this one. At least in Titanfall 1 you didn't have pilot glow, aim-assist couldn't track you that crazy if you were super fast, and the Carbine took a few more shots to kill you, you had time to react, and with stim you could save yourself.

"competitive" titanfall pretty much looks like COD. There is no question about that.


Funnily enough, the only map where I consistently have the problem of getting cross-mapped by roof campers is Angel City, which everyone continually yells is better than all of the other maps. Every other map has broken up sight lines and many flank routes, while on Angel City someone can camp a tower with A-wall and Devotion/G2 and be pretty much unstoppable unless you use a sniper to take them out or take the time to climb the tower, at which point they kill you anyways because of the 3-shot kill from both of those weapons.

I like the ttk overall in this game, but I agree with you about the pilot outlines and aim assist. It feels like they could make each of these a kit alongside phase embark and ordinance expert; having to choose between the high aim assist or the lit up pilot outlines would really highlight (hehe) the gap in skill IMO. I disagree with the comparison to COD mainly because of the insanely good movement system and overall feel of the game. COD's movement feels super clunky and slow in comparison, the only similarity I see is the low TTK, which I honestly prefer after the mess that came out of Destiny's ever increasing TTK.


PC community still doing well?
Probably not well, but it's okay. Depends on when and where you play. Weekend nights, there's no problem to find matches. Middle of the week and middle of the night? Prepare to wait for like minutes. Won't happen on PS4, however.

I have played several hours on PS4 and PC and must say, that the aim assist on the PS4 is way too forgiving. Even with the super fast running ability that shit tracks you nonetheless in many circumstances. Speed boosted wallrun? Haha, funny, let my aim assist just kill you, thanks. Well, at least that's how I'm getting kills, too. I have 3 times more kills on PS4 than on PC. It's somewhat cool for a casual Titanfall 2 player like me to not feel like utter garbage as I do on PC, but I don't know if this will motivate me enough to play this game the next weeks and months.
Don't you dare doubting the almighty Swolbro Lord that overlooks us from the holy competitive land.

I would love Titanfall 2 to have more competitive hooks and I personally think catering to casuals isn't working for respawn. But this dude talks so much and I have never seen him post gameplay.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I've played some with and against Swol. Dude's legit good. I for one am glad he doesn't post a screenshot of every other scoreboard he gets in the game like some people :)
I've played some with and against Swol. Dude's legit good. I for one am glad he doesn't post a screenshot of every other scoreboard he gets in the game like some people :)

Not sure why you are talking about screenshots those prove nothing. Let's see the best Titanfall player to grace the earth in action with some gameplay. Dude better have some gamsager tier movement for the way he talks.



I can do 1000/1000 in sub 2.5 hours now.

Multiplayer isn't holding for me.

I have a slight request tho. Pls buff SMR a tad bit so I can use Mozambique.

I also got paid to get to LV50 for someone so I played a ton of CTF, lost one game on the way to... You guessed it... A 5* stack (*could have been 6).

CTF feels very empty. These maps are the game's biggest disservice as well as the lack of minions.

That said...

Seems like Repsawn made Xbox One performance a lot better for Angel City/90FoV gameplay.

The campaign makes this game GOTY for 2016, despite the MP lacking and only really seeing bug fixes and QoL updates for months since release.

I wish Titanfall 1 had these QoL updates.

Not sure why you are talking about screenshots those prove nothing. Let's see the best Titanfall player to grace the earth in action with some gameplay. Dude better have some gamsager tier movement for the way he talks.

Swol is super good.
I'm finding the Zero-Point Tripwire kit for Ion more useful than the enhanced vortex shield. Feels much better not having to worry about your energy when using it.
i never complain about matchmaking, but the matchmaking in this game is going to be the thing that eventually makes me quit. there's no fucking reason i should constantly be getting mvp and have a win percentage of 49. and it's not like i'm losing close games. it's really disheartening when you're 30 seconds into a game and you already know you have no chance.


I'm running mixtape (except for amped hardpoint) on PS4 for anyone who is interested in grouping up, PSN is the same as my Gaf name.
I'm finding the Zero-Point Tripwire kit for Ion more useful than the enhanced vortex shield. Feels much better not having to worry about your energy when using it.
Yep I've been running it in LTS and it's so good at lane control and holding all the Ronins back.

Also what kits does BT in the campaign has? I assume all of his loadouts has the default kit from the MP, for example his Legion loadout has extra ammunition and Ion apparently recovers energy on crit.


Dude better have some gamsager tier movement for the way he talks.
Easily, but no different than any other good Titanfall player you'll find in any of the CTF xbox one tournaments.

Did your feelings get hurt with my comment? For whatever reason, be it input device, lack of having the first game for experience, or just the lesser competition, but the ps4 crowd is lagging behind. Just like a majority of xbox players fall behind PC players.

It's nothing to get salty about.

I'm finding the Zero-Point Tripwire kit for Ion more useful than the enhanced vortex shield. Feels much better not having to worry about your energy when using it.

It's what i run on ion all the time now as well.


I like that they cut down on people hiding and camping. It's a fast paced game with super low ttk, people shouldn't be in a bush, hole, etc camping.

Agreed the pilot outline glow is perfect really helps dealing with those hiding in rooftops. A good player who loves movement should not have any problem with the pilot glow affecting them.
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