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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"




Respawn pls



Man this game's Campaign is on point. Pls give us some more PvE stuff with it's own progression system, pweeeese.

It doesn't surpass Quake 2 as best game ever, but I think this Campaign is one I have played the most.
Easily, but no different than any other good Titanfall player you'll find in any of the CTF xbox one tournaments.

Did your feelings get hurt with my comment? For whatever reason, be it input device, lack of having the first game for experience, or just the lesser competition, but the ps4 crowd is lagging behind. Just like a majority of xbox players fall behind PC players.

It's nothing to get salty about.

It's what i run on ion all the time now as well.

Not all all I just find your posts condescending I only play on PS4 lately because I have a pro and it runs better at 100 fov. Xbone drops frames on some maps and the lower resolution is noticeable.

I play on both and tbh I don't notice much difference most pub players are terrible on both consoles.

Still waiting on the gameplay showing us what we need to strive for to be a Titanfall god like you.
So yeah...


...going for platinum!

Currently replaying the campaign on Master and thinking I'm gonna have to make a RTTP thread about here in the near future... suffice to say, I'm REALLY impressed with the challenge of it :D


So yeah...


...going for platinum!

Currently replaying the campaign on Master and thinking I'm gonna have to make a RTTP thread about here in the near future... suffice to say, I'm REALLY impressed with the challenge of it :D

There are only like, 3 fights you need to do. You can run past everything else.

Master is fine outside of a couple of areas, but thankfully they are fully skippable.


I finished master difficulty yesterday too. As a matter of fact fights against grunts were more frustrating than the bosses, but I never realized you could just run through them. :p
Vector was slightly harder than the others, especially when he starts flying around. But using the original titan configuration, with manual missile lock on, I finally got him after 4-5 tries (even if my own titan was doomed when I got him). Kudos to the checkpoint placement, that won't make you start all the major fights from the beginning.


I finished master difficulty yesterday too. As a matter of fact fights against grunts were more frustrating than the bosses, but I never realized you could just run through them. :p
Vector was slightly harder than the others, especially when he starts flying around. But using the original titan configuration, with manual missile lock on, I finally got him after 4-5 tries (even if my own titan was doomed when I got him). Kudos to the checkpoint placement, that won't make you start all the major fights from the beginning.

I use Ion and switch to Tone when Core is up or energy is down. My times on that boss are similar to the speedruns now.

Just gotta wait for another person to buy the run so I can do another.

If I wasn't at work I would stream my runs and set 2.5h in the 100% category. Toughest achievements to get are 3 Titans on one core and kill 25 infantry in 2 seconds (which seems slightly bugged)?

Watching speedruns and I see that they don't use Ronin or skip past certain enemies is disappointing. I think the unskippable cut scenes is why people aren't running this game more.


the 25 infantry one sucks. I'm also sure it's bugged, I did it 3 times, exact same thing 3 time (Legion, the tunnel, wait until the reinforcements arrive) and only on the 3rd attempt did it work.


the 25 infantry one sucks. I'm also sure it's bugged, I did it 3 times, exact same thing 3 time (Legion, the tunnel, wait until the reinforcements arrive) and only on the 3rd attempt did it work.

Yeah, the best way to get it is the use Ronin to phase dash (he can do it crouched) then switch to Smart Core. Last run I got it first try but there have been times the counter goes up to like 35 deaths but it doesn't pop.

It's better to not use the shotty ability, I find. I want to do testing to see if you can do it with Arc Wave which would be a little faster, but I'm not in the process of optimising the run (yet).

Ronin is great for the two bosses you can use him in. And also, you can skip the entire second half of that titan battlefield level with him.


I got the 25 grunts on my first try IIRC, just used scorch and flame wave core attack.
The 3 titans in a row I don't even remember, I think I got it without even trying, while playing in easy mode to collect helmets.


I got the 25 grunts on my first try IIRC, just used scorch and flame wave core attack.
The 3 titans in a row I don't even remember, I think I got it without even trying, while playing in easy mode to collect helmets.

Hmm, I might try this next time. Thanks for the idea.


On the last mission, when you duck into the tunnel full of infantry, don't shoot any and wait for them to gather. Than use legion's power shot or scorch's flame core.

Yeah that's where I do it. It sucks because you have to have a core typically to do it, so if you go into that room early (when the non-Legion opens the door), you're going to miss being able to kill the first 3 quickly with a core.

What's your gamertag?

Can we set up an Xbox party? :D

When you carry your team with krab...


Someone on reddit really posted a thread saying Ion is useless haha.

And people here want to complain about elitism... fuck.


Someone on reddit really posted a thread saying Ion is useless lol.

And people here want to complain about elitism... fuck.

The difference is that the post you described listed descriptive reasons why the user felt that way and welcomed discussion, instead of complaining constantly about how so many things are terrible while simultaneously saying that anyone who disagrees with you doesn't know because they aren't experiencing the "competitive" style. Which is really ironic, considering you are playing on xbox instead of PC which a lot of people consider to be the best place to hold a competitive scene.

Post in question: https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/5z9lix/ion_is_by_far_the_worst_titan_in_the_game/
I disagree with the poster as well, reading his reasoning it's a lot of the issues that new players run into before they learn to manages their energy and not just waste it all on the splitter rifle.


The difference is that the post you described listed descriptive reasons why the user felt that way and welcomed discussion, instead of complaining constantly about how so many things are terrible while simultaneously saying that anyone who disagrees with you doesn't know because they aren't experiencing the "competitive" style.

Oh don't even go there. At times i post painstakingly detailed reasons for my 'complaints'. No one ever, and I mean ever tries to engage those posts. They do the easy thing and grab the ones that i rage rant with "this fucking sucks" or "people are terrible" and they run with that instead.

Further, every single thing i have ever complained about was later eventually echoed by the bulk of the community. Do you want me to go fishing for when i was complaining about the original cloak? And people here were telling me i was whining and that nothing was wrong with it? Or maybe the sentry-turret? Which most people would respond with "don't play PVP" as if that was a legitimate counter-argument.

Which is really ironic, considering you are playing on xbox instead of PC which a lot of people consider to be the best place to hold a competitive scene..
How funny. You realize the recent Titanfall 1 anniversary tourny held on PC had a controller user as one of the best players on the winning team? Did you know that? Yeah, didn't think so (elitist knowledge) . And frankly I think Titanfall 2 PC vs Console top teams would go to the console players this time without question. The aim-assist is too good.

EDIT: Let me clarify why i speak in "competitive" terms. You can call it competitive, tryhards, hardcore, privates, whatever you want. The point is that people that play the game longer, or at higher levels tend to unlock ways to play the game that leads to the greatest levels of success. Eventually this "meta" will trickle down to the rest of the playerbase, or the rest of the playerbase will also soon realize something is OP or something is effective.

Case in point: The Titan combat in this is far less complex than the original game despite what this Respawn dev says http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1024056/Solving-Titan-Sized-Problems-Evolving Their intention was to create depth but instead they took lots of depth away from the combat, unfortunately.

Now you can tell me i'm full of shit, but i've seen what a player that has put in a ridiculous amount of hours into Ronin can do, and how he wins. On the flip side, i've seen what a equally skilled Ion player plays like in order to beat that Ronin. You know what it came down to? Timing MELEE HITS since Ion has better reach than Ronin. That's what it came down to. Not some crazy back and forth game, it was a push.... melee, push, melee fiasco. That's not deep to me, surely not in a shooter. Maybe for a fighting game lol.

Anyways, all this would be moot if the main goal was to create a game capable of sustaining a population for a year (like COD). If a game is going to have legs it has to be able to played at higher levels just like it is played at lower levels while being void of bullshit over powered nonsense and exploitable mechanics that aren't fun. Stacking amped weapons isn't fun. Having a gun like devotion capable of mowing down a bunch of people effortlessly was also not very fun for most people, was it? Yet, for a time people will say someone is whining about these things until it becomes more popular and everyone starts to realize how boring it is to play like that because eventually the community as a whole will be a lot better at the game a few months to a year from now. The only way to have legs is to have the game play the same both at the top and at the bottom of the skill chain.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
The more I play Live Fire with weapons like the L-Star and Sidewinder, the more I think that just bottom line, hitscan weapons don't fit in the game. The massive aim assist is too much as well, I agree. But, nothing shifts the advantage towards ground potatoes more than hitscan. Travel time means very little if you're shooting at someone stationary, but makes a big difference if someone is moving fast. That's just the way it should be in Titanfall. If you want to be stationary and camp, then you should have to make tough shots and lead your targets.

I know there's as certain addicting quality to that COD-feel soft-lock spraying people down aim assist, but it would just be better deeper game without it. I know a rebalance with every gun being projectile based, with varying velocities and sizes is pretty much science fiction, but I think the Wingman Elite kind of proves the point. It takes a little more skill, and it's way more fun than the regular Wingman.


The more I play Live Fire with weapons like the L-Star and Sidewinder, the more I think that just bottom line, hitscan weapons don't fit in the game. The massive aim assist is too much as well, I agree. But, nothing shifts the advantage towards ground potatoes more than hitscan. Travel time means very little if you're shooting at someone stationary, but makes a big difference if someone is moving fast. That's just the way it should be in Titanfall. If you want to be stationary and camp, then you should have to make tough shots and lead your targets.

I know there's as certain addicting quality to that COD-feel soft-lock spraying people down aim assist, but it would just be better deeper game without it. I know a rebalance with every gun being projectile based, with varying velocities and sizes is pretty much science fiction, but I think the Wingman Elite kind of proves the point. It takes a little more skill, and it's way more fun than the regular Wingman.

I don't think particle based weapons is the answer. It'd make it even harder to hit someone while you are flying in the air.

There's two ways to fix this

1. Weapon sway. This is what they did in Titanfall 1.

2. Less aim-assist while boots on the ground.

plus, reducing pilot glow would also contribute to making it harder for ground potatoes to pick you off with ease.


Just bring back R1 MP :'(

Sliding is the only real positive addition outside of QoL updates. All we got was essentially bug fixes since release.

I was hyped for that one Korean version, whatever happened to that?


LTS is featured but removed from mixtape so if you want to play LTS, you can't queue for anything else at the same time.

same thing happened with CTF. why would they do this?

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I don't think particle based weapons is the answer. It'd make it even harder to hit someone while you are flying in the air.

There's two ways to fix this

1. Weapon sway. This is what they did in Titanfall 1.

2. Less aim-assist while boots on the ground.

plus, reducing pilot glow would also contribute to making it harder for ground potatoes to pick you off with ease.

Aim assist was still pretty strong in the original. Camping a rooftop was probably also still a little too strong, but mitigated by the map the design to some extent.

Getting rid of orange glow will help very little. Pilots are still going to stick out like crazy because outside of two of the crappier game modes there's no AI or life to the maps to provide visual cover. In the projectile based utopia however orange glow just makes potatoes even more vulnerable. It's easier to see a guy flying around without an orange glow than it is to see someone crouched in a corner looking one direction.


Just bring back R1 MP :'(

Sliding is the only real positive addition outside of QoL updates. All we got was essentially bug fixes since release.

Going back to play Titanfall 1 even for a match scares me. The complexity and speed of that game is insane .

Aim assist was still pretty strong in the original. Camping a rooftop was probably also still a little too strong, but mitigated by the map the design to some extent.

Sure, but you had no pilot glow (which i think does make a difference), weapon sway if stationary, hipfire wasn't as accurate, the silhouettes were smaller and thinner, plus you had the strafe capabilities and the ability to pop stim to take extra damage.


Maaaaaaan, Frontier Defense in the original is so good.

The chatter, the maps, the Titan combat :'(

Here's hoping Titanfall 3 is basically 1 with 2s QoL updates
Man I goddamn love this game when I'm in the zone and no one is using bullshit weapons.

Just got a 3 kraber + phase shift finisher mega kill. <3
Maaaaaaan, Frontier Defense in the original is so good.

The chatter, the maps, the Titan combat :'(

Here's hoping Titanfall 3 is basically 1 with 2s QoL updates

....but this is a OT about Titanfall2 :/

Like, let's stay positive about the awesome things that Respawn DID achieve here in, what, a 2 year plus some change dev cycle?


....but this is a OT about Titanfall2 :/

Like, let's stay positive about the awesome things that Respawn DID achieve here in, what, a 2 year plus some change dev cycle?

What? Are we not allowed to hope for what we expected before the game even came out?

All we are promised is stuff from Titanfall 1, R101 and Colony, and maybe Crash Site? ~~ along with modes like MfD etc.

Respawn even asked if Brain or Battery is better -- Brain seemed to win on Reddit, but their response was "someday" making Battery better (btw I posted this here but no one bothered to join in the discussion) -- it is very clear that the main topic for Titanfall 2 right now is what could be more like the original and what was better.

For me:

- Advanced Controls
- Sliding (not the hopping)
- Campaign
- Cancelling Grenades
- Matchmaking (less bad for SoloQ
- FoV Slider for Console
- PC Optimisations (Ultrawide, SLI support etc.)

There's a mountain of stuff I prefer in the original but the list is huge:

- Map/Radar
- Bunnyhopping
- Art-style
- Chatter
- Minions
- Titan Combat (specifically speed and weapons)
- No Glow
- Music (and the fact that it played during MP)
- TTK (so much contributes to it seeming much higher)
- Maps
- Stats Page
- Weapon Challenges
- Regeneration Challenges
- Attrition (scores are better weighted, minions are better for getting a Titan)
- Titan Timer
- Burn Cards >>>> Amped Weapons
- No Sentries
- No Phase Shift (as cool as it is, it is frustrating AF and does kinda break some modes like CTF)
- It doesn't take 30% of the average Attrition Game for people to get a damn Titan
- Regenerating Shields
- Brain
- Holding Main, Side-arm and Anti-Titan in one go
- Doomed Titans (specifically Auto-Titans) die over time


Seemingly, all of that was changed to make a mode like PvP work.

Titanfall 1, if had the QoL stuff like better controls and FoV Slider and Advanced Controls, I would never load up it's sequel. I'm not really sure if I will. I would like to play in a party but it seems that Xbox players on this thread aren't really into that, and Titanfall 2 seems to punish me more for leaving EU datacenters anyway.

Like, Live Fire update was basically a bunch of bug fixes and a crappy mode. We got out Film Grain slider, we got out better Matchmaking, and OP/Annoying weapons were super nerfed. That's basically all we got since release... Along with a single Titanfall 1 map.

I don't think big updates are planned for this and I understand why they wouldn't admit that, but it's clear that Titanfall 2's MP was a misstep that won't be solve with future content updates.

Like, I'm still not Gen 10.49 because I haven't bothered to level up since early this year. I have played more Titanfall 1 MP during the update because when I load it up, I can't stop playing like it's crack.

I'm super grateful for all the new players that are populating the first game. It must be because of EA Access or kids getting it for cheap, there were so many literally Level 1s that were even on Mic yesterday. But I can find Attrition and Frontier Defense games (and Campaign) at like 4am UK.


Complaint... In Titanfall 2, if I melee a dude that is Doomed and he melees, he shouldn't NOT counter the execution. It looks stupid and it feels unresponsive. This melee partying feels like a gigantic bug. If it's intended, there's no audio /visual feedback.
What? Are we not allowed to hope for what we expected before the game even came out?

Titanfall 1, if had the QoL stuff like better controls and FoV Slider and Advanced Controls, I would never load up it's sequel. I'm not really sure if I will. I would like to play in a party but it seems that Xbox players on this thread aren't really into that, and Titanfall 2 seems to punish me more for leaving EU datacenters anyway.

Like, Live Fire update was basically a bunch of bug fixes and a crappy mode. We got out Film Grain slider, we got out better Matchmaking, and OP/Annoying weapons were super nerfed. That's basically all we got since release... Along with a single Titanfall 1 map.

I don't think big updates are planned for this and I understand why they wouldn't admit that, but it's clear that Titanfall 2's MP was a misstep that won't be solve with future content updates.

Like, I'm still not Gen 10.49 because I haven't bothered to level up since early this year. I have played more Titanfall 1 MP during the update because when I load it up, I can't stop playing like it's crack.

I'm super grateful for all the new players that are populating the first game. It must be because of EA Access or kids getting it for cheap, there were so many literally Level 1s that were even on Mic yesterday. But I can find Attrition and Frontier Defense games (and Campaign) at like 4am UK.

So.... got play TF1 then?

I see list of complaints (or preferences depending on who you are), And that's cool, because you know, opinions are awesome!
But it's like, you go on at length like TF2 is supposed to make YOU happy or owes you something, because, I don't know, you put a bajillion hours into across multiple platforms, you can 1000/1000 in record time, you have a crazy high KDR, etc.
Look, we get it, you love the franchise/put a shitton of time into it and thats.... fucking awesome!
But, everything you go on about (and CONTINUE to go on and on about) is merely YOUR opinion and while I do appreciate you sharing it.... at some point you need to just... I dunno, move on?

I seriously don't understand what you are trying to accomplish here because other than going on about how awesome you are at the game, how much time you put into and how you wish it was Titanfall1....

...it's like, not TF1, man!

But yeah, Titanfall 2 MP being a misstep is YOUR opinion and you're free to just stop engaging with it if it truly makes you unhappy.
Others in here tho, don't share your opinion (but I feel have left cause they got tired of hearing the same complaints over and over again from the same people) and are fine (for the most part) with the rate of which stuff is getting fixed, rolled out, etc., because maybe we play other games in the meantime? Maybe we understand what Respawn is trying to accomplish here? (for free, let's not forget that one), or maybe we really just don't care and can still have a modest amount of fun with it

There's constructive criticism and then there's just being difficult because you can...

I'm not trying to be asshole or anything but, yeah man, coming into this thread is just gotten increasingly more and more depressing and it just shouldn't be like that


Is Respawn being difficult when they ask to compare Brain vs. Battery?

I mean, damn, I only made that post because you pressed.

Ever think that pointing out issues in a game is because I like it?

Frontier Defense, which was the point of my OG post, is expected for Titanfall 2 (or at least was) before its release. Preliminary discussion on the mode sounds useful, no? Hoping that Respawn gives us a better version of the mode for this game.

As for the Campaign stuff. Was me saying that I am constantly playing the Campaign and discussing speed run strats bad? I'm beginning to think you dislike any post I make, positive or negative.

If you want this thread to be full of stuff other than discussion, criticism and meta, then share links of the many videos that we can all see in Reddit but not this thread.

See, I didn't post the one where Frothy was all like "you know, I'm not enjoying this game as much" and side-rants about Phase Shift, and preferring Titanfall 1.

It's literally the main topic leading up to their next content update, bringing Titanfall 1 stuff over.
Ever think that pointing out issues in a game is because I like it?

Yes, I have no doubt you clearly do and that's awesome, but from my perspective, it just sounds like you hit the ceiling with what the game had offer and now, it's just become about what it doesn't have and what it doesn't do for you anymore.
That's cool, but that doesn't necessarily apply to others who haven't exhausted themselves with it.

Frontier Defense, which was the point of my OG post, is expected for Titanfall 2 (or at least was) before its release. Preliminary discussion on the mode sounds useful, no? Hoping that Respawn gives us a better version of the mode for this game

It's literally the main topic leading up to their next content update, bringing Titanfall 1 stuff over.

Ah, cool, I actually didn't know they had planned to add it at some point!
That being said, I wouldn't expect that mode anytime soon. Seems like they're trying to pace themselves with content releases and are in it for the long haul

As for the Campaign stuff. Was me saying that I am constantly playing the Campaign and discussing speed run strats bad? I'm beginning to think you dislike any post I make, positive or negative.

That's awesome... I don't constantly replay the campaign, so i'm sorry if I couldn't relate or was indifferent to your post

See, I didn't post the one where Frothy was all like "you know, I'm not enjoying this game as much" and side-rants about Phase Shift, and preferring Titanfall 1.

...who's Frothy?


To correct myself, I meant Relic not CrashSite***

Yes, I have no doubt you clearly do and that's awesome, but from my perspective, it just sounds like you hit the ceiling with what the game had offer and now, it's just become about what it doesn't have and what it doesn't do for you anymore.
That's cool, but that doesn't necessarily apply to others who haven't exhausted themselves with it.

In all honestly, I would be playing more if I were able to use the Mozambique with a useful Anti-Titan weapon :'(. EPG got that mega nerf.

Ah, cool, I actually didn't know they had planned to add it at some point!
That being said, I wouldn't expect that mode anytime soon. Seems like they're trying to pace themselves with content releases and are in it for the long haul

I am curious as to why a a lot of leaked details came out but people didn't look deeper at the Horde mode stuff. We know it's coming. Respawn had said and the Live Fire update has some references to it.

Whether or not we get the same sort of minion variety is unknown. Relevantly, the mode was too hard for the most casual players in the original. More people = harder game, so much that two really god players could be weighed down and everyone loses. It would be nice if they addressed this.

That's awesome... I don't constantly replay the campaign, so i'm sorry if I couldn't relate or was indifferent to your post

It's my new Quake II in that sense and I do hope we see some sort of update. They nailed the Campaign so expanding on it or providing more content would be very welcome. Meanwhile I am content :) with replaying it.

...who's Frothy?

FrothyOmen, the dude EA paid to do a bunch of Titanfall 2 videos that got increasingly critical of Respawn haha. Up until the point where he claimed he wanted to make videos for another game (and some weird Segway about him buying a house...........)


I played Tf1 like 40hrs, I have played TF2 about 200hrs so far. So for me the game is much more fun and has become my go to game. My only complaints were those first 4 months of no support, and I hope they keep to their schedule now that they fixed some of the critical stuff.


I can't wait to get new maps for the game. I ended up liking all of them, but after playing them again and again and knowing all their ins and outs, I'm longing for something new.


I can't wait to get new maps for the game. I ended up liking all of them, but after playing them again and again and knowing all their ins and outs, I'm longing for something new.
I still hate crash site, I get stuck too much on rocks and crap while moving :/ I like a lot of the other maps though.
Recently got the game on PC, single player done (the movement and shooting in this game is crazy fun, I need more, its so damn smooth and fluid), I had only dabbled with TF1 multiplayer in a trial, but giving TF2 MP a blast. As far as I remember, Attrition was the main mode in TF1 so I've stuck to that in TF2. Trying to work out if I'm playing it correctly.

I'm basically going around shooting and killing every damn thing I see (the bots, human players and titans when they get them), and despite tearing it up, my team still keeps losing. Is that because I'm not doing something or just that my team sucks at killing too ? Is killing all the bots that appear even worth it or should I be focusing on titan's/human players ?


Recently got the game on PC, single player done (the movement and shooting in this game is crazy fun, I need more, its so damn smooth and fluid), I had only dabbled with TF1 multiplayer in a trial, but giving TF2 MP a blast. As far as I remember, Attrition was the main mode in TF1 so I've stuck to that in TF2. Trying to work out if I'm playing it correctly.

I'm basically going around shooting and killing every damn thing I see (the bots, human players and titans when they get them), and despite tearing it up, my team still keeps losing. Is that because I'm not doing something or just that my team sucks at killing too ? Is killing all the bots that appear even worth it or should I be focusing on titan's/human players ?

Killing minions is less important.

You want to try and get first to fall on your team, kill as many Pilots as possible. If you don't have a Titan, work on Titan damage to get yours back up. Kill Reapers when they spawn.


Yeah seriously, Devotion users camping on the other side of the map can frankly f.off. I thought they fixed this stupid weapon?

And Bounty Hunt and FFA are back to being dead...


Maybe we understand what Respawn is trying to accomplish here?

And love to hear your take on this. Oh, and for constructive criticism there's been plenty. Also, let's be fucking honest here- 5 months in and we have 10 maps: 1 horribly shitty that i quit out of all the time now (crash site), 1 shitty as fuck but ok for LTS (complex), and 1 remake (angel city) that doesn't play as well because of how crazy powerful the weapons are at rooftop shooting at range.

The game isn't a lost cause, i still have fun from time to time but there's things they could change immediately to make the game better, but they don't and they don't because the people left playing the game are the apologetic ones. Most that had a solid grasp of what Titanfall was, or could be have moved on.


And love to hear your take on this. Oh, and for constructive criticism there's been plenty. Also, let's be fucking honest here- 5 months in and we have 10 maps: 1 horribly shitty that i quit out of all the time now (crash site), 1 shitty as fuck but ok for LTS (complex), and 1 remake (angel city) that doesn't play as well because of how crazy powerful the weapons are at rooftop shooting at range.

The game isn't a lost cause, i still have fun from time to time but there's things they could change immediately to make the game better, but they don't and they don't because the people left playing the game are the apologetic ones. Most that had a solid grasp of what Titanfall was, or could be have moved on.

I still don't really get the hate for Complex. It's a map with mostly smooth walls for all running, long corridors for titan battles, lots of small passages for pilots to use to escape titans, verticality and high flank routes for people who take the time to learn them (the kill wall timer is long enough for someone to slide hop or grapple their way across the roof of the building for a huge flank), and no place where a team can be easily spawn camp (compared to Dry Dock or Crash Site).
Oh yeah, I forgot about the infamous couch.


Yes Crash Site is a lot of fun, with a design that opens many possibilities. I only occasionally get annoyed by the geometry when I use stim and run on the ground too fast to anticipate some rocks, but in regular gameplay I never have any issue any more. It probably helps knowing all the details of each part and the main routes for quick traversal. I guess you could spend most of your time wallrunning on that map.


just got back into tf2, damn i missed this game. they just need to drop some new content. things are getting repetitive and stale.
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