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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


not me
So I bought this game at launch but BF1 overruled it. Last night was my second night getting back into it. Thoughts as the night progressed:

Pre-dinner: I'm getting smoked, wtf is going on. Don't know any good guns, maybe I just need to find the one I like? And these other Titans are destroying me, how are you supposed to stay alive? Wallrunning is useless wtf.

Post-dinner. Ooo I like the LSTAR, actually killing people now. MP feels too repetitive though. Tried Tone out, liked her. What's a Monarch?

Midnight: Shit I'm hooked. Starting to kill pilots while wallrunning. Leveling Monarch is fun as hell. How many vacation days do I have left again and how mad would work be if I took one tomorrow?

Can't wait to play again tonight


Neo Member
Are any of the pistols useful in PvP?

Yep! Mozambique is still good enough to be a primary. The P2016 is underrated, and the Wingman is alright. Wingman Elite can be good if it works for you, but if it doesn't, it's the worst weapon in the game. RE-45 is the only sidearm which I wouldn't recommend.


Junior Member
People also don't seem to understand that the weapon nerfs are the high TTK implementations in a different method.

Well done Respawn, well done!

E92 M3

Respawn: Can I please transfer my Xbox profile to PS4. I need all of my gear, paint, and all of the cool emblem/patches!



I think Frontier Defense is pretty boring. There are way better Horde modes out there. Plus is it just me or is it really hard even on the lowest difficulty? I only played it 2 times, but didn't get past wave 4.


I think Frontier Defense is pretty boring. There are way better Horde modes out there. Plus is it just me or is it really hard even on the lowest difficulty? I only played it 2 times, but didn't get past wave 4.

I mean there's this one cliche....

But if you want, I'm happy to play with you if you wanna team up.
I only got the game recently and have been loving it, but I do find some of the customization progression lame. You're telling me I have to wallrun for like 100 hours or regenerate a dozen times just to have a decent orange skin? Come on.
Not a fan of frontier defence, not very flexible or interesting in terms of playstyles.

Turrets don't seem to be worth a heck of a lot, despite good positions, and unless your a frequent turret spammer in MP, it's hard to judge their range / whether they'd be useful.

Playing as a pilot sucks, because of all the nuclear ejections. Allies often kill titans you're rodeoing, or trigger nearby ejections that can kill you. At the same time you have to deal with the same nonsense that you would if they were a human opponent. Being randomly confronted by ticks, stepped on by a Titan, meleed by a Titan, etc.

Auto-titan AI is so bad that they just aren't useful. Even with the assault core installed AI scorch can't even achieve 1/4 of the score I could attain if I were piloting manually. Pathetic. Providing batteries to your team mates can be helpful, but at easy/medium I never needed to, and without a group of friends it was hard to coordinate who needed a battery and they would often buy them themselves.

As a result, the best strategy is the most boring one. Boost your titan, buy batteries between rounds, pilot your titan and kill everything. The interplay between Titan's and Pilots that features in MP is mostly lost, and it's just dull as a result.

Making things worse there's a really small number of purchasable items for you to buy, and they cost quite a bit. While it's a strategic choice on buying a turret, or a battery, there's very little strategic diversity with such few options. They should have just added lots of stuff in, and allowed players more strategic flexibility, more turrets and cheaper turrets, more shields and other strategic fortifications. Titan gameplay could also be more varied, as at the moment it's the same thing from waves 2-5, and not all that compelling because the AI behaviour is pretty poor. Would be nice to see titans become upgraded throughout the game, so as to encourage changes to player behaviour, and for the players focused on titans to make strategic decisions regarding how they want to play.


  • Better turrets
  • More strategic options (purchasable boosts from shop)
  • Give pilots a break, if you're going to throw in 20 nuclear Titans, allow them to survive the blast or at least purchase something to do so, don't let me get killed by a nuclear Titan that my team mate triggered, while I'm stuck rodeoing another nearby
  • Some mid-match progression for Titans would be nice, so your not doing the same thing from wave 2-5.


My experience has been the opposite, have had nothing but great teams playing regular. Hadn't lost a single wave in about 13 games, I thought regular was way too easy and then I played Hard. What on earth is that difficulty spike, it gets 10x harder, I wanted a bit more of a challenge but not that much haha.


I haven't had terrible teammates in FD when solo queueing, but so many people just leave or go afk! If the shield goes down at all during the first three rounds on normal, 1-2 people inevitably leave and then I'm left covering twice as many enemies as I should have to until somebody joins halfway through wave 5.

My general thoughts on what tians to use in FD (in order of best to worst IMO):
The more I play Northstar in FD, the more she seems like one of the best choices all around. Being able to move around faster than any other titan (except maybe ronin) as well as being able to fly over obstacles means that you can get out of any bad situation, the railgun can easily hit an opponent across the map for huge damage, and the tether traps are the only thing (besides body blocking) that can completely stop a nuke titan in its tracks.

Legion is great for doing damage against enemy titans, but even though you have more hp you can't get out of bad situations as well as Ronin or Northstar, and that chip damage adds up.

Tone is good because of the shield and ability to lock on to multiple targets, and is one of the better titans against infantry.

Ion is surprisingly ineffective in FD in my opinion. The normal gun doesn't do very much damage, and constantly being in combat means that you have to be more conscious about energy usage than normal games. Vortex shield can be useful at times (you're able to catch the mortar shots) but it drains super quickly and those situation are rare.

Ronin requires you to get really close to enemies in order to do damage, which in my mind means you'll die a lot, so running nuke eject is pretty much the only way I consider Ronin viable in FD. He's good against infantry in the first wave, but after that, I don't feel like he can do that much.

Monarch is good for giving allies shields, but otherwise seems to lack the damage output and defensive utility that the rest of the titans have. No hard cover, no way to slow enemies, and very few effective anti-infantry weapons.


  • Better turrets
  • More strategic options (purchasable boosts from shop)
  • Give pilots a break, if you're going to throw in 20 nuclear Titans, allow them to survive the blast or at least purchase something to do so, don't let me get killed by a nuclear Titan that my team mate triggered, while I'm stuck rodeoing another nearby
  • Some mid-match progression for Titans would be nice, so your not doing the same thing from wave 2-5.

I'd like to see more pilot play in general - it would have been cool if the maps had more internal rooms with objectives that had to be met requiring a lot of jumping in and out of titans etc. Yeah, the nuclear reactions are a bit much also.
I'd like to see more pilot play in general - it would have been cool if the maps had more internal rooms with objectives that had to be met requiring a lot of jumping in and out of titans etc. Yeah, the nuclear reactions are a bit much also.

Yeah, also need to increase the score reward for supporting allies and maybe add a reason for pilots to run around. An example would be allowing them to pick up cash from certain spawns inside buildings. They could then feed that into their teams stash, to help supply the team.

They really need to make some effort to help pilots fit the support role. At the moment running around grabbing batteries just isn't worthwhile.

TIcks are also super annoying for pilots, due to the sheer number of them and instant kill. Shouldn't one hit kill in my opinion.


Once again to reiterate: If you leave a game of FD because the shield go down once, you are an asshole and everyone hates you.

Just 2-manned a normal difficulty game after the harvester took 1% damage on the second wave and two people left, and nobody else matchmade in. We never failed a wave and made it through 2 of the remaining 3 waves without the harvester taking damage.
Once again to reiterate: If you leave a game of FD because the shield go down once, you are an asshole and everyone hates you.

Just 2-manned a normal difficulty game after the harvester took 1% damage on the second wave and two people left, and nobody else matchmade in. We never failed a wave and made it through 2 of the remaining 3 waves without the harvester taking damage

I've done this. Sorry. I got bored and didn't want to sit through another round.

I assumed it would just put other people in. I probably just won't play the mode in future, to be honest.
I'd like to see more pilot play in general - it would have been cool if the maps had more internal rooms with objectives that had to be met requiring a lot of jumping in and out of titans etc. Yeah, the nuclear reactions are a bit much also.
I've only played a few matches but I did spend 90% of the time in my titan, which is fun of course, but I thought it would be a better mix of pilot and titan gameplay.

But I also expect that as the difficulty goes up I'm not going to have my titan nearly as much. Maybe it works out.

One thing I'm unclear on this mode is what changes with each difficulty level. Is it just the number of retries? And does every level have the same wave structure on replays? Does it change with difficulty?

Guess I'll find out one way or another soon enough.


Legit bad timing for this and Nioh update being on the same day ;( I'm thinking about playing FD but I might well miss it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I had sword core for 5 minutes straight in FD using the little perk that lets you extend it based on kills

only reason I lost it was a titan fell on me
All remake maps that leaked were all released, no idea what will come next.

More Live Fire, of course!

All honesty though, I hope each major update has more than 2 maps added to Frontier Defense, it does get tiring playing the same 5 set of maps on repeat when grinding aegis rankings just so I can use all of my titans on higher difficulties
Had a really close game of Attrition today it was 500 vs 497 when the game ended and that was after my team came back from being down almost 100 points.
Ok, so just started playing with Monarch in Frontier Defense. Can someone please explain how to play with him? Coming from other titans, this one seems kind of weak.


not me
Ok, so just started playing with Monarch in Frontier Defense. Can someone please explain how to play with him? Coming from other titans, this one seems kind of weak.

Starts weak but that's kinda the point. Once you get kills you can "level up" her Core to get more bonuses. Leveling her core restores her shields to full. She also has an Execution which restores her shields to full, and an ability that gives her shields when she hits an enemy with it. So basically I keep my shields up and pop out to rocket enemies whenever my rockets are up, then go in close and melee execute to get my shields back up.

What's the best class ability you guys think? I love the Grapple Hook's mobility but the Holo double seems pretty cool, too. I tried using A. Wall but usually just forgot I had it.
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