Mostly mods moving it to community about 2-3 weeks after the game came out without telling any of the users (including Izuma who is in charge of this glorious OT) or responding to anyone asking about it.
Meanwhile, NBA 2K17 (released in september), Hitman(released in march), and Battleflied 1 (released a week before Titanfall2 in mid october) OT's are still in gaming side. Battlefield 1 is even still on OT1 despite being supposedly much more popular than TF|2, so nothing makes sense.
It doesn't make sense especially since it was very active. Some mod must just not like the game and moved it. While they are turning a blind eye to the others.
Anyway, hopefully Respawn posts some updates on future DLC. We can always make a big post there in Gaming when big stuff is announced.
Like a roadmap Hint Hint Respawn!