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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"

edit: Is this normal?


Like, there are worse examples. I am sure it's due to lag. But, is this at all by design?

It's normal and lag, it's the same as going around a corner and being killed. You're not immune if you go into phase, you died before you entered it on your opponents screen.

Okay. I can't get the hang of the Alternator; however, the Mozambique is a fucking beast.

Is it maybe because you're aiming down the sights with the alternator? You never want to ADS with that gun. There's no benefit to it whatsoever, it increases the spread dramatically due to the 'sway' that's added to ADS which isn't present on hip fire.
Switched from stealth auto ejection to nuclear ejection thingy with Titan. Getting more kills now from the blast but died a couple times from not ejecting the titan in time. Not having to bother with ejecting was nice but getting killed again and again from other Titans exploding, i wanted to try it too.

What Tone kit are you riding (ps4) ? Had the particle wall upgrade all the time but I'm considering a change. 3 shots for the 40mm are not really worth imo but the extra tracker rockets seem good since you use them pretty often.

Phase Shift can prevent a nuclear ejection death.


In the London data centre (I get 50ms lowest on my ass connection), I get killed this way a lot less, but in New York it's like every other death haha.

I'm wondering if someone with lower ping might not have this issue.

I really dislike this CoD-like netcode. If EU dies, so does my ability to play :'(
I really dislike the servers in this game. I live in San Diego, so it usually connects me to Salt Lake or Oregon. It says my ping is like 60ms, but I always have around 100ms in game. It’s just annoying because in BF1 my ping is always 25-50ms. I mean I already do well enough, so it makes me wonder how well I would do if I actually had a decent ping. Like who puts a server in Salt Lake? A few times I've got better connections to the one in Dallas.

No Love

I really dislike the servers in this game. I live in San Diego, so it usually connects me to Salt Lake or Oregon. It says my ping is like 60ms, but I always have around 100ms in game. It’s just annoying because in BF1 my ping is always 25-50ms. I mean I already do well enough, so it makes me wonder how well I would do if I actually had a decent ping. Like who puts a server in Salt Lake? A few times I've got better connections to the one in Dallas.

Same here. Live in SD, get 50 ping to Salt Lake or Dallas. I ping 4-8 ms in Rocket League for example. Sucks because my ping should be 10-20 to a server/data center. Got the best home Internet around yet this game doesn't ping as good as any other game I've got.


Majority of my sessions are like 100-150.

The first game just feels so much better in this regard.

I'm gunna try this game at Uni and see if firefights are much easier. Because they are for sure harder in East US.


Junior Member
In Oregon myself, I'm getting 13 ms to both servers and about 45-60 ms in game. Never had any issues but I am fairly low lag.


Majority of my sessions are like 100-150.

The first game just feels so much better in this regard.

I'm gunna try this game at Uni and see if firefights are much easier. Because they are for sure harder in East US.

I only have that high pings when I play on US Centers from Eu.


lol you people complaining about 50-100ms ping....

the LOWEST I ever played with is 150 and on average its hovers around 180ms

sucks that the closest data center is a few thousand miles away from me :(


LOL if you play from China your average ping will be 400-500ms unless you reroute your PC/console to Japan or Hong Kong.

You talking to me? I am in Kuwait so I am between Japan and EU and Japan server is like 400ms for me, while EU is 150ms. So I stick with EU


Like, in London, I never die while Doomed unless I get jumped on for an execution or Flame Core.

In East US, I can barely eject in time.

Pilot Sentries with 130+ms is like... they kill you in two shots or something, and the R201 is like instant death.

I also feel that Legion is "stronger" if you face him with higher ping. In London, he's weak as shit, but increase the ping? He's impossible to even trade with, with either Tone or Ronin. At least in Halo 5 you "feel" the opponent getting the 4 shots (while you have to shoot like, 8 lol)


I'm G9.12... I think I'm going to marathon until G10 and stop there.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
My London ping is consistently 23ms. Same with the Belgium ones. Only good thing about Virgin.

Is it maybe because you're aiming down the sights with the alternator? You never want to ADS with that gun. There's no benefit to it whatsoever, it increases the spread dramatically due to the 'sway' that's added to ADS which isn't present on hip fire.

Nah, I only ADS at long distance. Close range hipfire kills I would've had with the Volt, the CAR, even the Mozambique, didn't seem to connect nearly as frequently with the Alternator. Not sure why.


Nah, I only ADS at long distance. Close range hipfire kills I would've had with the Volt, the CAR, even the Mozambique, didn't seem to connect nearly as frequently with the Alternator. Not sure why.

My suggestion is to not try and "correct" your aim if the crosshair is on them. You only need a few hits, and it'll connect eventually.


I fucking LOVE the Mozambique

My London ping is consistently 23ms. Same with the Belgium ones. Only good thing about Virgin.

Nah, I only ADS at long distance. Close range hipfire kills I would've had with the Volt, the CAR, even the Mozambique, didn't seem to connect nearly as frequently with the Alternator. Not sure why.

It might sound counter intuitive but long distance is when you don't want to ADS, it makes it worse. This is true of all SMGs because of the ADS sway

Here's what I mean


Left is the result of tap firing with hip fire, right is the result of tap firing with ADS. The weapons natural sway in ADS makes the spread pattern really poor. I took this for some other purpose a while a go, but it shows what I mean.

Missing up close though I can't explain. The weapon carries more risk than the faster firing SMGs since if you miss a shot it takes longer till the next round is fired than with others, but it's certainly not weaker in terms of time to kill, and it's a hitscan like the others too.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Yup. Tried it out last night and it was awesome.

Should rename it the MozamBeast.

It might sound counter intuitive but long distance is when you don't want to ADS, it makes it worse. This is true of all SMGs because of the ADS sway

Here's what I mean


Left is the result of tap firing with hip fire, right is the result of tap firing with ADS. The weapons natural sway in ADS makes the spread pattern really poor. I took this for some other purpose a while a go, but it shows what I mean.

Well now. No reason for me to use ADS at all then! :D

Missing up close though I can't explain. The weapon carries more risk than the faster firing SMGs since if you miss a shot it takes longer till the next round is fired than with others, but it's certainly not weaker in terms of time to kill, and it's a hitscan like the others too.

Yeah. I switched back to CAR and Volt. Didn't have any problems getting the kills up close. Really odd. I'll give it another shot tonight and see if I'm just being an idiot.
Yup. Tried it out last night and it was awesome.

Should rename it the MozamBeast.

Well now. No reason for me to use ADS at all then! :D

Yeah. I switched back to CAR and Volt. Didn't have any problems getting the kills up close. Really odd. I'll give it another shot tonight and see if I'm just being an idiot.

Yeah I'd give it another go, the alternator and Volt are my favourites. I think the Alternator is my favourite overall since it's a little bit better at range than the others, and it's pretty nice up close. If I recall correctly it has a faster time to kill than CAR and Volt.


It might sound counter intuitive but long distance is when you don't want to ADS, it makes it worse. This is true of all SMGs because of the ADS sway

Here's what I mean


Left is the result of tap firing with hip fire, right is the result of tap firing with ADS. The weapons natural sway in ADS makes the spread pattern really poor. I took this for some other purpose a while a go, but it shows what I mean.

Missing up close though I can't explain. The weapon carries more risk than the faster firing SMGs since if you miss a shot it takes longer till the next round is fired than with others, but it's certainly not weaker in terms of time to kill, and it's a hitscan like the others too.
What in the world? This is not expected behavior.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I'd give it another go, the alternator and Volt are my favourites. I think the Alternator is my favourite overall since it's a little bit better at range than the others, and it's pretty nice up close. If I recall correctly it has a faster time to kill than CAR and Volt.

It does? It felt like it didn't do as much damage to me. Weird. I must have been missing shots like a good un :D

I'm flipping between the CAR and Volt as my main at the moment. I'm G3+ on the former. Not sure why, but it feels a little better than the Volt, though (thinking about it) that could be because I'm more used to it.


edit: Is this normal?


Like, there are worse examples. I am sure it's due to lag. But, is this at all by design?

I have always 50ms ping and I die like that at least few times per match.
Im 100% sure its because of 20tick.
100% same thing happened in BF2 or BF3 when they had 10 or 20tick servers, dying all the time behind corners etc.


I have always 50ms ping and I die like that at least few times per match.
Im 100% sure its because of 20tick.
100% same thing happened in BF2 or BF3 when they had 10 or 20tick servers, dying all the time behind corners etc.

When are we playing?


One thing we all ate serious crow on was the movement huh. Remember when everyone was going crazy? Lol

My wall bounces/slide hops are so insanely fast flag running in pubs is downright unfair .

It's too bad majority of the player base will never experience this aspect of the game which to me is the number 1 thing that separates it from other shooters.

The elite should start coming standard with all Xbox ones. It makes the movement effortless


I still hate slide-hopping, actually ;/

only thing that has grown on me is Titan combat, to an extent.

when playing in a real "team" you have to coordinate to oppress the other team, rather than merely "being there" in a group


I sure a hub could be "faulty" in that sense, but he claims he gets lag even with the extension cable plugged out.


After playing a whole night.

Y'all are really wrong about the Archer. There are so many situations that are just beautiful with it. The EPG (with glitch) is super hard to pull off with consistency, but I'd imagine with m+kb it's fine. Apparently, the splash damage glitch also works with Ion and his Vortex Shield, so aim at the feet for a boost of damage.


edit: Is this normal?


Like, there are worse examples. I am sure it's due to lag. But, is this at all by design?

That gif happens to me every single game and I usually have a ping lower than 10, most of the time less than 5. I'm directly on a data center with fast internet. The server setup they have now just isn't good. I hope they actually address it eventually, but I'm expecting them to just ignore it at this point.

Balance patch and roadmap coming when? I'm still surprised they didn't get the roadmap out by the end of last year. Gotta expect Hemlok, Devotion, and Sentry changes here and probably another 1% tweak on a Tone skill. Every pub match I've played recently is just 5 Tones with nuclear eject and a Ronin running auto doomed-phased nuke.


That gif happens to me every single game and I usually have a ping lower than 10, most of the time less than 5. I'm directly on a data center with fast internet. The server setup they have now just isn't good. I hope they actually address it eventually, but I'm expecting them to just ignore it at this point.

Balance patch and roadmap coming when? I'm still surprised they didn't get the roadmap out by the end of last year. Gotta expect Hemlok, Devotion, and Sentry changes here and probably another 1% tweak on a Tone skill. Every pub match I've played recently is just 5 Tones with nuclear eject and a Ronin running auto doomed-phased nuke.

On ps4 I'm seeing more Legions then Tones with a couple Northstar and Ronins mixed in. See less and less Torch and Ion is really rare. Just my observation.


It's like 80% Tone, 10% Ion and 10% Ronin

The rest of the Titans don't matter because they die so quickly I probably never get to see them.


Yeah I'd give it another go, the alternator and Volt are my favourites. I think the Alternator is my favourite overall since it's a little bit better at range than the others, and it's pretty nice up close. If I recall correctly it has a faster time to kill than CAR and Volt.

I would second the Alternator, once you get used to it the gun wrecks. Up close the only thing that would beat it is a shotgun. Car is a nice middle ground between Alternator and Volt.


On ps4 I'm seeing more Legions then Tones with a couple Northstar and Ronins mixed in. See less and less Torch and Ion is really rare. Just my observation.

Yeah, I'm on PS4 but mainly see Tone. Scorch is basically extinct in my recent experience. Northstar use doesn't seem too much higher.

It's like 80% Tone, 10% Ion and 10% Ronin

The rest of the Titans don't matter because they die so quickly I probably never get to see them.

This matches my experience. Maybe Respawn should consider balance changes that actually move the needle. I appreciate them not wildly swinging the balance with every patch, but just letting the same shit linger forever isn't my favorite either.


Yeah, I'm on PS4 but mainly see Tone. Scorch is basically extinct in my recent experience. Northstar use doesn't seem too much higher.

This matches my experience. Maybe Respawn should consider balance changes that actually move the needle. I appreciate them not wildly swinging the balance with every patch, but just letting the same shit linger forever isn't my favorite either.

What game mode do you normally play?

Attrition - Mostly Tones/Legions with one or two others
Bounty Hunt- Type of Titan doesn't seem to matter as much
Last Titan Standing - See a lot more Northstars and Ronin's
Amped Hardpoint & Capture the Flag - Dont pay enough attention to what Titans are used.

Play some mixtape and it will change things up a little :)


What game mode do you normally play?

Attrition - Mostly Tones/Legions with one or two others
Bounty Hunt- Type of Titan doesn't seem to matter as much
Last Titan Standing - See a lot more Northstars and Ronin's
Amped Hardpoint & Capture the Flag - Dont pay enough attention to what Titans are used.

Play some mixtape and it will change things up a little :)

I play almost all attrition as it's the mode I find the most enjoyable, but the lack of diversity in opponents is a bit of a drain. Some of it is probably because I'm running in a 5 man squad since I got my friends to pick up the game and we're playing premade min-max teams.

Chris R

Just saying, I loved the SP campaign.

It wasn't perfect, and I'd like to see something a little bit longer, but it was really fun for the most part (outside of those spider bombs)
Looking to get back in MP after binging on FF15. Did the devs make any updates since the Angel City Most Wanted back at the end of November? Looked online and didn't seem like they had.

Hemlock still ballin'? Tone still needing a nerf?


Finally playing through this game's campaign. This is the first shooter in a long time where I just don't want to stop playing. Just finished the first part where it made me feel like they've been hanging out with Remedy, haha.

Excellent game!

Between Infinite Warfare, Doom, and Titanfall 2.... TF2 has certainly taking the top spot.


Junior Member
It's like 80% Tone, 10% Ion and 10% Ronin

The rest of the Titans don't matter because they die so quickly I probably never get to see them.
Last time I was playing against an entire team on Tones of which I was lucky enough to Titanfall on two of them. Made me smile.

I wasn't a Tone.


I play almost all attrition as it's the mode I find the most enjoyable, but the lack of diversity in opponents is a bit of a drain. Some of it is probably because I'm running in a 5 man squad since I got my friends to pick up the game and we're playing premade min-max teams.

I agree thats the best mode. When you have a solid group mixtape is pretty good. That way you or someone on your team can try a goofy loadout and be safe.

Last Titan Standing with a full team of Ronins!


I can't seem to do well in Angel City even though I like the map.

I can go from a match having 20+ kills then Angel City pops up and I can barely get 5 kills :(

No Love

I would pay for a full fledged expansion pack. The only thing this game needs is way more content. Bring all the TF1 maps and new ones. Release 2-3 maps a month. Make new playlists for new maps.


PC Titanfall 2 feels very... I dunno, like, I feel like the netcode may be different or something? I haven't had any in-phase deaths and I can "see" the damage my weapons do.

Maybe Xbox Titanfall 2 just runs poorly or something.
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