
ANNThis year's 31st issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is announcing on Monday that Tite Kubo's long-running Bleach manga is approaching its ending. The magazine teased the number of chapters before the manga would end, but purposefully obscured the number.
The manga entered its final story arc in February 2012.
ANNThe 73rd volume of Tite Kubo's long-running Bleach manga revealed on Monday that the 74th volume will be the last. The final volume will ship this fall. This year's 31st issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine also announced on Monday that the manga is approaching its ending.
Bleach will END on Shonen Jump Issue 38 (August 22) with "big news" in the same issue.
mangahelpersBleach will end finaly in Jump 38 (22/08). And will have color page.
Bleach will have big news in Jump 38 (22/08)
Big News: Bleach live action film for 2018
Hope they announce a new anime too.