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TMZ Releases Video of Suge Knight Fatal Hit and Run

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TMZ putting ding sounds next to the arrows seems like it's Bill Nye showing a science experiment video.

That's kind of weird.
To be clear, if a guy rushes my window and starts beating me and waiving a gun around, he's getting run over. The second guy he runs over is clearly with intent to kill and that guy did not look like he was threatening his life at that moment.
I honestly think he intended to kill cle bones and the second guy just happened to be in the path.
Christ on a cracker, leave it to TMZ to turn A VIDEO OF SOMEONE BEING RUN OVER AND KILLED into near-comedy with their giant watermark, graphics, and dings.


I honestly think he intended to kill cle bones and the second guy just happened to be in the path.
Suge is a dirty piece of space always has been. He ran over them on purpose. Just killed the wrong target. With the animosity between him and Dre. No way he went there to make peace.
That's clearly murder and he did it without an hesitance so he probably thought he'd get away with it.

Also me and suge have the same taste in vehicles.
Suge is a dirty piece of space always has been. He ran over them on purpose. Just killed the wrong target. With the animosity between him and Dre. No way he went there to make peace.
I agree I never said he didn't purposely run them over. I do think he really wanted cle bones dead though the one who approached his driver side window. The other guy being there in suges path doesn't justify suge actually killing him.


Can't sympathize with the first dude, he was armed and beating him, he got that coming. Everyone know what kind of person Suge is, a straight up psychopath with a lot of bodies on his back.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Damn, well if that was a gun that dude pulled and it was on me I'd probably run them down as well.

Probably a case for self defence if it was a gun. Gonna be a crazy trial.
That doesn't mean he didn't, doesn't mean he did either. Trial will be interesting.
if the reason he was run over was cause he pulled a gun on suge then how could it have been removed from his waistband while he was injured on the ground from a bystander? The gun would have been in his hand or on the ground if he actually had it out prior to being ran over.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Wow he fucking gunned it right over that second guy, even through the blur out you can see his body snap back from the speed of the impact.

Suge is a piece of shit, not that we didn't know that.

Also the dings in the video live up to TMZ's stellar reputation for class and decency.


What the fuck is with the comical dings and colorful arrows edited in? This is like a LiveLeak video edited by a fourth grader.


surely the guy at the window wasnt waving a gun around if the other guy had to come and take it out of his waist band. It would have went flying when he got hit the first time

Also why the fuck were people so nonchalant about getting run down? The two people that wernt hit just walked around for ten seconds acting like nothing happened, would have thought they would be straight to helping them

I think those people have seen some shit in their lifetime.


His story does seem plausible. If he knows all these guys are armed, one of them goes up to his window and starts beating him, he guns it in reverse and hits him, and his crew starts coming, I can see him fearing for his life.

After the first guy gets hit, it looks like Terry puts his hand on his waist, almost like, I'm about to start shooting when you start driving away. Tough spot to be in. Maybe he could have just driven away and ducked, hoping no bullets hit him? Suge is a big dude, aka big target, hard to miss if you shoot at him.

It definitely looks like if he started driving down that street they'd start shooting, so I don't know how to feel about it. I think he gets off, a case can be made here for self-defense, and it shouldn't be that controversial or unjust. It's just too unclear to make it a clear murder charge.
The victim was apparently an OG Piru from another set than Suge's. I'm surprised still alive at this point.

It's the dude from Training Day


Whaaaa? Crazy. How does this guy (full time or part time actor and an activist) somehow get into a violent confrontation with Suge. It just isn't worth solving problems in a possibly fatal manner.

How does a famous athlete go to prison for murdering people? Everyone has a past, some are far worse than others.
Whaaaa? Crazy. How does this guy (full time or part time actor and an activist) somehow get into a violent confrontation with Suge. It just isn't worth solving problems in a possibly fatal manner.

Training Day cast actual gang members for many of the gang roles in the film. The guy who died was allegedly an OG. Perhaps not active but he was in a set.


What the hell at the dude getting run over and then the other guy comes and grabs whats most likely a gun and puts it in his waistband ?
surely the guy at the window wasnt waving a gun around if the other guy had to come and take it out of his waist band. It would have went flying when he got hit the first time

Also why the fuck were people so nonchalant about getting run down? The two people that wernt hit just walked around for ten seconds acting like nothing happened, would have thought they would be straight to helping them

Bystander Effect
Even if the first guy was waving a gun, Suge was already in the street and he could have gotten away. Instead he jams it in drive and floors it back into the lot. Even if the first hit was an accident and in self defense, he sure as shit meant to hurt someone on his second pass.
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