Che said:
In other words: "Money money money, and I would also like to emphasize, money money money."
When some of you greedy assholes, who vote Bush just thinking your pockets, die, don't forget to put all your precious blood money in your graves, and bury with them. Afterall they were your closest friends and the most important thing for you. Innocent human lives, animals, forests, children, all these are meaningless and come second.
Just because some Bush supporters on this board support a flat tax doesn't mean they are more greedy. The whole "he who dies with the most toys, still dies" mantra isn't lost on the "ignorant" side of the political spectrum.
Actually, the more Republican states (in the South) are more generous as they give a higher percentage of their income toward charaties, etc...
This has been reported many times, even on CNN, NBC, etc...
Places in the Northeast (heavily Democratic) give lesser amounts.
Liberals may just counter that it's only because it's "The Bible Belt" or whatever, but regardless of the reason, facts are facts.
As a general rule, Republican states are less greedy than Democratic states (regardless of exceptions like greedy CEO's, etc...)
State Having Rank Giving Rank Rank Relation Generosity Index
Mississippi 50 6 44 1
Arkansas 47 5 42 2
South Dakota 45 8 37 3
Oklahoma 43 10 33 4
Alabama 41 9 32 5
Tennessee 35 3 32 6
Louisiana 44 12 32 7
Utah 30 2 28 8
South Carolina 39 14 25 9
Idaho 42 20 22 10
North Dakota 46 29 17 11
Wyoming 18 1 17 12
Texas 19 4 15 13
West Virginia 48 33 15 14
Nebraska 34 21 13 15
North Carolina 27 15 12 16
Florida 21 13 8 17
Kansas 26 19 7 18
Missouri 29 23 6 19
Georgia 16 11 5 20
The top 20 most generous states supported Bush in 2000.
For all the attacking Democrats do about Republicans being greedy, facts and figures show a different story.
Mississippi may be the poorest state in the Union, but they are #6 in giving.
BTW, while I agree that Republicans aren't doing anything to help the environment, I disagree they aren't pushing towards helping innocent human lives and children. They are tougher on crime and also helped pass a bill to outlaw partial birth abortion.
I go to a very conservative, pro-Republican school (Texas A&M, although not for those reasons, mostly cause the tuition and room and board are dirt cheap compared to other major colleges). The people here are very giving and unselfish. It didn't hit me all at once, but after being here for 3 years, it became obvious to me how generous the community was. It's pretty amazing (and unlike the "limousine liberals", it's very sincere).
The reason I noticied is because it's quite different from my regular hometown (on the border with Texas and Mexico). Attitudes are very different and after spending a few semesters here, I could see the difference. While I may disagree with some of the other students on some social issues, it doesn't take away from how I feel about their more generous nature in comparison to the communities I'm in when I'm not here.