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To hell with The Halo's and Half Life's, its all about the F.E.A.R. (56K = bad)


I can't believe I overlooked this game, even though it was shown at E3.

Gamespots E3 Impressions:


Some excerpts:
In F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault and Reconnaissance), you play the member of an elite military unit tasked with dealing with the supernatural and paranormal. Think of it as a military version of The X-Files, or as the elite commando teams you controlled in X-Com.

When you arrive at the skyscraper you’re dropped onto the roof under heavy fire. The Black Hawk quickly takes off and the door gunner opens up with his chaingun, shredding the mysterious, black-clad commandos shooting at you.

Once you’re inside, it’s clear that something is not right. The lights are flickering strangely, and even your helmet-mounted flashlight doesn’t seem to work correctly. After battling through rooms full of commandos, you start to come upon some really strange stuff--like the fact that there are torn and shredded bodies everywhere, yet no bullet holes or brass casing to indicate what killed them.

Then while riding in an elevator, the lights start to flicker, and without trying to spoil things, let’s just say you start seeing things in the elevator. We’ve seen a lot of horror games before, but there are some really creepy moments in this game.

Needless to say, the commandos met a very grisly fate. The closest we can liken it is to imagine the Japanese horror movie The Ring meets Half-Life.

And in perhaps the coolest move, your character can leap into the air and dropkick an opponent, which is the first time we’ve ever seen that happen in a first-person shooter.

Unfortunately, neither Monolith nor Vivendi were very talkative about details after the demo. F.E.A.R. will ship sometime in 2005, and we’ll definitely keep you up to date about this very promising title.
Its from the makers of NOLF, so its bound to be awesome. But the direct-feed demo movie from E3 that Gamespot has is awesome. They can be found here:


But the screens are nice to look at also.
















CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
The pictures dont do the games atmosphere justice, you have to watch the High Quality videos from Gamesport in order together, not just one video.

It looks like in that video they have god mode on, it does look to be quite hard.



F.E.A.R. looks sweet man, but it isn't until next year. And probably the second half of the year at that.

I'll buy all three.


Yeah, it is a game for next year, but for some reason, I still can't help but anticipate this the most, despite the fact that Halo and (maybe) Half Life are just around the corner.

And you also have Irrational Games doing that System Shock inspired game "Bioshock". 2005's going to be a fun year.


FEAR was somewhat overlooked at E3 since it was only shown in a theatre.

It is freaking awesome though!


Duckhuntdog said:
I'd take Shogo 2 over this any day. Well it's Lithtech, so it's 50/50 chance it's either good or bad.
lithtech has made some major improvements since the previous versions. The FEAR engine is on par with Doom III.


Duckhuntdog said:
I'd take Shogo 2 over this any day. Well it's Lithtech, so it's 50/50 chance it's either good or bad.

Actually, according to what Gamespot says, its not using Lithtech:
One of the biggest surprises of F.E.A.R. is that it isn’t using any of the LithTech engine technology that Monolith incorporates in all of its first-person shooters. The game uses brand-new engine technology that doesn’t even have a name yet, but it’s cutting edge, supporting DirectX 9 graphic features.
So, who knows eh? :)


Monolith = your daddy. The thought of a NOLF game with this engine makes me hard. And not just cause Cate would look hot in it.

Oh, and is it just me or is the fat dude using his dual monitor support to eye a Nestle's Crunch-esque candy bar?


One of the biggest surprises of F.E.A.R. is that it isn’t using any of the LithTech engine technology that Monolith incorporates in all of its first-person shooters. The game uses brand-new engine technology that doesn’t even have a name yet, but it’s cutting edge, supporting DirectX 9 graphic features.
not really true. it is based off of their previous engines, touchdown entertainment (formerly lithtech) has the rights to market it and they are calling it 'FEAR' (lame).
But they have some smarter guys there making the FEAR technology the best engine Monolith has ever made.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Good graphics, Monolith will never produce a game as good as Halo/Halflife though, they don't have it in them.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Well who says they cannot, not every game company has a 100% rock solid record. There is nothing stoping them from not creating a great game and so far from the early impressions i believe they are well on their way to suceeding.



Schafer said:
Good graphics, Monolith will never produce a game as good as Halo/Halflife though, they don't have it in them.
i dont know about that. no one would have guessed Bungie was capiable of Halo before it came out. Monolith also has various Game of the Year awards for AVP2 and the NOLF series. Mostly Monolith has been tied down due to deadlines and budgets. Hopefully FEAR doesn't fall into that same situation.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
element said:
i dont know about that. no one would have guessed Bungie was capiable of Halo before it came out.

Keep on smoking them there drugs.

Marathon 1-3 = Award winning FPS series well ahead of its time
Myth 1/2 = Award winning strategy games that revolutionized how RTS games were designed

Bungie had a track record as an amazing developer before they started Halo.


Schafer said:
Keep on smoking them there drugs.

Marathon 1-3 = Award winning FPS series well ahead of its time
Myth 1/2 = Award winning strategy games that revolutionized how RTS games were designed

Bungie had a track record as an amazing developer before they started Halo.
your point?

TRON 2.0 = multiple GOTY
NOLF 2 = Multiple GOTY
NOLF1 = 6 individual GOTY awards

All I'm saying is don't count them out. They have the pedigree of making very high quality games, and now have the funding to compete with the Valve, Bungie, and IDs which was holding them back.


Tag of Excellence
Monolith has been very consistant and is continually providing great FPS games for the PC. Sure they might not produce a Half Life 2 every couple of years but I think their track record and quick turnaround time atleat counts for something.


Unconfirmed Member
DeadStar said:

oh man :lol

At least his pants are up.

This game looks fucking amazing, really. If I wasn't so hungover and lovesick, I'd write more enthusings. But I am so I won't.
Folder said:
If I wasn't so hungover and lovesick, I'd write more enthusings. But I am so I won't.

I told you to come over and love my shlong, man from spong.


game looks like poor man's stalker; token black guy and latino/asian chick looks like they're made from plastic


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The lengthy game demonstration WAS f*cking awesome, I must admit. I hope they fix the damn weapon movement, though. I hate the way it bounced around while walking (reminded me of DXIW).

The concept is extremely cool, though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
gollumsluvslave said:
AVP was Rebellion if I remember correctly

Yep, Rebellion was AVP PC and Jaguar (different games, of course). I believe they went on to make that recent Robocop game. Monolith took over with part 2.

The original PC version of AVP was quite a bit better than the sequel, though. The game was a very intense experience. It's a shame they crumbled to the pressures of the community and added a quicksave feature later on, though.

Monolith has made more games than those listed, however (non-FPS, of course). For example, they made "Claw", which was a nice little high-res platformer for the PC which was also one of the first games to ship on both DVD and CD. They also made Sanity: Aiken's Artifact, Septerra Core, Gruntz, Get Medieval, Rage of Mages (1 and 2), Maabus (lotsa discs) and Odium. I've played all of those games EXCEPT Sanity, which I've heard rather bad things about, and Gruntz.
Blood, AVP2 & Tron were all good games, but not really GOTY material.
Blood 2 was terrible.
This looks nice, but so did Doom 3 :D



No, but seriously, this looks f'ing awesome. I totally overlooked this game, and expected it to be a turd. I was wrong.


This looks like a huge amalgamation of The Ring, Splinter Cell, unconvincing destructible environments, and Doom 3 lighting. Meh.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Rahul said:
This looks like a huge amalgamation of The Ring, Splinter Cell, unconvincing destructible environments, and Doom 3 lighting. Meh.

Did you actually watch the lengthy demonstration? It's pretty slick...
Schafer said:
Good graphics, Monolith will never produce a game as good as Halo/Halflife though, they don't have it in them.

Blood = rox
Shogo = sux
Blood 2= sux
NOLF = rox
NOLF2 = rox<NOLF
AVP2 = sux
TRON = sux<AVP2
Cntrct JACK = sux

And every game has had framerate problems almost two years after release. It would not be wise to get your hopes up.



I fucking love this screen. Anyway, I think it has a little too much of the Doom 3 plastic look, but I'm still looking forward to it.


Looks fantastic!! If it plays decent, hell i'd settle for Soilder of Fortune gameplay it will rock!



It does seem to have a lot of that Doom 3 "plastic look", though I think its less pronounced in the environments than it is on the characters.

Still, they have a lot of time to work on this since its due out sometime in 2005. If I had to guess I'd imagine it would be released post E3 considering that I'm sure Monolith and Vivendi would want to generate some hype for the game, and that expo is the best way to do it.

EDIT: And I have no worries about this game after replaying NOLF and remembering why I loved it so much. If they put the amount of care into FEAR as they did into that one, then this will turn out to be something quite stunning.


I'm fixing your quote Schafer

Schafer said:
Good graphics, Monolith is capable of developing a game as good as Halo/Halflife as long as they have the time and money to do so

Half Life 2 and Halo 2 may be on the verge of setting new standards, but I'll place NOLF against any of the old well known classics like Half Life/Halo. NOLF is a wonderfully created game that can hang with the best of them.


dark10x said:
Did you actually watch the lengthy demonstration? It's pretty slick...

ok, the movie was pretty cool, admittedly. nice smoke effects. It's still totally the Ring though.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Some of you are obviously unaware of the fact that element used to be employed by Monolith...
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