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To hell with The Halo's and Half Life's, its all about the F.E.A.R. (56K = bad)


DaCocoBrova said:
Some of you are obviously unaware of the fact that element used to be employed by Monolith...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Rahul said:
ok, the movie was pretty cool, admittedly. nice smoke effects. It's still totally the Ring though.

In what way? Don't tell me that you are basing that comment entirely on the fact that there is a little girl with long, black hair present in the game? Come on Rahul, there really aren't many similarities here...


Yeah, except for the girl, I don't see how you can call it "The Ring".

Maybe because of the "sanity effects"? hehe :D


dark10x said:
In what way? Don't tell me that you are basing that comment entirely on the fact that there is a little girl with long, black hair present in the game? Come on Rahul, there really aren't many similarities here...

That's exactly what I'm basing it on. She walks slowly, has long black hair in front of her face, then suddenly jumps forward and rips up whatever's there. That's straight ouf ot the movie! Okay, sure, I agree it doesn't mean the game is suddenly crap or anything. But that element is just 100% Ring plain and simple, and other than going into a building to find out what happened (which at this point is obviously this girl ripping things to shreds) I don't know enough about plot or anything to safely say it's anything BUT a Ring scenario.

So my current conclusion and anticipation is "amalgamation of Ring/Splinter Cell/Doom 3/Breakdown/Max Payne". Doesn't mean it's bad. Just means that's what I see in it at the moment. I'm sure that it will probably turn out to be more than the sum of its parts.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, but the girl in the Ring doesn't just go walking around a building kicking the crap out of anything and everything in the way as shown here. Only her image is remotely similar. There is nothing about the actual storyline here that seems to follow The Ring.

I'm not suggesting that you believe the game is bad, I just don't think it has a whole lot in common with The Ring.
element said:
I [heart] shogo
Shogo was balls beyond words.

Looked terrible, ran terrible, and played terrible; which was dissapointing to me because I was very much behind Monolith at that time, anxiously awaiting Blood 2. I remember the tagline that spooled with the old demo, stating that the Shogo was a project "focused on content." That seemed a good mantra, but when it arrived all the content was really subpar, no polish to speak of, and of course buggy... but we forgive with time.

I feel the only good thing that came out of Shogo was that bass-as-hell track looping in the menu. Damn I liked the sound of that. If you got Lith connections you should dig me up an .MP3 of it. That'd show me...

Funky Papa

ArcadeStickMonk said:
And every game has had framerate problems almost two years after release. It would not be wise to get your hopes up.
Blood ran perfect on a 200 MHz rig @ 640x480 when a 200 MHz computer was considered near high-end hardware, and I was perfectly playable with a 133 MHz machine at lower resolutions.


Do dodo dodododo Do dodo dodododo damn it now it is in my head too. Shogo rocked dude, don't hate. :D

I'm still slightly mad at Monolith (or was it Touchdown Entertainment?) who pimped a new Lith engine with Shogo material and nothing materialized from it. That was awhile back, though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Funky Papa said:
Blood ran perfect on a 200 MHz rig @ 640x480 when a 200 MHz computer was considered near high-end hardware, and I was perfectly playable with a 133 MHz machine at lower resolutions.

Blood 1? That ran very well on those machines. I played Blood on a 486!

Blood 2 and Shogo? HELL NO!!!!

I played those two games on a P2-233 with dual Voodoo 2's and a TNT. The games ran like open ass most of the time and were just felt awful. I also tested it on a P-200, K6-233, and another slower machine. In all cases, the games ran poorly.

Perhaps your idea of perfect performance is different?


I'm still slightly mad at Monolith (or was it Touchdown Entertainment?) who pimped a new Lith engine with Shogo material and nothing materialized from it. That was awhile back, though.
That is when Touchdown was Lithtech, and there were closer ties between the companies. Lots of people would love to see a new Shogo game, me included.


Hey element, do you think its possible that you could talk about how was your job at Monolith? And what games did you have the pleasure of working on?

Funky Papa

dark10x said:
Blood 1? That ran very well on those machines. I played Blood on a 486!

Blood 2 and Shogo? HELL NO!!!!

I played those two games on a P2-233 with dual Voodoo 2's and a TNT. The games ran like open ass most of the time and were just felt awful. I also tested it on a P-200, K6-233, and another slower machine. In all cases, the games ran poorly.

Perhaps your idea of perfect performance is different?
Shogo was very enjoyable on a P200+64MB+voodoo system, Blood 2 was certainly playable but had some MAJOR issues (well, the game was a total mess to begin with)

You must be a hardcore Blood nut to even try to run Blood on a 486 BTW. Those voxels, transparencies and massive 2D animations killed my DX2 performance. I salute you.
Funky Papa said:
Blood ran perfect on a 200 MHz rig @ 640x480 when a 200 MHz computer was considered near high-end hardware, and I was perfectly playable with a 133 MHz machine at lower resolutions.

Totally no. My specs when Blood 2 launched were a P1 MMX 166, 24mb, and a Voodoo 4mb. The game was nigh unplayable. For perspective's sake, I of course bought Half-Life the same day as Blood 2 and it was reasonably smooth the whole game. It wasn't perfect, I bet 60 was rare, and my low RAM meant plenty of HD access. I came home from the store thinking "my outdated rig will not run Half-Life, so I'll play Blood 2." I was 100% wrong.

Later that year I got to play Blood 2 on a machine with dual 12mb Voodoo2s and a TNT2. I swapped between them just to do it. Neither option held 60.

I played NOLF on a AMD 1.6 w\ 256mb and a GeForce3, two years ago. It dropped frames often enough that I had to scale the resolutoon back a tick.

I played NOLF2 for the second time last year on a P4 hd 2.6 1gb and 9800 Pro, and it still dropped goddamn frames!!

If they can get this FEAR thing to run as well as the Doom3 engine, which itself is behind Source and possibly Crytech in plain speed, I will be as glad as anyone here. My point, and that of some of the others in this thread, is that Monolith has a poor record when it comes to engine performance. That's not counting badly desgned games and buggy releases. Their shit just don't run fast.
Error Macro said:

I enjoyed Blood 2 as much as possible. I was a fan of the franchise, I may have dabbled into Blood fan-fiction, I'm not going to say, but none of that erases the fact that what I brought home in a box that november in '98 was absolutely riddled with bugs and ran quite poorly.

It is a game I do try and hold dear, but one that does not stand up well under a critiquing glare.


Fafracer forever
Dark1x said:
Yeah, but the girl in the Ring doesn't just go walking around a building kicking the crap out of anything and everything in the way as shown here. Only her image is remotely similar. There is nothing about the actual storyline here that seems to follow The Ring.
You're taking this too literally - it's not the storyline per se. It's the use of classical J-horror style (not so much the Ring specifically, the supposed scary scenes are very typical of Japanese horror movie cinematography - though lately with all the western remakes the style is becoming international).
My problem is that the part of cinematography is completely wasted in this type of game - it's 10 times more action paced then Doom 3, and that already failed to be scary in any manner...
It's hard to be scared of little ghosts when your character is demoed as an unstoppable killing machine. Though perhaps it's a plot twist, maybe the ghosts are just human experiments and your character was one of them! :D
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