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To those of you who take anti-depressant. Do they actually work?

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I've been feeling pretty shitty since I've been out of high school and its now affecting me on an every-other-day basis and I've been thinking of getting anti-depressants. But I keep hearing that they only make you worse in the long run. Is this true? Also, what brands are you taking?

Also, should I go to a therapist for them? or a regular doctor?


I used to get depressed and even fiddled with a presicription of BuSpar. But then I read a book with just three words in it and solved all my problems.


Words to live by.


3rdman said:
I used to get depressed and even fiddled with a presicription of BuSpar. But then I read a book with just three words in it and solved all my problems.


Words to live by.

It's not that simple to a lot of people, moron.


With depression 'getting over it' is a process. if you wake up one day and feel totally fine you're probably bipolar.

Escape Goat

Telling someone to get over depression is like telling someone who broke their arm that they can fix it by telling them to "Get over it". If theres a chemical imbalance its not going to be corrected with any sort of self motivation.


3rdman wrote:
I used to get depressed and even fiddled with a presicription of BuSpar. But then I read a book with just three words in it and solved all my problems.


Words to live by.

you, sir, are an f'ing moron.

to answer the question., yeah I'm trying lexapro. i'm finding it helps alot. I got it from my regular doctor. I suggest you talk things over with your regular doctor first, before going to any so-called therapist. not saying therapists are no good, i just don't know, havent had any experience with one.
Tuvoc said:
I've been feeling pretty shitty since I've been out of high school and its now affecting me on an every-other-day basis and I've been thinking of getting anti-depressants. But I keep hearing that they only make you worse in the long run. Is this true? Also, what brands are you taking?

Also, should I go to a therapist for them? or a regular doctor?

My .02 -- I believe in medication in conjunction with therapy. I think it is a little too easy these days to get prescribed anti-depressants. Medical doctors usually have no formal psychological training but psychiatrists have both psychology and medical backgrounds. Make sure if you go this route you go to someone with whom you feel comfortable, and if you've never been, it's not like the Sopranos or Good Will Hunting (most therapists hate those models). I would also ignore (I mean this in a friendly way) the easy diagnoses you'll get in this thread about "what's wrong with you" and just go talk to someone. A school clinic can be quite a good start -- they can refer you to doctors and or psychiatrists who among other things will take your insurance in some cases (although harder if it isn't CBT-oriented).

And I agree with the sentiment that "just getting over it" is asinine.
St Johns Wort helps. Ive delt with depression in the past, but eventually you do get over it, even if not by command. Things get shittier and shittier which makes things easier and easier to deal with/ignore. By that point you just need a LITTLE help with the depression. Herbal tends to provide that.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
to everyone calling the get over it guy a moron, it should be tried before medication is tried. Doctors hand shit out like candy these days. you might not even have a real problem. try doing lots of exercise. seriously. best cure for feeling down.

If you have actual chemical problems, well good luck, from an outsider perspective, my friends that are on/need meds are obvious, it's also more obvious when they stop taking them.


How I got over my bouts of depression was going into a mindzone where I didn't give a shit about too much. I tried to stabilize my mind and make myself feel calm. Any thoughts that would depress me, I would quickly push out of my mind. If you have low to no expectations and attach your happiness on nothing but being alive, you won't be disappointed heheh. But hell, you can't have that mindset forever. I just used it to get over the period of depression.


karasu said:
With depression 'getting over it' is a process. if you wake up one day and feel totally fine you're probably bipolar.

Don't tell me that :(

I'm already dealing with anxiety, and I don't want to have to fix another problem at the same time. I don't even have the energy to think about it.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
I'm already dealing with anxiety, and I don't want to have to fix another problem at the same time.

Not to be the one bringing down a party, but smoking weed is fucking terrible for anxiety disorders. Drinking is too.

To the original poster, medication works for some people and not others. I would make sure that you don't just get medicated and receive little followup. Get a psychiatrist who can properly medicate you as well as offer therapy to get you through this. Drugs are a beginning but shouldn't be an end-all.
I suggest going through therapy first before going on meds. In my experience, if you find the right person, it can help a lot. Like someone in this thread said before, doctors will hand anti's out like candy.

Anti's made things a lot worse in my situation. I don't plan on ever taking anymore in my life.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Use anti-depressants as a last resort, not as a quick fix. If the cause of your depression is situational and not a chemical imbalance in your brain, then anti-depressants will only be treating the symptoms (if it even works) and not the source.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I've used various anti-depressants in the past, both perscribed and otherwise, and even went to see a shrink for a while.

And you know what I realised? I wasn't depressed! I was unhappy for perfectly justifiable reasons. And when I say "I realised", I mean it, the psychaitrist never even touched on the area that I might not be depressed, the twat.

But that's not to say doing all that didn't help. It let me realise that I wasn't depressed, and allowed me to start addressing issues rather than think, "God, if only I could build up the courage to go see someone, maybe then I'd be ok" as I had for years before. I'd probably still be doing that now if I hadn't tried different solutions.


xexex said:
to answer the question., yeah I'm trying lexapro. i'm finding it helps alot. I got it from my regular doctor. I suggest you talk things over with your regular doctor first, before going to any so-called therapist. not saying therapists are no good, i just don't know, havent had any experience with one.
I think you're still reeling after what happened during the election. You'll get over it. Hey, we're in this together! Just four more years of the crazy fuck and we're home free!


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Mama Smurf said:
And you know what I realised? I wasn't depressed! I was unhappy for perfectly justifiable reasons. And when I say "I realised", I mean it, the psychaitrist never even touched on the area that I might not be depressed, the twat..
Wow, the exact same happened for me. Although while I was prescribed meds (about three years ago), I didn't take them.


Yeah, I'm thinking of going on meds for anxiety. And anyone who has seen my posts in past threads knows that I've been dealing with this since about May, and already rejected using meds once. So its definitely not a "first choice" thing. While the anxiety comes with some depression, I wouldn't be treated for depression, I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Obviously, there are the horror stories of it making people worse, but then again, they DO help a lot of people. It would seem, though, that these horror stories come from prescribing meds for younger people, people in middle/high school. I'm 20 now, so I should be able to cope with adult medication.

I'm getting some minor therapy now from the university's mental health clinic, but I may need meds to back it up, because it has REALLY affected my ability to function socially and academically (I'd say my attendence rate has been about HALF this semester) this year. I guess if it works, it works, its just all the horror stories that have me a little on edge about taking them.



Tuvok depressed?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
i suggest a chiropractor. seriously. my friend swear by it. he was depressed as shit then he went to this guy to get his back put back into place twice a week and now he's well...not depressed. remember a pill is a poison that is only good for 1 thing.


I'm taking St. John's Wort with Vitamin B based on some of the research I've done on the Internet. It seems to help some people with social anxiety, which is what I mainly suffer from. I heard 5-HTP is also a great help, even though it sounds more like I drug once you research it. Sometimes, my social anxiety is so bad that I can't even talk to my friends. Some girls have told me I have no personality, which I guess would seem true when I'm in one of my "down" phases. When I'm happy, or elated is probably a better word, they think totally differently of me.

The pot has helped me with the social anxiety like you wouldn't believe. Even though my use had some negative aspects, I know I wouldn't be where I'm at without it. The social anxiety is still definitely there, but the pot is a great anxiety reliever for me most of the time, and it allowed me not to care about what others thought of me when I approached them.

And with this repeated exposure to social situations, my anxiety definitely became more manageable. But now that I'm definitely "entrenched" in my social circles, it sometimes feels like I have to live up to the reputation I made for myself, and it's definitely harder now that I've quit. I don't regret quitting, because when I smoke pot for a long, I also lose my ability to keep up with daily life.
I suffer from severe despression and anxiety, so after seeing a psychologist first, then moving onto a psyciatrist (who I've been seeing for 3 years) I then began taking medication as perscribed by my shrink.
I'm currently on 3 medications, which are Zyprexa, Remeron and Wellbutrin, although there have been about 8 or so other drugs that I've either experimented with or taken regularly for a while.
If it wasn't for my medication and continuing therapy (among other things), I'm positive I wouldn't be here today. If I miss even one dosage of one of my drugs, I feel very suicidal.
As others have said previously in this thread, only use medication as a last resort, but if you really need it (after being properly diagnosed by your shrink), then go for it.
I'm positive it's saved my life...


I wish my anxiety was simply social anxiety, but its focused around my health. I'm constantly fearing that my health is bad, bad enough that I could drop dead on a moment's notice or have a heart attack or something. Of course, I'm afraid of things happening to me in a social environment, but I am not afraid of other people, really.
Once my mother and my aunt worked for a place where their boss told my aunt to "just get over it" after her baby died. Things are not as simple as that.

to remedy depression: get som excercise, get some talk-therapy, and if after a couple of weeks the doctor suggests medication, take it.

After a month of talk therapy, only then did my therapist suggest medication. And man, let me tell you, it helped. It's not a common result, but I noticed a positive effect the very first day. After a year, year and a half on medication I was weened off of it. I grew tired of the medication making me tired. SSRI's apparently make you a little sleepy, and they help people with chronic pain sleep better. I didn't have chronic pain, my therapist just old me I'd been operating in a depressive state for six or seven years, and only after a tramutic event did I sorta stop functioning. Oh man, I can't say this enough....They helped. Only after being on them a year did I notice that I could do without the side effects. I started with Celexa and ended up with Lexaopro, which felt like it had less side-effects--being sleepy, no energy, etc. A friend of mine made a joke about it: if you don't take medication you're too depressed to get out of bed, but if take medication you're too sleepy to wake up in the morning. Gladly, I accepted that effect because those little pills and the talk therapy changed my life.

After being on them for a while, I found out that my best friend in college was also on the same medication. He got on them relatitivly the same time as I, and that spurred manl long discussions about how the medication was working, etc. He was like my own personal support group. That was something to be thankful for, I guess, now that I think about it. Apparently, he has a family history of depression or substance abuse which masked as a way to deal with depression. Weird. Look to your family, and it's something people don't like to talk about, but somebody could have it in your family. Two after I got on medication I found out what medication my grandmother was taking: Lexapro. I told my dad what that stuff is and told him all the ins and outs of it. Seeing as how the SSRI helps with OCD tendencies, my grandmother finally seemed calm and happy instead of always having to run around and worry about something. Apparently I carry their traits because I ended up on the stuff too, after a couple of years of substance abuse. If you really could use this type of medication, it will help and improve your life ten fold.


Setec Astronomer
I got depression several years ago, and while they do keep you from feeling bad for the most part... they never actually make me feel good. That is, I didn't have the lows I was having, but I didn't get the highs either. The day I got my highs back I knew it was over.

... but that was me. I don't want to claim to be all people.


brooklyngooner said:
My .02 -- I believe in medication in conjunction with therapy. I think it is a little too easy these days to get prescribed anti-depressants. Medical doctors usually have no formal psychological training but psychiatrists have both psychology and medical backgrounds. Make sure if you go this route you go to someone with whom you feel comfortable, and if you've never been, it's not like the Sopranos or Good Will Hunting (most therapists hate those models). I would also ignore (I mean this in a friendly way) the easy diagnoses you'll get in this thread about "what's wrong with you" and just go talk to someone. A school clinic can be quite a good start -- they can refer you to doctors and or psychiatrists who among other things will take your insurance in some cases (although harder if it isn't CBT-oriented).

And I agree with the sentiment that "just getting over it" is asinine.

This is good advice. Therapy works if you put work into it. If you're dedicated to fixing things, things will get fixed. If you just sit there waiting for the therapist to ask the right question, you're wasting your time.
kevm3, yeah, that's what I did after a friend of mine died, but it really didn't work six years later.

Hitokage and everyone, that's what the meds do: the make you not able to feel bad. I couldn't be worried about much the first day I took them. Bad thoughts just wouldn't manifest at all. They never made me feel good, but they made me feel better.

And don't sell yourself short on talk therapy. Once I got over that "oh, crap, I'm there's something so wrong with me that I have to go to therapy," then I could get to the work of making myself whole and functioning again.

cheers, mate. Keep your chin up.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Anxiety is so, so much worst than depression. It's just...it stops your life.

And people aren't aware of it, not in the same way they are about depression or stress. If you don't suffer from anxiety, you think it means worrying. Well, often people do anyway. But it's so much more than that. It can bring your life to a total stop.

I can remember times, not so long ago, where I wouldn't get on the bus to go into town to get something I wanted in case there were schoolkids on the bus who'd tease me. Now I have never been teased on the bus about anything, ever, and while I've been on the bus with schookids and they've fucked about and perhaps indirectly pissed me off, they've left me alone. So there was no reason to feel that way, but I did. Other examples would be not wanting to phone someone in case I sound stupid, or not wanting to go out for a night in case I got into a fight or something (once again, never happened).

I'm so much better now and so glad for that. I mean, look at me. I've gone half way round the world to live in Canada for the year, on my own. That would have been unthinkable, perhaps as little as a year ago. Gradually I just realised that things go right a stupidly large amount of times, and actually looked at the facts rather than my feelings. For example, feeling = I don't want to get a bus in case schoolkids are on it; fact = they rarely are; if they are then they've never teased me before, why would they now; and even if they did, I only have to put up with it for like 20 minutes and it's over.

Still...I do envy some of my friends who've never been through it. See I still think these things, and just convince myself that they're not going to happen, and that it doesn't matter if they do. Some of my friends on the other hand...well, these thoughts would never even cross there mind when catching a bus.

Anyway, sort of strayed off topic.

White Man

I've been feeling pretty shitty since I've been out of high school and its now affecting me on an every-other-day basis and I've been thinking of getting anti-depressants. But I keep hearing that they only make you worse in the long run. Is this true? Also, what brands are you taking?

Also, should I go to a therapist for them? or a regular doctor?

The SSRI antidepressants of today are poisonous, addictive drugs. Stay away from them unless you absolutely need them. Everyone gets depressed in their late teens/early 20s. It's called 'ennui.' You will get over it. Will SSRIs make you worse in the long run? Depends how deep the undertow of the things affects you. Probably not. . .but if you're playing with SSRIs, you may be handing a kid a book of matches.

Before you go to a tame doctor for pills, try some therapy first. Don't further the bastardization of modern psychiatry.


White Man's right, I have seen friends who seemed to go from bad to worse once they started bouncing from antidepressant to even stronger antidepressants.

Try pot and alcohol first. Or therapy... Preferably massage therapy. Now that'll brighten anyone's day up.


I tried 5-HTP for the first time today. It does actually seem to lessen my anxiety. I talked to a particular co-worker of mine today for the first time without my anxiety being a problem, which is somewhat of a miracle for me.


3rdman said:
I used to get depressed and even fiddled with a presicription of BuSpar. But then I read a book with just three words in it and solved all my problems.


Words to live by.

Shut the hell up.

Depression is actually a serious problem that many americans suffer from. If you think 3 words are the answer to true happiness then you have some growing up to do.

way more

Medication is for people who really need help, like the guy above me says, its a real problem and is requires a solution stronger then some medication.

It's not acne guys, you actually have to work through your problems with proper help.


I'm taking an anti-depressant but for migraines. Amitriptyline helps with my migraines (sorta) in that I don't experience them as often. When things have happened to me that would emotionally make me feel bad, it really makes me feel... dull. It's not a normal feeling to me and not something i particularlly like. I've gone off them for a while but I come back because of the headaches.

Another thing... they've really helped me sleep for some reason (which is the opposite of one of the side effects it's supposed to have).


Well..I don't know if anyone remembers, but I was that guy who thought he had ADD from about a month back. I went to see my university psychiatrist, and it turns out that all of my ADD-like symptoms were actually as a result of an anxiety disorder. I've been talking with a therapist for about a month and a half now, and I just started on Paxil, which the psychiatrist prescribed for me.

I agree with whoever it was that said you need therapy along with medication. The medication will make you feel better in the short-term, but what happens after you stop taking them? It's true, you do have to "get over it", but everyone needs help with that. Don't be afraid to reach out for it.


kablooey said:
Well..I don't know if anyone remembers, but I was that guy who thought he had ADD from about a month back. I went to see my university psychiatrist, and it turns out that all of my ADD-like symptoms were actually as a result of an anxiety disorder. I've been talking with a therapist for about a month and a half now, and I just started on Paxil, which the psychiatrist prescribed for me.

How long have you been on Paxil? Is it helping? I had my first appointment yesterday and he gave me PaxilCR samples for two weeks.


Just since last Saturday. I started taking only half a pill for the first four days, and then finally took my first full one yesterday.

So far I haven't noticed any changes, but it usually doesn't help until after about two weeks or so. Thankfully, there haven't been many side effects either, other than some drowsiness (which is why I take it at night).


Junior Member
I was perscribed effexor but I would rather be depressed and work it out then be on that shit and not care about anyhting.

'Get over it' Works like a charm now along with 'Get off your ass and fix the situation'.


Once my mother and my aunt worked for a place where their boss told my aunt to "just get over it" after her baby died. Things are not as simple as that.

to remedy depression: get som excercise, get some talk-therapy, and if after a couple of weeks the doctor suggests medication, take it.

After a month of talk therapy, only then did my therapist suggest medication. And man, let me tell you, it helped. It's not a common result, but I noticed a positive effect the very first day. After a year, year and a half on medication I was weened off of it. I grew tired of the medication making me tired. SSRI's apparently make you a little sleepy, and they help people with chronic pain sleep better. I didn't have chronic pain, my therapist just old me I'd been operating in a depressive state for six or seven years, and only after a tramutic event did I sorta stop functioning. Oh man, I can't say this enough....They helped. Only after being on them a year did I notice that I could do without the side effects. I started with Celexa and ended up with Lexaopro, which felt like it had less side-effects--being sleepy, no energy, etc. A friend of mine made a joke about it: if you don't take medication you're too depressed to get out of bed, but if take medication you're too sleepy to wake up in the morning. Gladly, I accepted that effect because those little pills and the talk therapy changed my life.

After being on them for a while, I found out that my best friend in college was also on the same medication. He got on them relatitivly the same time as I, and that spurred manl long discussions about how the medication was working, etc. He was like my own personal support group. That was something to be thankful for, I guess, now that I think about it. Apparently, he has a family history of depression or substance abuse which masked as a way to deal with depression. Weird. Look to your family, and it's something people don't like to talk about, but somebody could have it in your family. Two after I got on medication I found out what medication my grandmother was taking: Lexapro. I told my dad what that stuff is and told him all the ins and outs of it. Seeing as how the SSRI helps with OCD tendencies, my grandmother finally seemed calm and happy instead of always having to run around and worry about something. Apparently I carry their traits because I ended up on the stuff too, after a couple of years of substance abuse. If you really could use this type of medication, it will help and improve your life ten fold.

great post Raymond. that was real.


Wow, I should've checked back on this thread. I was kidding...you know this is the GAF after all right? Look, the man is depressed just out of High School...what a surprise! (You mean real life isn't a non-stop party? You're kidding!?)

One of the biggest problems in today's society is just how addicted we've all become toward drugs. Not feeling good...take a drug. Not able to "keep it up"...take a drug. Your kid is too hyper...take a drug. You're too inactive...take a drug.

The drug companies would have our children on drugs as long as they get paid and usually for the most mundane of issues...like temporary depression. Everybody goes through it...especially out of high school. Hell, I was so depressed at that time that I locked myself away in my bedroom for three months and gained 30 pounds. Drugs didn't cure me... It took awhile, but I started working out, going out with friends, and got back into school. In other words, I GOT OVER IT.

But, apparantly, in this modern, no-fault, quick fix society, it somehow makes more sense to go straight to the drugs for help instead of dealing with the issues yourself.

Lastly, to the people whose called me a moron...perhaps you should take a drug to handle that anger.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
They need to come out with a drug that makes people stop taking drugs. Except for that drug itself. Because then what would happen?


I've been taking SJW for 2 weeks now, and I've definitely noticed some subtle changes. Whereas before, I would dwell over negativity quite constantly (like when I think I've screwed up with a lady, etc). But now, even if bad shit happens, well, it just doesn't seem quite so bad anymore. It's definitely lifted my mood a bit. My anxiety is also a bit better, but that's probably because things don't bring me down as much as they used to that I feel it's getting better.


One of the biggest problems in today's society is just how addicted we've all become toward drugs. Not feeling good...take a drug. Not able to "keep it up"...take a drug. Your kid is too hyper...take a drug. You're too inactive...take a drug.

The drug companies would have our children on drugs as long as they get paid and usually for the most mundane of issues...like temporary depression. Everybody goes through it...especially out of high school. Hell, I was so depressed at that time that I locked myself away in my bedroom for three months and gained 30 pounds. Drugs didn't cure me... It took awhile, but I started working out, going out with friends, and got back into school. In other words, I GOT OVER IT.

I have to agree with this. I don't mean to offend anyone but I don't really believe pills can make you not-depressed. I think it's a placebo effect. You end up feeling "better" cos you expect too and the drug companies laugh all the way to the bank. Seriously, how the hell will popping a shitload of pills really make you feel happy if you just aren't for some reason? Try to find out what's making you depressed and go from there is what I would do if I were in your shoes.


Cloudy said:
I have to agree with this. I don't mean to offend anyone but I don't really believe pills can make you not-depressed. I think it's a placebo effect. You end up feeling "better" cos you expect too and the drug companies laugh all the way to the bank. Seriously, how the hell will popping a shitload of pills really make you feel happy if you just aren't for some reason? Try to find out what's making you depressed and go from there is what I would do if I were in your shoes.

I hate to burst your self-actualized bubble but there are little things in your brain called neurotransmitters and they help control how you feel.

Read about Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors.

And happy is not the opposite of depressed.


Like I said, I didn't mean to offend anyone and I've heard enough arguments against clinical depression that I find the whole thing suspect. While some people might need to resort to pills, I think that our society is waaay to quick to prescribe shit for any little thing. I dunno what the opposite of depressed is but happiness is the best I can come up with :p
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