When I was a teenager I was highly depressed. My parents had been divorced when I was around 9, got back together when I was 12, then divorced again when I was 14.
Me = fucked up.
My mother had me in therapy after the first divorce. After the second, my therapist gave me a prescription for prozac. Honestly, I can only tell you what helped me. It wasn't the medicine. I took it at first but stopped after about 5 months because I didn't like how it made me feel. What helped me was my therapist's advice: talk to my dad, make decisions and move on from there. I did that and took responsibility for my mental and emotional well being(although to this day I have trouble making emotional connections with women).
I don't think the drugs helped me at all. It was only when I made a conscious decision to confront what had been the root of my problem that I felt closure.
Anyhow, I hoped this helped you. All I can say is that it is what helped me.