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Today's episode of Bill Mahr show was great.

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His guess Michael Moore, a former Prime Minister of Canada, Ralph Nader, (R) Congressmen and Gov.

I never laughed so hard, they let the dogs loose. The congressmen was getting so pissed.

Also he had Andre 3000 on there.

There was so many holes being poked in the Kerry being a flip flopper nonsense.

Does anyone know where I can get transcripts.


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Yeah, it was a pretty good show. Seeing Bill and Michael Moore get down on their knees to beg Nader not to run was hilarious!

That said, I really wish they would do the show without the audience. Their incessant cheering after every liberal statement and boos/audible expressions of disagreement after every conservative statement bothers the hell out of me. It makes conservative guests hesitant to voice their opinions. I'd rather have the actual arguments themselves do this.


OG_Original Gamer said:
There was so many holes being poked in the Kerry being a flip flopper nonsense.

Wait, wait, let me get this straight. You're claiming John Kerry isnt a waffler?


The audience DOES get annoying. Soon NO conservative is going to want to come onto the show. Seriously, there was practically no debating being done. I thought this episode would be better, but it was close to being immature. The Canadian Primeminister lady rocked though, politicians don't seem to be liars in Canada.


Kin Campbell headed her party into one of the biggest political disasters in Canadian history. 95% wasn't her fault, but she still has the dubious honor of nearly annihilating her own party. She was only a PM for like 6 months or so anyway.

Just letting you know. :)



Yeah Kim got punked by Mulroney. Sad thing is that the PC got like 2 million votes in that election and that translated into what... TWO seats?
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