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Toddler dies in hot car after dad refused to let cops break window



But Deal stopped him and claimed he didn’t have enough money to fix a broken window, the outlets reported. He instead dispatched his brother to call their mom to have her insurance company send a locksmith.

Deal’s girlfriend also told police she called the insurance company for him, but he told her to hang up when he didn’t agree with the price quoted for a tow truck

His daughter is dead because he was too cheap


How did we become so fucking dumb? It's fucking abhorrent to me that in 2020 we have someone watch their child die, 2 feet away from them with only glass separating them. The officers are just as dumb. There is no discussion, you have a child in a hot car, you smash the window.

Fuck me.
Need to know how much time was lost between the first person offering to break the window and when they got her and she was unresponsive. If it was like a minute or two, it's still too long, but a different story if he waited an additional 30 minutes or something.

It doesn't sound like the cops waited more than a few minutes to bust open the window once they got there.


The article states the child was locked in the car for an hour. That is absolutely insane. The child could have been dead before the cops even got there.

Super Mario

Please explain

I think he's being sarcastic.

Since that is the current hot anti-Trump story. Apparently millions of Americans cannot survive if there isn't more free money sent out now. All while the trillions of Democratic trojan horses lie in wait.


Genuinely Generous
How do you even lock your kid in the car in the first place? Don't you take the key out of the ignition and put it in your pocket while exiting the vehicle. And if you have a kid, wouldn't you be more careful about this kind of shit? I don't fucking get it.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Why in the hell is the cop even listening to him?
The article is a bit vague - says the cops broke the window after several minutes, after they called his brother.
But that he had called his brother earlier and then had his brother call his mom and had her call her insurance. Then they called a tow company or something.
It seems like the cops arrived and shortly after they broke the window, but that the kid had been in the car for a long time before that.
I've got a feeling he told the cops that she had just got locked in there and so it wasn't an immediate life or death emergency but when they spoke to the brother they got the truth and immediately broke the window at that point but it was too late.


Father needs to go on death row.

As a father myself nothing would ever stand in my way to save my child. I would die for her on the spot if it saves her .

No man. This is not a father. This is human garbage that should never had a kid and should never ever have any more.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Edit. I'm dumb and can't read.

What a joke. This is terrible.
Last edited:


It's a dark joke, but hes saying that if dad had that check then he could've afforded a new window. Not much nuance there.
If dad cant afford 200 bucks on a shitty glass dad cant afford jack shit so how the fuck could he ever support the kid now or in the future.
Bet ya this shit has other kids probably with 10 other women

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The life of my child or the cost of a car window?

These are the tough decisions contemporary dads face on a daily basis.

Tune in tomorrow fore more uplifting stories.


What a shitty person. I hope he gets shoved in an oven and he gets the same treatment.


I’m surprised the cops didn’t take more decisive action, but 1) he probably assured them he had the situation in hand and 2) cops are understandably hesitant now about creating a situation.
That's really tragic and, whilst I know people will be making digs at the dad, he not only lost his daughter but will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life. I can't even begin to imagine how traumatic that must be.

A decision was made. It was a bad one.

Though, a few interesting things:

1. In spite of the protests and riots and being thrown under the bus by the higher-ups, people still opt to call upon the police when they need help.

2. The dad made a mistake (locking keys in the car) then a bad decision. He wasn't in some confrontation with threats of escalation and he had around an hour to act - according to the report.

This is a very different set of variables than the ones the police face during the arrest-gone-bad episodes we've seen. Those same episodes where all the armchair experts like to preach about all the things that the police should have done differently.


While the father is clearly an arsehole, if the girl was clearly in distress and at risk, the cop should have just broken the window anyway, fuck whether he lost his job. Heck, I'd pay for the window myself even if I couldn't eat for a fortnite.

It's a kid, all parties involved should have done what was necessary at any personal cost.


What a piece of shit and sorry excuse for a man. It’s sad that the child died and they busted the window anyways. If those cops had busted it when they first got there the child might still be alive.
What in the actual fuck!? I read it 3 times and I still can't wrap my head around this story...... Why didn't they shoved him aside and rescue the child!!!!!!? If I was there I'd pick something up and beat the living shit out of the dad.
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