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Toddler dies in hot car after dad refused to let cops break window


There should be an IQ test and a basic morality/ethics test required to pass for all people who procreate. I fucking hate stories like this so much. I wanna kill him. I would watch everything I've ever purchased, built, or touched in my life fall down in ashes for my little girl, and if you don't feel that way about your kids the second you meet them, then you shouldn't goddamn be the one raising them. Fucking piece of shit.

That little girl deserved a better father than the one that helped make her.
How did we become so fucking dumb? It's fucking abhorrent to me that in 2020 we have someone watch their child die, 2 feet away from them with only glass separating them. The officers are just as dumb. There is no discussion, you have a child in a hot car, you smash the window.

Fuck me.
Some people have always been dumb. That's not new in 2020.

that’s America for you. Dollar before family.
Bullshit. Stupid people are everywhere.

Why in the hell is the cop even listening to him?
Good question.


It's been said before: stupid people have always existed everywhere. So have the entitled, the arrogant, the ignorant, etc.

Modern technology just makes us aware of them now.

Most our of the human race sucks.


How did we become so fucking dumb? It's fucking abhorrent to me that in 2020 we have someone watch their child die, 2 feet away from them with only glass separating them. The officers are just as dumb. There is no discussion, you have a child in a hot car, you smash the window.

Fuck me.

There is no deal. There is no choice. Smash the window and save the kid. In Germany police us allowed to break the window without discussion
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Lil’ Gobbie
cops should have used the dads head to break the window :/

horrible situation all around
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ChatGPT 0.1
I'll never condone leaving a child in a car without AC. Cars today are good enough where you can leave a human in them for hours.


How did we become so fucking dumb? It's fucking abhorrent to me that in 2020 we have someone watch their child die, 2 feet away from them with only glass separating them. The officers are just as dumb. There is no discussion, you have a child in a hot car, you smash the window.

Fuck me.
If i was the officer I would also smash the rest of his car like in Street Fighter 2 bonus stage. Man, fuck this idiot.


that’s America for you. Dollar before family.


Why in the hell is the cop even listening to him?

Taking a wild guess here but I get the feeling that cops are a little hesitant to act decisively when interacting with black people lately. For some reason.

It's also possible they weren't clear on just how long the child had been in the car. Story's pretty vague on the timing and sequence of events but it sounds like once they talked to the brother they decided to break the window - maybe the brother was more up front with the details.

How do you even lock your kid in the car in the first place? Don't you take the key out of the ignition and put it in your pocket while exiting the vehicle. And if you have a kid, wouldn't you be more careful about this kind of shit? I don't fucking get it.

There is the possibility that this was intentional. It's not a pleasant thought (especially if it really was an accident), but it happens.

Very odd story. The uncle was there as well and offered to break the window, but didn't...then he was sent away to tell grandma to call the insurance company, even though the child's mother had already called the insurance company and was instructed by dad to hang up when they got a quote he didn't like.

RIP to the poor child. You deserved better.


I think he's being sarcastic.

Since that is the current hot anti-Trump story. Apparently millions of Americans cannot survive if there isn't more free money sent out now. All while the trillions of Democratic trojan horses lie in wait.
Free money, what's that lol.
Even the monopoly money costs the price of the game :p

Kev Kev

lock that piece of shit up and throw away the key. absolutely disgusting behavior on his part all around. the cops deserve praise for saying fuck all that and just breaking the window open. if only he hadnt of stopped them, maybe they could of saved her.


Do no get the cops behavior, why not break the glass...???
read the story. they broke the glass anyway after the several minutes, against the fathers wishes, but it was too late because homeboy kept telling them to hol' up

i mean... im legit wondering if he did all this on purpose... nah, what am i sayin, of course a brother would br more concerned about his ride than his own child. that (sadly) makes more sense.
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What time is it?
Father shouldn't have been a father. Police shouldn't have hesitated. So much negligence all around.
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How did we become so fucking dumb? It's fucking abhorrent to me that in 2020 we have someone watch their child die, 2 feet away from them with only glass separating them. The officers are just as dumb. There is no discussion, you have a child in a hot car, you smash the window.

Fuck me.

Take all authority and initiative from Police and every action is viewed through a political lens. Not saying that is the case in this instance but it will certainly be a factor going forward.


Scumbag. No property is worth more than a life and now her funeral is going to cost much more than your stupid window will ever be.
I'll never condone leaving a child in a car without AC. Cars today are good enough where you can leave a human in them for hours.

This guy claims the AC was on.

I refuse to leave my kid alone in a car period. Unless they’re like tweens or older my kids go where I go. I can’t think of any reason to ever leave a kid in a car alone.


Gold Member
Aren't the police men authorized to save a baby if the father is a moron?? How the fuck they let this happen?


Aren't the police men authorized to save a baby if the father is a moron?? How the fuck they let this happen?
Dude said the AC was on, prolly arguments errywhere.

Yeah the article says they broke the window within "several minutes" of arriving, and the dad's brother said that he was told over the phone that the car's AC was on. I'm guessing dad was not totally forthcoming with all the information and the police acted once they realized the seriousness of the situation.

Article says she died at the scene. It's likely she was dead by the time they got there.

It's hard to get mad at the cops in this situation when the "dad" watched his child slowly die for over an hour over the price of some broken glass.
How did we become so fucking dumb? It's fucking abhorrent to me that in 2020 we have someone watch their child die, 2 feet away from them with only glass separating them. The officers are just as dumb. There is no discussion, you have a child in a hot car, you smash the window.

Fuck me.
I mean then we would probably have people calling the cops racists for breaking a man’s window against his will....

I’m most joking and agree with you.
Why not just break it. Who cares what he said when a life is in immediate danger?

This is so sad.
So many stupid people involved here
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Unconfirmed Member
...it costs like 80 bucks to replace a fucking window. (outside big cities)

lol if he gets the money to make bail though (20k or 1k)


Yeah the article says they broke the window within "several minutes" of arriving, and the dad's brother said that he was told over the phone that the car's AC was on. I'm guessing dad was not totally forthcoming with all the information and the police acted once they realized the seriousness of the situation.

Article says she died at the scene. It's likely she was dead by the time they got there.

It's hard to get mad at the cops in this situation when the "dad" watched his child slowly die for over an hour over the price of some broken glass.

Not only that apparently he stopped his brother from breaking the window too. Had time to call mom and get quote for fixing window. Before the cops showed up. Seem they baby was dead way before cops arrived.

From the article:
"When he got there, the brother immediately wrapped his shirt around his hand and offered to punch out the window, authorities said.

But Deal stopped him and claimed he didn’t have enough money to fix a broken window, the outlets reported. He instead dispatched his brother to call their mom to have her insurance company send a locksmith."


Wait. We’re the cops at the car with the child in it? If so, do they not have the right to smash it?

Never mind. Read through the theead
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In France we have the concept of "duty to rescue" .
You go to jail if you don't break the window, unless you have to substantially endanger yourself doing so.

You can be punished by up to 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to €75,000.

That means you have to call an ambulance and render first aid if you can/know how to do it.
You are also normally immune from prosecution if assistance given in good faith and following the reasonable person's (aka ordinary prudent person's, aka don't be a hero) understanding of required measures turns out to be harmful.
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In France we have the concept of "duty to rescue" .
You go to jail if you don't break the window, unless you have to substantially endanger yourself doing so.

You can be punished by up to 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to €75,000.

That means you have to call an ambulance and render first aid if you can/know how to do it.
You are also normally immune from prosecution if assistance given in good faith and following the reasonable person's (aka ordinary prudent person's, aka don't be a hero) understanding of required measures turns out to be harmful.
Same one country one over.
'In Germany, unterlassene Hilfeleistung (failure to provide assistance) is a crime under section 323(c)[39] of the German Criminal Code: any person is obligated to provide assistance in case of an accident or general danger if necessary,...'

fakin socialist if ya ask me :p
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