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Tokyo Xanadu |Import OT| - Can You Xanadu?


Still really excited to play this when/if it comes. I have at least some confidence thanks to Falcom's incredible action game pedigree and the fact that I even loved Ys Seven and Celceta (which some people disliked more than previous entries thanks to the party system) make the switching not an issue, and even improved, to me.

As far as dungeon design/environments, I don't mind if it looks a bit samey. Brandish: The Dark Revenant looks the same almost the entire way through, the actual dungeon design is what made it awesome, and that game is incredible.
Did you grab last weeks Dengeki for the Toaru Majutsu no Index colab costume DLC?



I hope the Index costume would be available for all if this game gets localised @_@
Great OT as always, you're a true professional. Can't wait to hear more about this game.

Are there additional moves that you can unlock or does the attack patterns stay the same throughout the whole game?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
To quote myself, I just confirmed that Geo stores (at least the one near me) are doing midnight releases now if the publishers don't mind, so I'll be grabbing my copy in a few hours.

A package arriving at a random time during the day is hardly a schedule I fitting for me, but I agree that it all depends on how close to a game store with decent prices you live/work.

And on topic, I really hope that the game won't have terrible performance problems...

If you have an account with Kuroneko that is the main service of Amazon.jp you get alerted ahead of time when said package is incoming and redirection / time can be set if necessary. Quite useful. Only downside is if the packages are COD types you cant redirect it to a new address. Once had to travel a good way across Japan to get back to my town to get a package due to that. Found out the hard way with that. So am a bit more careful with my scheduling in terms of CC or COD payments vs. where I will be. Since am fairly friendly with my regional branch they were willing to hold the package longer than normal for me till I got my ass back to Tokyo as soon as possible.

So far things like loading and whatnots seem to be a non-issue, will take a while before combat it seems due to just how these sorts of games are with the whole introduction bits with the story and what not. So cant comment on that yet unfortunately. But as long as it does not go into slideshow territory like how PS Nova did for example, I doubt Ill care lol. Never really expect much from the Vita anyways considering its specs hardware wise.


Its pretty cool how in the school when you first talk to other classmates / teachers, they show up in your phones friend list and have their own character portraits. So am just running around talking to everyone to get them registered. lol

Great OT as always, you're a true professional. Can't wait to hear more about this game.

Are there additional moves that you can unlock or does the attack patterns stay the same throughout the whole game?

Thanks, the attack pattern stuff seems to be dictated by the whole customization system with the Master Core from what it sounds like? But am not sure myself as have not accessed that part of the game yet.

Now I just have to wait for the packages to arrive. This and Yoru no nai Kuni will probably last me throughout these cold autumn/winter months.

I'm looking forward to the impressions! And as always, your OT rocks Parakeetman!

Thanks, yeah there are a ton of games coming out and should keep everyone busy for a while thats into the importing / Japanese game scene for sure. Even worse is when combined with the Western titles that are coming out, its a non stop onslaught on the wallet. As its just month after month after month continuing into the next year too.

These Parakeetman OTs though

Might snag this after I finish at least one of my backlog games.

Yeah sometimes I really need to just not grab things at launch as right now currently in progress titles are piling up. Then again always just like knowing I have the other said titles on hand as is. Real bad habit.

I hope the Index costume would be available for all if this game gets localised @_@

Since its something that has to do with Dengeki, will wonder if it would make its way Westwards? The special colab DLC like this that is. All the normal Falcom DLC stuff Id imagine will make it over no problem.

N° 2048

You can always start learning, it's never too late :)

It's definitely something I want to do but umm well let's just say depression hinders a lot in my life. So it's easy to start but hard to keep going :(

Your comment lit that fire again though...

and damn this game looks AMAZING.


Vita only eh.
I might pick it up depending what your guys's impressions of the game are.
For the Index costumes do you have to purchase the magazine to get it (ie unique code) or is it just a generic code you can find online?


I caved and bought a PSVita tv, I'm off work for 2 weeks so rather play this on the big screen instead.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Vita only eh.
I might pick it up depending what your guys's impressions of the game are.
For the Index costumes do you have to purchase the magazine to get it (ie unique code) or is it just a generic code you can find online?

No idea if dengeki codes are unique or not, you could always try checking online. I had known about the codes before the mag came out, so picked it up last week.

Nice OT !

Just downloaded the game, still can't play it though :'(

Great OT!

I need this game so much, give me all the impressions!


I caved and bought a PSVita tv, I'm off work for 2 weeks so rather play this on the big screen instead.

Its worth it, since its what I usually play on at home. Not to mention here in Japan you usually dont have to worry about games not working with the system outside of the obvious ones. Its nice that most stuff these days they take the system into consideration.


Just beat the first boss, actually went and started the game on hard mode. But since this is all early on stuff with the actual combat and monsters as in still the tutorial basically cant really tell how difficult things are. Need to see if lock on can be switched to toggle instead of having to hold down the L1 button. As dont like that. Asides from that the combat and controls feel good for the most part with the action related sections of the game. Am sure there will be more to learn also. Need to check if there is an actual block command, but am guessing this title your defense is all dodging. Will check the key config once am able to again.

Overall pretty happy with it so far. Seems like the adventure parts, most def interacting with the NPCs will be a big part of the game also. Will see how that goes too.

Also once again loading times are pretty good.


Would you say the game is very text-heavy? I played Digimon Cyber Sleuth in Japanese and it was super text heavy, which is why I gave up reading after a while.


How do you do all that you do, Parakeetman?
Do you always get the games you make OTs for the day they come out?


Since the costumes involves licenses out of Falcom's hands, I would be surprised if they were included in a localisation.

For Falcom-related titles, this is the reason we're never getting the Evolution versions of Zero no Kiseki, Ao no Kiseki and Sora no Kiseki - Tom said straight up that it would be such a pain in the ass and money-waster to deal with Chara-Ani (in charge of the voice actors appearing in the Evolution remakes) and Pyramid (in charge of the development of the Vita Evolution versions) - that's three separate companies, and Chara-Ani is notoriously protective of other companies using their voice actor's work.


Ok just got through the first chapter of the game. So far I love it a lot. The gameplay is quite nice, good action and all. The first boss was tricky for me as I'm not the best at these types of games usually. I'm playing on normal which probably will feel very easy to most people here. I really like some of these monster designs too in the first dungeon. As for the dungeon design, it was fine to me, although I hope the dungeons going on forward are a little more eleborate. But still I found it enjoyable.

The school and city life sections look to be a big part for sure. I spent a lot of time trying to track down and talk to each individual I could to fill in as much info as I could in the cell phone. Expecting that part of the game to really expand in later chapters.

I have to agree about the lockon, I hope there is a way to change that control in someway. It's a bit of a hassle having deal with that but I can live with it. Also chapter one was quite short, hope the others are much longer. As always it's a Falcom game so it's got good music and I love the character designs. Although I kinda wish the character portraits in the speech bubbles could've been the anime versions and not cg models. But since the cg models are animated it's actually kinda nice too.

I know it's early and all, but so far, extremely happy with the game. It's a lot of fun so far and I'm looking forward to playing more. Don't want to put it down at all.


Since the costumes involves licenses out of Falcom's hands, I would be surprised if they were included in a localisation.

IIRC, the western release of Akiba's Trip actually had costumes involving licenses out of Acquire's hands too (such as Nitroplus' Super Sonico costume and character model, Falcom's Mishie accessories and there are some others I sure am forgetting about), so whenever (if ever) XSeed brings the game over, and if there are problems getting those DLC costumes for Tokyo Xanadu, I don't think it would be on XSeed's end.
Since the costumes involves licenses out of Falcom's hands, I would be surprised if they were included in a localisation.

I would be surprised as well. The chances of licensed costumes like this making it over are extremely low. Doesn't stop me from being disappointed at their exclusion.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
How do you do all that you do, Parakeetman?
Do you always get the games you make OTs for the day they come out?

Always pretty much. Dont think Ive ever done an OT that I do not actually have the game for. Besides the converted Import to Western OTs. As rarely pick up the Western copy of things. But in those situations the community itself will pick up the slack as the number of users in a thread will be much higher than the import version.

Would you say the game is very text-heavy? I played Digimon Cyber Sleuth in Japanese and it was super text heavy, which is why I gave up reading after a while.

Looking how things are designed around "school life" with the adventure parts, I can only imagine that this game indeed will be text heavy. Where as in Digimon Cyber Sleuth, it was pretty much talking to a bunch of throwaway characters for the most part, outside of the story bits. While its not the exact same thing, it would be like playing Persona 3 / 4 without paying attention to the text for an example some might be able to understand.
You going to be doing any streaming on your chan for your fans?

I want to, but I've been having trouble getting my vita TV to work with my streaming stuff. I have the right HDMI splitter, I use an elgato HD60, but for some reason on the program the capture is just a black screen with no audio (the game playing fine on the TV).

Need to figure out how to consistently fix that. =(


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I want to, but I've been having trouble getting my vita TV to work with my streaming stuff. I have the right HDMI splitter, I use an elgato HD60, but for some reason on the program the capture is just a black screen with no audio (the game playing fine on the TV).

Need to figure out how to consistently fix that. =(

D: Hope you can get it fixed soon. Never fun when those kinda problems appear.

Did anything get updated after the last time you used it?

Since if the capture is a no go, but the game is running means that the physical connection is working fine. So something software side? D:


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Excellent OT! Just got the payment request from ami ami, now for the last bit of waiting...



Hmm ok it looks like one example so far the game does stuff like the Persona series, with small events that raise the characters 3 "Adventure mode" stats. (Wisdom, Courage, Compassion?) One example is helping your friend during class answer a question correctly. Which am sure will sound familiar to some. Getting the answer right will raise your Wisdom.


this is already out?! thought it wouldn't be until next year. the game doesn't have furigana I guess? How high is the language level overall?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
this is already out?! thought it wouldn't be until next year. the game doesn't have furigana I guess? How high is the language level overall?

yeah offically comes put today now that its the 30th.

no furigana, as high as one would expect for a story driven falcom title?

not all dialog is voiced, so for those parts reading would be necessary over listening skills.




Hmm ok it looks like one example so far the game does stuff like the Persona series, with small events that raise the characters 3 "Adventure mode" stats. (Wisdom, Courage, Compassion?) One example is helping your friend during class answer a question correctly. Which am sure will sound familiar to some. Getting the answer right will raise your Wisdom.

And as I expected it would be, the first time this happens in class
it involves translating something English into Japanese.
that always gives me a chuckle when it happens in a game.
D: Hope you can get it fixed soon. Never fun when those kinda problems appear.

Did anything get updated after the last time you used it?

Since if the capture is a no go, but the game is running means that the physical connection is working fine. So something software side? D:

I only ever got the vita TV streaming stuff going once, and it was after a day of deleting and reinstalling nonstop and it just kinda randomly worked.


Nice OT as always parakeetman! Looking forward to seeing some good footage/impressions especially boss footage. And man i need those Index costumes..
Nice OT Parakeetman!

I'm super excited to hear impressions on the game. And if anyone plays as Sora, please tell how good she is =X (I'll be using her either way, but I'd still like to know).

As far as dungeon design/environments, I don't mind if it looks a bit samey. Brandish: The Dark Revenant looks the same almost the entire way through, the actual dungeon design is what made it awesome, and that game is incredible.

Yup. That's the same for me. If a dungeon is handcrafted I don't care how it looks, I want that level design, and Falcom delivers that really well.


Any idea how big the DL is on PSN? Kind of wanting to pick it up now after reading some posts.
2.3GB according to the cached store page of the game. It's one of the titles which allow you to preorder until a certain period before the release if you want to play at midnight and if you're too late you have to wait for the regular 10 am - noon update.


Finished the first chapter, took me a bit over an hour. The dungeon was very short, 15 minutes tops and the game took it time to get going.

Can't say that I'm a huge fan of the "real world" part, as I never enjoyed talking to all NPCs in Kiseki games between battle segments, but the battle system is way more enjoyable than I expected judging from the trailers.

Can't wait to play more tomorrow.

Edit: Whoops, double post.


2.3GB according to the cached store page of the game. It's one of the titles which allow you to preorder until a certain period before the release if you want to play at midnight and if you're too late you have to wait for the regular 10 am - noon update.
Oh really?
Was hoping I could just download when I get home from work in a few hours but the store wont be updated then.
Nintendo does it at midnight( ・ε・)
Oh really?
Was hoping I could just download when I get home from work in a few hours but the store wont be updated then.
Nintendo does it at midnight( ・ε・)

I haaaaate this about the PSN.

If you're gonna let folks play at midnight anyway, just put it up on the store!


For Falcom-related titles, this is the reason we're never getting the Evolution versions of Zero no Kiseki, Ao no Kiseki and Sora no Kiseki - Tom said straight up that it would be such a pain in the ass and money-waster to deal with Chara-Ani (in charge of the voice actors appearing in the Evolution remakes) and Pyramid (in charge of the development of the Vita Evolution versions) - that's three separate companies, and Chara-Ani is notoriously protective of other companies using their voice actor's work.

Just curious, why would the company in charge of the JP actors be an issue? If they're too much trouble or expensive, wouldn't they just not include the VA?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Nice OT as always parakeetman! Looking forward to seeing some good footage/impressions especially boss footage. And man i need those Index costumes..

Nice OT Parakeetman!

I'm super excited to hear impressions on the game. And if anyone plays as Sora, please tell how good she is =X (I'll be using her either way, but I'd still like to know).

Yup. That's the same for me. If a dungeon is handcrafted I don't care how it looks, I want that level design, and Falcom delivers that really well.


With the characters the whole who you decide to use stuff I suppose is based off of their element and attack type since it comes into play when fighting certain enemy types. The whole different bonuses you get when defeating enemies. All of that stuff is explained in the first tutorial dungeon you do. To put it short the type of kill you do effects the item multiplier for what the enemy drops. Granted it does not seem like too big of a deal yet.


Great OT, Parakeetman.

I would like to know if this title has VA in all parts or just only in the story bits ? For me, hearing is much, much easier than reading.

I will probably get this when they localize or, if there is no localization announcement, after quite a while. Really wanted to play this ASAP, but short on funds =(
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