I isamu OMFG HOLY MOTHER OF MARY IN HEAVEN I CANT BELIEVE IT WTF WHERE ARE MY SEDATIVES AAAAHHH Jun 7, 2005 #1 You guys seen *THIS* yet? Damn aint mad at ya Tom but calm the hell down a bit will ya? :lol
S siege Banned Jun 7, 2005 #2 I really hate people who rush to threads to say this, but... This is pretty old.
W Willco Hollywood Square Jun 7, 2005 #3 It's a good thing you're the first person to point this out!
A AlphaSnake ...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack Jun 7, 2005 #6 You could've searched. Seriously, all it takes is searching "Oprah".
W Willco Hollywood Square Jun 7, 2005 #7 impirius said: I hear he's a Scientologist Click to expand... No shit?
B Boogie Member Jun 7, 2005 #11 I think that from now on whenever I see isamu spazzing out in one of his threads, I'm going to imagine him as Tom Cruise on Oprah.
I think that from now on whenever I see isamu spazzing out in one of his threads, I'm going to imagine him as Tom Cruise on Oprah.
W White Man Member Jun 7, 2005 #12 impirius said: I hear he's a Scientologist Click to expand... I hear he's not gay.
I isamu OMFG HOLY MOTHER OF MARY IN HEAVEN I CANT BELIEVE IT WTF WHERE ARE MY SEDATIVES AAAAHHH Jun 7, 2005 #13 Damn. I don't think Bish had a link to vid in his thread tho
W Wario64 works for Gamestop (lol) Jun 7, 2005 #14 isamu said: Damn. I don't think Bish had a link to vid in his thread tho Click to expand... i dont think you ever use the search feature ever
isamu said: Damn. I don't think Bish had a link to vid in his thread tho Click to expand... i dont think you ever use the search feature ever
L Lyte Edge All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag Jun 7, 2005 #15 Check out the video of Dane Cook impersonating Tom on the Jimmy Kimmel show on the same site. :lol
S Scrow Still Tagged Accordingly Jun 7, 2005 #16 oh man... i thought this was going to be a joke thread or something. just to restate the obvious... THIS IS OLD. :lol
oh man... i thought this was going to be a joke thread or something. just to restate the obvious... THIS IS OLD. :lol
P Pedigree Chum Banned Jun 7, 2005 #18 AzN_F15h said: i want what that man is smoking Click to expand... Commit to a 10h tour of the LA Scientology shrine and you can have the more powerful drug on earth (read: Spoiler it's semen )
AzN_F15h said: i want what that man is smoking Click to expand... Commit to a 10h tour of the LA Scientology shrine and you can have the more powerful drug on earth (read: Spoiler it's semen )