blame space
he's not like you guys!
Not trying to start shit but... folks believe in a god they've never seen. Why is someone crazy to think aliens exist?
Thank you, aliens. You got him to stop singing.
Thats a good point. His beliefs are a lot more plausible than what the majority of people believe.
I'm bored to death of all of this. What went wrong? It's like Tom's a man overboard.
Legit question, are you guys saying he is nuts because of his love of the hobby or that he said, "national security issue?"
I've heard him at least twice on Coast To Coast, and every time he seems to be going deeper down the rabbit hole of wilder and wilder claims. At first I think he was just talking about UFOs, now it seems to be more on the David Icke end of the spectrum, about human soul enslavement and lizard people.
Why would some secret elite cabal of military officials and national security experts bring him in to their inner circle on a whim and confess their darkest secrets to him, this former pop-punk singer who will then put them out there and sell them in his line of books?
He seems to have an unhealthy obsession with it. He's now devoting his entire life to chasing down evidence of a conspiracy to hide alien contact from the general public based on nothing but rumors. The idea of extra terrestrial life existing and possibly being more intelligent than humans isn't that far fetched, but he's focusing on alien contact with Earth and humans salvaging alien hardware to advance technology and exposing conspiracy cover ups. It's pretty far out there.
Sure, it's nuts. But not even close to whatever the bible or the koran are talking about.
Co-founder of the rock bands Blink 182 and Angels and Airwaves, Tom DeLonge, joined George Knapp for the entire program to share riveting government secrets he's learned about alien interactions on Earth. DeLonge abruptly changed his career focus last year when he announced the launch of Sekret Machines, the umbrella title for a series of books, films, and documentaries which will focus on UFOs, government secrecy, alien intelligence, and related paranormal subjects. He has recruited a team of authors and filmmakers to work on various parts of his 'transmedia' endeavor, and has used his rock star status to secure introductions to several highly placed officials and executives within the military/industrial complex, who are now informing his research.
Detailing his labyrinthine journey of meeting with various NASA and government officials in a host of different cities and locations, he explained that they were interested in his pitch to disseminate information about the UFO and alien question to a younger audience, and portray the government in a more positive light than in the past. Speaking under conditions of anonymity, officials told him that concealment of information stemmed from the Cold War era, when nuclear war was a constant concern. They referred to the aliens as the 'Others,' and said they could best be conceptualized as gods.
"The entire UFO phenomenon is about multiple gods that fight among themselves, and by design factionalize mankind into different religions, to step back and let us fight each other, so it has other things that it wants to accomplish, and we don't notice them because we're too involved fighting each other," DeLonge recounted.
The various UFO crashes might have been done on purpose for the aliens to translate their technology to humanity in order to give us greater weapons of war to use on each other, he continued. According to his sources, the US has "cracked gravity" and is building machinery that incorporates antigravity. The 'Others' are said to be behind the cattle mutilation phenomenon. DeLonge's co-author A.J. Hartley joined the conversation for a segment to discuss the writing process in their new thriller Chasing Shadows that weaves in historical material about real UFO cases, like the Barney & Betty Hill abduction.
I'm into UFO theories and such as well. I guess I'm a nutter to all of you lol.
He seems to have an unhealthy obsession with it. He's now devoting his entire life to chasing down evidence of a conspiracy to hide alien contact from the general public based on nothing but rumors. The idea of extra terrestrial life existing and possibly being more intelligent than humans isn't that far fetched, but he's focusing on alien contact with Earth and humans salvaging alien hardware to advance technology and exposing conspiracy cover ups. It's pretty far out there.
Damn, came to post this.
Should've been first post.
I wanna read his stuff though, I enjoy sci fi, sometimes even the bad stuff.
Sekret Machines is actually a solid book. He doesn't actually write it, AJ Hartley wrote it with Tom's ideas and stuff.
I'm going to pick it up. I love shit like this.
Now are you sure he's not pulling a Whitley Strieber?
It's hard sci-fi. But it is for sure Sci-fi. It's a really cool book that is really well researched an everything. I enjoyed it.
At some point in the '80s he came to believe he was chosen by godlike aliens to deliver a message of enlightenment to earthlings....
Here's the show he did on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp a few months ago. It was pretty entertaining because it wasn't George Noory.
Knapp is an actual *real* journalist, winning multiple awards including a Murrow, a Peabody and several Emmys, despite the subject matter.
Blink 182 is still a band? People still care about UFOs?
I'm disappointed this hasn't been posted yet.