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Tom Henderson: "Xbox baffled by the extend of rumors. Sources tell nothing set in stone for xbox ports apart from Hifi Rush and Sea of Thieves"


Already mentioned by others but it makes no sense for Xbox/Microsoft to not deny the rumors, but actually to confirm there will be a business update and take such a shitstorm.
This is a company that has reversed decisions in 24h in the past as soon as their fans complained.
I guess that probably no one has the full picture at the moment except for the top dogs in MS.
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They might only announce those two games for now but the writting is on the wall. They won't come out and say "hey guys our entire catalog will be on PS and Nintendo consoles from now on", that will take time.
they'll just blurt out another vague version of "case by case" and their weirdo fanbase will lap it up. because they were traumatized for a week anticipating the worst. lol
and all the porting will continue in bg as usual, of course.


Gold Member
No fucking way they leave rumors like this unchecked for so long. Denial of rumors has happened via Twitter before, you don't need a special event to reiterate your strategy or to announce Hifi Rush on PS5.

I think someone wants to muddy the waters and make leakers look like idiots because people are getting close to figuring it out online and it might get picked up by the stock market and analysts etc.

They are going to have to have proper P&L numbers for the gaming biz again, and they need to communicate whatever new strategy they have on their terms.

I would personally pay a lot of attention to what Tom Warren says until the event happens. He's connected beyond the likes of Jez or Colt are, and certainly more than Nate the Hate.

It’s simply that I have the misfortune of working for an exceedingly large Silicon Valley based company (nothing to do with video games) that are almost as ubiquitous as MS. It’s not just that the comms are glacial and tone policed into the cosmos, but there’s also a bullish arrogance that takes pride in not saying anything.


Gold Member
It's normal for companies not to comment on rumor. I'm not making any proclamations, just correcting the idea that if he didn't squash it days ago, that makes the rumors true.

Side note: if the unsubstantiated rumors turn out to be false, many will be quick to claim damage control on MS's part. Ironicall,y their confirmation bias will blind them to the fact that it is themselves who is doing the damage control, in defense of the many assetertions they themselves have made.
I get that, but there are certain cases where you have to put out the fire immediately. This reminds of the recent sexual harassment allegations directed at Chris Jericho via a random Facebook post. AEW botched their handling of it and things spiraled out of control.



It’s simply that I have the misfortune of working for an exceedingly large Silicon Valley based company (nothing to do with video games) that are almost as ubiquitous as MS. It’s not just that the comms are glacial and tone policed into the cosmos, but there’s also a bullish arrogance that takes pride in not saying anything.
Discord leaker apparently mentioned that this event is slated for spring, so this is actually them bringing the event up. (Ymmv on whether the discord leak is even real btw).

I just think that any company wouldn't allow brand equity to erode like this when a simple denial statement would have sufficed. It's been WEEKS of this, Not days.


One of the green rats
I should also say though that I do think going 100% digital is true and it will hurt them for sure.


Gold Member
I get that, but there are certain cases where you have to put out the fire immediately. This reminds of the recent sexual harassment allegations directed at Chris Jericho via a random Facebook post. AEW botched their handling of it and things spiraled out of control.
They already had an announcement in the books that also includes proprietary information regarding other platforms. This info doesn't just impact MS.

All this may turn out to be true, but how many times does the community have to be burned by bad information before we learn. Any given day there are unsubstantiated reports, they are noise. The fact is, we as a community don't know which ones are bs and which ones are on the money, until after the fact. This doesn't mean we cannot discuss them, but we should be discussing these topics with the mindset that they could be false.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I think it’s as simple as a port for Hi Fi Rush and that’s the end of it. We’ll see when Phil does his speech lol.


So MS is baffled by the extent of rumors but they are doing NOTHING to stop them

A useless tweet by Spencer (with no real date at all) on Monday and then complete silence for days

"We are listening and we hear you but our brain is too small to make sense of it until the end of the week."

Mr Moose

image Tim Dog being PS fanboys's Hope.

what time to be alive.



Gold Member
Eh, I'll take it. Sea of Thieves is the only game I was interested in. 🙂
Which is why going 3rd party doesn’t make sense for MS.

They have one problem. Their games are, basically, shit. Anyone who really wants them already has Gamepass. Going 3rd party would dissolve their entire brand to see a minor bump in software sales.

I’ll say it again. Call it ‘Ogbert’s Law’.

MS will be back when Gears is back. That’s the game they need.
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Let's see, we have:
  • Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush basically confirmed
  • Employees making the next Halo game confirming it's on Playstation, then removing it from their Linkedin
  • Marketing directors mentioning Playstation games, then later removing it from their Linkedin
  • Marketing materials removing "Xbox" from GamePass, and simply saying "PC and Console"
  • No mention whatsoever of exclusivity for Blade or Indiana Jones
  • A "business update" coming next week, an unprecedented type of announcement
Nope, nothing to see here folks. Phil Spencer himself was extremely surprised at how far the rumor mill had gone. It's just Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush.

Beavis And Butthead Comedy GIF by Paramount+
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Microsofts are a bunch of amateurs.

Its insane how they act

They really are. This company seemed unstoppable with the 360, but success seemed to get to their head. I'm surprised they didn't just create a mushroom shaped add-on to give the system more power. Instead they had a terrible E3 where they announced the details of their new system to the shock of the public, and Sony made fun of them.

Funny how history repeats itself.


Gold Member
"We are listening and we hear you but our brain is too small to make sense of it until the end of the week."

No fucking way they leave rumors like this unchecked for so long. Denial of rumors has happened via Twitter before, you don't need a special event to reiterate your strategy or to announce Hifi Rush on PS5.

I think someone wants to muddy the waters and make leakers look like idiots because people are getting close to figuring it out online and it might get picked up by the stock market and analysts etc.

They are going to have to have proper P&L numbers for the gaming biz again, and they need to communicate whatever new strategy they have on their terms.

I would personally pay a lot of attention to what Tom Warren says until the event happens. He's connected beyond the likes of Jez or Colt are, and certainly more than Nate the Hate.

I recognize that we still don't have confirmation one way or the other, but these upcoming announcements also impact Sony's and potentially Nintendo's platforms. Is it not reasonable for MS to stay silent on speculation and rumor when it also impacts their partners? Should they have just ruined their cooperative announcement to stay ahead of overzealous forum posters and Twitter users? This holds true regardless of MS's intent to bring a few games, or all of their games to these other platforms.
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fortunately i really never heard to this dogo until this drama

He came onto the scene during the Xbox One launch, I get the impression he thinks he’s some spokesperson for Xbox fans.

It’s a waste of time calling him out on anything from what I’ve seen, he just resorts to petty retorts like “no one cares what you have to say” “I have more followers” etc

A bit of a phoney imo and if him and others like him have been used to gage the community take on things over the years then it explains a fair bit
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Sooner or later someones gonna leak it will just be a blogpost on xbox wire or something. Ms probably should address this on a Friday and address the blowback next week. But hey, the Titanic saw the iceberg and still couldnt avoid it.
It's either one of two things:

1) The news finally reaching the other higher ups at MS.



2) Phil trying to get the higher ups to change their mind:

Already did.



All those people only cause drama to make money. This was a pay day for a lot of them but it's the gamers who ran with it to extremes because . Lol. HUR go team !!

This does not explain your comment nor does it point to "PS Fanboys" being the source of all the rumors or the energy behind them. You're looking at this though shaded glasses.
Everyone was freaking out.
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