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Tom Holland confirmed as Nathan Drake in Uncharted movie


Do we know anything about the plot? What if this goes back to his younger days?

It probably will.
I just don't see the appeal in that. Uncharted is a generic treasure hunter story not unlike Indiana Jones or those Nick Cage movies, so most of its identity relies on its beloved cast of characters. A young Drake story might end up as a fun treasure hunt movie but at that point you have altered the characters and overall vibe so much that I just don't see the point in it being Uncharted (other than marketing)


I think Chris Pratt would have been better
Uncharted 4 Drake always reminded me of Pedro Pascal.


My fave Drake is UC3 Drake though.
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Neighbours from Hell
Could have sworn I read something many months back where they are planning a series of Uncharted movies and the first was gonna be him in his younger days that's why they chose Holland.


Neighbours from Hell
I believe this is going to be part of a series of movies right? At least planned so they are finding actors for their younger counterparts. Not saying Wahlberg is the right choice but that’s why he’s not older. Not sure who would’ve been a good younger Sully, Tom Selleck with dyed hair? 😂
And Tom Holland is too young.
For all those arguing about Tom Holland being "too young". At what age was Drake older or younger that whatever you think he should be? And did you think that there may be a couple of movies planned?

Worse comes to worse they could age him through some AI aging software I guess.


Heard from IGN this morning that the Uncharted movie will be sort of a prequel to the games? Its Drake when he was younger, being mentored by Sully. So...maybe sometime after the Uncharted 4 flashback gameplay section? Don't know how I feel about Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg though.


Gold Member
Are they never going to mention he has a brother for 3 films, then in the 4th shoehorn in an actor and expect us to say that makes sense?
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He's also way too small. Sure, he can bulk up a bit, but he has a small build and I don't see working out doing much to his overall size.

If Tom Cruise can pull it off (with whatever camera trickery they employ), anyone can!


Damn, awesome for Dan Trachtenburg. I remember him reviewing games including the original Uncharted series on the Totally Rad Show way back when, the fact that he's now directing an Uncharted movie is mind blowing.


Mark Wahlberg looks more like Drake than Tom Holland does, why is he playing Sully? :messenger_hushed:
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A Uncharted movie just seems pointless, imo. The entire point of Uncharted games is to put the player in the shoes of the hollywood blockbuster action hero.
The games draw from many hollywood tropes and action adventure films. Removing the interactive nature just makes this a mostly derivative action adventure film.
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Completely uninterested in young Drake, and I suspect most fans of Uncharted feel the same.

If they pull it off it could be brilliant. Exotic locations, 80’s style action, Drake pulling Women left and right instead of being beaten into submission by Elena. This could be our new bond until Elena arrives and throws her tampon at him.
I've always seen him as Nathan Fillion.
Missed opportunity. He even made a fan film.
Daniel Craig was 37 when he made the first james bond. Hes 51 now and in great physical shape. Hes retiring. Nathan Fillion is 48. Stop it.

Anyways Daniel Craig as sully would be lit.
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I'm good with Holland in the Young Drake role. Not too keen on Mark Wahlberg as Sully, though. Not keen on that at all.
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