Tomb Raider IV–VI Remastered |OT| "I Wouldn't Worry. We're Not In The Same Class."


Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered includes Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (1999), Tomb Raider: Chronicles (2000), and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (2003), each remastered with improved visuals that bring new life to environments, characters, and artifacts, with the option to toggle between classic and modern graphics on the fly. There are a variety of gameplay enhancements, as well: choose to play with new modern controls, inspired by later entries in the series for smoother movement and camera capability, or classic tank-style controls. You’ll also find quality-of-life updates like boss health bars, a new Photo Mode, and new achievements and trophies on supported platforms nodding to iconic moments from the series.​

Developer: Aspyr
Initial release date: February 14, 2025
Series: Tomb Raider
Publisher: Aspyr

Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered - Announcement Trailer



Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered vs Original Early Graphics Comparison.

How Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered Improves Classic Lara Croft Games.

Where to Buy.

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End Note its my first OT please be kind.:pie_grinning:
Special Thanks to TGO for helping me with the OT.


Gold Member
Great OT! I am going to wait and see about the improvements. I thought there was going to be a physical version as well. Hopefully not LRG.


Tomb Raider I - IV really nail the sense of place with the level design while being readable. The games are quite the good reference to learn from for any level designer, imho.

Well.. maybe except for the weird illogical placement of levers and similar door-opening mechanisms. Those are clearly "video gamey". But fun.
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Last February the remastered trilogy was #4 in EU charts on Playstation. Curious to see how this one will stack up.
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So many games, so little time. I haven't even bought the first three yet. Glad these exist though. You had to do some funky things on the origninal releases.


Played TLR for about an hour.

Its the best TR game full stop. Only kind of held back by franchise fatique back in the day.

TLR starts with Young Lara, and strangely enough this would've been a good way to start TR1 as it teaches you all the basics and how to make perfect jumps. Enemies are mostly animals again, and the setting is perfect for tomb raiding. Unlike TR2 and esp. 3, it starts easy. The opening stage is easier than TR1 in fact. One caveat, the classic graphics are brighter, I couldn't see some crawlspaces in modern graphics.

Save often, as I died I realized I never saved lol. Dem autosaves in modern games.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
So ummm, Angel of Darkness...not much difference between original graphics and updated.
It's improved but still...


Oh and the Tank Controls handle like the other games now, they was horrible before.
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So ummm, Angel of Darkness...not much difference between original graphics and updated.
It's improved but still...

Yeah, but there wasn’t really any place to go save for slightly better textures. It was a much more modern and improved engine over 1-5. I remember being quite impressed with the gfx leap at the time.

I’m starting on this one as I never completed it back in the day. Didn’t make it much past some nightclub if I remember correctly, which is probably quite near the start!
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yeah, but there wasn’t really any place to go save for slightly better textures. It was a much more modern and improved engine over 1-5. I remember being quite impressed with the gfx leap at the time.

I’m starting on this one as I never completed it back in the day. Didn’t make it much past some nightclub if I remember correctly, which is probably quite near the start!
I honestly can't remember if I completed it but I definitely got to Tombs like levels
Also don't remember her being able to do her handstand move in this, she can now if she couldn't before.
The improved Tank Controls makes it feel more at home with the others.
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All tomb raider games are now palayable on xbox :).
Impressed they actually lined up the logos for the new trilogy somewhat.

No idea why companies don't do this across their franchise though. It's such a minor thing I know but it's why I prefer Steam over anything else so I can manually adjust that shit if needed.

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How does Angel of Darkness feel? I heard the original version of this game was kind of bad, does it feel better now?


Gold Member
So ummm, Angel of Darkness...not much difference between original graphics and updated.
It's improved but still...


Oh and the Tank Controls handle like the other games now, they was horrible before.

Geometry and lighting seem identical. But texture resolution and quality is hugely improved.
Maybe if they had added things like HBAO, it could have improved it a bit further.


I have about 2-3 hours in TLR now. This would've been the perfect tomb raider game if it had a map. I mean, they upped the ante with being pretty much an open game with different zones you can visit. And you don't know when or where a key item for any specific location will pop up. I even had issues finding the place to enter the first canopy jar in (its on the left side of the powerul current, but looks like a normal wall texture). Because there isn't really a sense of direction at times, you would think you need to swim through that first temple after the boat cutscene, but you eventually can't go beyond the iron doors, you're supposed to go to the room with the cauldron in the other direction.

So far I don't need a guide yet, I figured out the mirror or rather I remembered it lol. This game throws you off a lot.


I'm a huge Tomb Raider fan (OG is in my top 5 GOATs), but never bothered with AoD because of its bad reception, and it came out at a time when I drifted away from games.
Tried it yesterday for the first time and it feels.. clunky AF. I'll spend more time with it later.

But Last Revelation though...

Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Came here to post this. Crazy how Xbox is the console with every Tomb Raider game. It even has the two Lara Croft top down games.
Not really, CD has been in with Xbox since the 360 era despite sales being considerably higher on other platforms.
But this is a Playstation problem more then anything.
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It was always clunky. It was a shit game which is why they had CD reboot the franchise after it.
Yeah I assumed the modern controls they added would work- they don't.
Guessing it's bugged, since it was really difficult to walk with the L stick even playing with the sensitivity settings (Steam version). Would always end up running and falling off or climbing onto ledges without wanting to.

Need some more patches.


Modern controls didn't work in the first trilogy and don't seem to work here either. Personally I don't bother. Within 15 minutes you play by its rules and jumping gaps the classic way is more foul proof anyway.

Unlike these assisted games like UC and modern TR, you can't fail a jump here for reasons. The ropes yes, they could use a bit of work and the hitbox on them is small. But overall, if you walk to the edge, step back, push forward and press jump you can't fail any gap thats supposed to be doable. Be always saving though.
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