Tomb Raider IV–VI Remastered |OT| "I Wouldn't Worry. We're Not In The Same Class."


It looks like the AOD Remaster was rushed, weird audio issues, missing texture bump maps and reflections, and some of the characters that appear later were not given the remaster treatment


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You can skip scenes with triangle, but not all. You have to endure the explanations and their chemistry is pretty bad. I guess so that Von Croy could be used as an ambigious figure for the rest of the game.

I am in Tomb of Semerkhet now. I do get the hang of the game. Its pretty much that there is a hub each time, and you have to figure out where to go first. It does flow pretty well though, such as the way you eventually return to the water current with the second canopy.

And puzzles can be quite vague. The needle puzzle is just shit because you can't really see if they are aligned correctly first hand. I wish you could see a bit better through the planks. But the solution is the first 2 levers need to face the left side from entering, and the last needs to point to the north.

Also, don't forget to pick up 2 items at the Karnak shrine. The small statue there is another key item you need to progress. I needed to backtrack for this one. You need to combine it after you did the needle.

I guess if TLR was the sequel to 1, or perhaps 2, this game would've likely enjoyed a far better reception. It came out after the punishing TR3, late into 1999. Everyone was already kinda moving on to other IP.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm surprised by the low quality of the cutscenes, especially given how good Soul Reaver was.
They don't look like any Upscaling has been done unlike the previous Trilogy
CD really just gave them shit to work with
Angel of Darkness is worse as it's looks like it could have been done in real-time, both now and back then.
Other then that the Remasters look fantastic
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STarted tr4 today.

I dont remember anything anymore other than thr skeletons and the bike level.

It will feel like a new epxer3ince for sure


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
STarted tr4 today.

I dont remember anything anymore other than thr skeletons and the bike level.

It will feel like a new epxer3ince for sure
Why you wanna play a game you played before 🤪


4 is quite easy so far. Some cheap deaths but nothing on the level of TR3. Semerkhet was the easiest stage, probably because I won that useless chess game. You miss a bunch of secrets but I don't really care. The train was fun, esp since I found the hidden grenade launcher with the crowbar there. You can gib those fools with it, looks pretty dumb lol.


Played through the first level of TLR. They need to add a brightness slider as it's way too dark right now. Had to keep switching to OG mode just to see where I was supposed to go.

Werner's tutorial mission is awful, but I found you could skip cutscenes with triangle and quite a bit of dialogue with R3.

Also loving all the controller shortcuts they've added in the options. R3+Touchpad to quick save and L3+Touchpad to quick load is a massive QoL win.


For once I'm really jealous of PC players, they can actually remove worthless Trash Crystal Dynamics logo

Anyway I was very hesitant if I start 4 or AoD. I ended going with 4. Still as magical as +25 years ago.

Few little things that bothered and hope will get fix soon, when character jump and fall Pad vibrate a bit too much.

It would be also cool if we could custom the shortcuts, and also do one for the binoculars.

The game looks amazing, excited to have 3 incredible games to play in the next months.
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Played through the first level of TLR. They need to add a brightness slider as it's way too dark right now. Had to keep switching to OG mode just to see where I was supposed to go.

Werner's tutorial mission is awful, but I found you could skip cutscenes with triangle and quite a bit of dialogue with R3.

Also loving all the controller shortcuts they've added in the options. R3+Touchpad to quick save and L3+Touchpad to quick load is a massive QoL win.

I kind of like how dark it can be in the remainder of the game. I never switch to classic anymore. It sort of forces me to use the flares you get a ridiculous amount of. Classic mode is too bright probably, which can come in handy but I remember not being able to see shit on PSX without flares as well.


I kind of like how dark it can be in the remainder of the game. I never switch to classic anymore. It sort of forces me to use the flares you get a ridiculous amount of. Classic mode is too bright probably, which can come in handy but I remember not being able to see shit on PSX without flares as well.

TRI-III remastered got similar complaints about being too dark, but I haven't found this issue on my LCD TV even at launch. I wonder if the issue is OLED TVs or some bad calibration settings.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
TRI-III remastered got similar complaints about being too dark, but I haven't found this issue on my LCD TV even at launch. I wonder if the issue is OLED TVs or some bad calibration settings.
Lighting is overall much better in the retro graphics mode. I also love the shimmering lights when underwater. Which isn't present with the new graphics.


Same issue as Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered - the new graphics are way too dark (at least in TR 4 and 5).

It’s such a shame - the models and textures are so much better, but you just can’t see shit half the time, and I am always switching to the original graphics just to see where to go.

I can’t believe they didn’t address this!

At least the original graphics now have a 60fps mode, so it’s not so jarring - but still!


Same issue as Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered - the new graphics are way too dark (at least in TR 4 and 5).

It’s such a shame - the models and textures are so much better, but you just can’t see shit half the time, and I am always switching to the original graphics just to see where to go.

I can’t believe they didn’t address this!

At least the original graphics now have a 60fps mode, so it’s not so jarring - but still!
I think it would be less of a hassle if the flares lasted longer than about thirty seconds. Having to light them every five minutes is a PITA.


Will get physical release.
Had to double dip on the original release- wont fool me again.

That's the smartest decision. I also want to play the most definitive edition of AOD. Ideally we should wait after the summer break for the final patch, and the physical edition too. Also fall season is the best season to play given the more and more dark atmosphere these TRs have.


GAF, I have never played V. Mainly because reviews back then said that it's essentially just a "rehash of old things". Is it like Hitman: Contracts where you literally play old levels again with some new stuff added? Or have I been fucked over by the reviews?


GAF, I have never played V. Mainly because reviews back then said that it's essentially just a "rehash of old things". Is it like Hitman: Contracts where you literally play old levels again with some new stuff added? Or have I been fucked over by the reviews?
I’m pretty sure it was just too similar to the previous four games that were coming out yearly. I’m gonna pretend it’s a 2025 release done in the old style.



Really liking the puzzles and the overall game so far. I have played some of it back then but never as much as TR1 and 2 so I don't remember shit. It's like a new experience to me. Also liking the the camera sequence editor. It's fun to play around with it.

It looks like the AOD Remaster was rushed, weird audio issues, missing texture bump maps and reflections, and some of the characters that appear later were not given the remaster treatment


The irony that AOD was rushed on its 2nd release is something else, lmao.

They are still releasing updates for the previous trilogy. My guess? Same will be done with this one. I heard some character models for AOD are old and others are new. Clearly this was rushed to meet the February 14th release date and Lara's birthday.

That said, i'm loving to play The Last Revelation. Peak Core Design in terms of level design!


GAF, I have never played V. Mainly because reviews back then said that it's essentially just a "rehash of old things". Is it like Hitman: Contracts where you literally play old levels again with some new stuff added? Or have I been fucked over by the reviews?

Short answer: Ignore the reviews and play it. It's just a really short game, feels like a DLC for TR4, but some of the levels are very well designed.
GAF, I have never played V. Mainly because reviews back then said that it's essentially just a "rehash of old things". Is it like Hitman: Contracts where you literally play old levels again with some new stuff added? Or have I been fucked over by the reviews?
(not so) hot take: No Tomb Raider game released before Angel of Darkness was a bad game. But the fact we were getting a new game every year, plus expansions for every single game during the year, meant that studio couldn't cook as much as they wanted between each title in terms of innovation, etc...and reviews reflected that. Tomb Raider wasn't a "cool" IP by 2000.

If you're looking for good level design, if you enjoyed the previous titles, play Chronicles. The series actually take a turn for the better in terms of story as soon as The Last Revelation starts and the gameplay is always good if you liked it in the other games.

I really think the series peaks with The Last Revelation in terms of level design...not counting with Tomb Raider II Temple of Xian. That level was peak in...EVERYTHING. They nailed it. It was difficult without being unfair (looking at you Tomb Raider III), it was long as fuck but never to the point you got lost because everything looks the same (looking at you london levels from TRIII) and once it's over, you actually feel like you accomplished something. I have no idea how they created such a masterpiece just months after releasing the first game. Pure insanity.


I’m pretty sure it was just too similar to the previous four games that were coming out yearly. I’m gonna pretend it’s a 2025 release done in the old style.

Short answer: Ignore the reviews and play it. It's just a really short game, feels like a DLC for TR4, but some of the levels are very well designed.

(not so) hot take: No Tomb Raider game released before Angel of Darkness was a bad game. But the fact we were getting a new game every year, plus expansions for every single game during the year, meant that studio couldn't cook as much as they wanted between each title in terms of innovation, etc...and reviews reflected that. Tomb Raider wasn't a "cool" IP by 2000.

If you're looking for good level design, if you enjoyed the previous titles, play Chronicles. The series actually take a turn for the better in terms of story as soon as The Last Revelation starts and the gameplay is always good if you liked it in the other games.

I really think the series peaks with The Last Revelation in terms of level design...not counting with Tomb Raider II Temple of Xian. That level was peak in...EVERYTHING. They nailed it. It was difficult without being unfair (looking at you Tomb Raider III), it was long as fuck but never to the point you got lost because everything looks the same (looking at you london levels from TRIII) and once it's over, you actually feel like you accomplished something. I have no idea how they created such a masterpiece just months after releasing the first game. Pure insanity.
Thank you, guys. Then it seems I have new "old" Tomb Raider game to look forward to!


I only played the reboot trilogy, kind of curious how the retro games compare. Is there an actual story in them?


(not so) hot take: No Tomb Raider game released before Angel of Darkness was a bad game. But the fact we were getting a new game every year, plus expansions for every single game during the year, meant that studio couldn't cook as much as they wanted between each title in terms of innovation, etc...and reviews reflected that. Tomb Raider wasn't a "cool" IP by 2000.

If you're looking for good level design, if you enjoyed the previous titles, play Chronicles. The series actually take a turn for the better in terms of story as soon as The Last Revelation starts and the gameplay is always good if you liked it in the other games.

I really think the series peaks with The Last Revelation in terms of level design...not counting with Tomb Raider II Temple of Xian. That level was peak in...EVERYTHING. They nailed it. It was difficult without being unfair (looking at you Tomb Raider III), it was long as fuck but never to the point you got lost because everything looks the same (looking at you london levels from TRIII) and once it's over, you actually feel like you accomplished something. I have no idea how they created such a masterpiece just months after releasing the first game. Pure insanity.
Someone isn’t keen on TR3 😂

(I get it! Just completed it recently and some of those levels were just nasty in difficulty)


Darkness no more
You can skip scenes with triangle, but not all. You have to endure the explanations and their chemistry is pretty bad. I guess so that Von Croy could be used as an ambigious figure for the rest of the game.

I am in Tomb of Semerkhet now. I do get the hang of the game. Its pretty much that there is a hub each time, and you have to figure out where to go first. It does flow pretty well though, such as the way you eventually return to the water current with the second canopy.

And puzzles can be quite vague. The needle puzzle is just shit because you can't really see if they are aligned correctly first hand. I wish you could see a bit better through the planks. But the solution is the first 2 levers need to face the left side from entering, and the last needs to point to the north.

Also, don't forget to pick up 2 items at the Karnak shrine. The small statue there is another key item you need to progress. I needed to backtrack for this one. You need to combine it after you did the needle.

I guess if TLR was the sequel to 1, or perhaps 2, this game would've likely enjoyed a far better reception. It came out after the punishing TR3, late into 1999. Everyone was already kinda moving on to other IP.
Hitting L1 during the Von Croy explanations will allow you to skip those also.


I only played the reboot trilogy, kind of curious how the retro games compare. Is there an actual story in them?
The oldest TR games are very classic that way. Lara is usually chasing after (supernatural) artifacts and there are villains with other plans for them. You get an intro, usually one cut-scene per area (so once every few levels) and an outro. You have to figure out a lot of things on your own, like who the main villains are and what are their exact motivations. If you encounter them in the field, you instantly fight them. Also no sidekicks and no chatter over the radio - usually it's just you and a series of forgotten locations you have to explore alone. Obviously TR slowly evolved in those areas, but that's how it is in the first few games in the series.
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1-3 Remastered was my goty last year, put in well over 200 hrs on it. I absolutely love the Tomb Raider games and can't wait to get stuck into this.
What control scheme did you use? I am on switch and the modern controls don't have back flips, side flips or jump back.

The old tank controls work but I sucked at them back in the day too , to the point I never finished any of these. I wobble side to side and fall off ledges using tank controls, although the jumping is more perscise.
I bought all of these, but can't get past these controls.

Also so glad they included a immediate switch to retro. It is needed so much as the game gets way to dark on modern graphics.
Wish they had gamma slider, or just lit the maps properly. What good is true to life when you can't see?
Will buy... i love these PS1 remasters!

To be honest, they are not really remasters of the PS1 versions of these games. They are built from the source codes of the original Apple Macintosh ports of the games. The Macintosh editions are based on DOS/ Windows 9X versions of Tomb Raider I to LOD. TRI-III use the GOTY editions as their base, which is why they include all of the PC exclusive content.

Aspyr use to be in the business of publishing Macintosh versions of PC ports back in the day. So they have a lot of old Apple Macintosh source codes achieved for games like the Legacy of Kain series, Star Wars and all six of the original Core Tomb Raider games.

Feral Interactive, who was also in the business of porting Windows games to Macintosh, published all of the Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games to Mac. The cut-off point for Aspyr is Angel of Darkness when it comes to Tomb Raider remasters.

The original PS1 versions are still available on PSN (as far as I know), but were also ported to the Evercade last year as a Tomb Raider 1-3 collection.

I bought TRI-III remasters last year and enjoyed them. But I am less enthused over TR IV-VI. I had Revelations for the Dreamcast and PC back in the day. I think I had a copy of Chronicles for the PC as well. I never completed them. I'll probably end up buying the collection at a later date. It's cool that there is a complete remastered collection of the original Core TR games. If they ever released a physical edition, they could just include all six games in one package. Which is a lot of classic Tomb Raider gameplay.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
There was mention of Depth of field options in photo mode..... I don't see it.


I finally use flares in TR4. You will have 100 ish very soon.

Tank controls are fine. I am at City of the Dead and it took the Ankor Wat tutorial level to get used to them again. There are some nasty spots, such as return after setting oiled waterways on fire, but just save when you see such awkward moments or don't trust a next room (anything with spikes, ropes or rotating blades). Saving takes a split second. And on PSX you could already save anywhere (in 2 and 4 at least) so its not like its cheating.

Backflips are needed to get through the game. The game is designed around tank controls, the grid based layout makes sense this way. I do play D-pad though, it feels more responsive and safe.

TR4 would've been perfect with a map (since you do get a much grander scale), although until Cleopatras tomb its actually rather straightforward. And the level design is pretty good, eventually all dungeons lead you out to the hub. TR4 could've axed Cairo, its long enough without it. I'd say Temple of Karnak, Lost Library, Pharos-Cleopatra are rather fucking top tier.


So it seems the general impressions of this remaster collection is good then? I don't care about game journos opinions, but GAF seems to be pretty pleased with it. Good news, I will eventually pick it up. I never finished AoD, and it's been MANY years since I played a non Nu-Raider game, so it should be fun.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
So it seems the general impressions of this remaster collection is good then? I don't care about game journos opinions, but GAF seems to be pretty pleased with it. Good news, I will eventually pick it up. I never finished AoD, and it's been MANY years since I played a non Nu-Raider game, so it should be fun.
FMV's could have been Enhanced, People are reporting AoD's Tank Controls are the same as the original when they are not, they handle just like the rest of the Remasters with Buttons being Identical instead of a new layout like the original had.
Also they are useable with Analogue Sticks, which wasn't the case with the Original Releases.
Modern Controls are the same as before, some prefer them but I still think it makes the camera janky and limits the character abilities, and a lot more mishaps happen because of them.
But just preference.
AoD also has the lesser done to it when it needed the most, even graphically it's a small upgrade, something you'd expect the PC version to look like back then versus a complete makeover like the other titles..
I wouldn't even say it's consistent with TLR & Chronicles

Just a heads up regarding TLR for newbies, there is section in Temple of Karnak where you swim underwater and find a room with Glass Wall and nowhere to go
it's not Glass, it's a Mirror and shows the hole to get out of that's not visible to you.
Although bubbles do give it away
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Love the level/dungeon design in TR4. Alexandria Chapter just kept on going. I'm nearing the end I think with the Sphinx Dungeon. I'm at the section with the 4 lights that correspond to 4 different doors for 4 different pedestals to open a main door. I struggle to find quality dungeon design like this anymore.

Pejo Pejo It's worth it for TR4 by itself IMO


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Love the level/dungeon design in TR4. Alexandria Chapter just kept on going. I'm nearing the end I think with the Sphinx Dungeon. I'm at the section with the 4 lights that correspond to 4 different doors for 4 different pedestals to open a main door. I struggle to find quality dungeon design like this anymore.

Pejo Pejo It's worth it for TR4 by itself IMO
Definitely, TLR is like a proper sequel to TR1
I hear people say it doesn't match the quality of 2&3 but it's the other way around.
TR1 & TLR are S tier Tomb Raiders.
The only thing that lets TLR down is the lack of iconic music that the original TR has, don't get me wrong the main theme is excellent, but it doesn't have extra tracks that stand out like the original did.
Then again, neither did any of the others past the original.


What control scheme did you use? I am on switch and the modern controls don't have back flips, side flips or jump back.

The old tank controls work but I sucked at them back in the day too , to the point I never finished any of these. I wobble side to side and fall off ledges using tank controls, although the jumping is more perscise.

Tank controls. All it takes if you've never used them is to complete two or three levels for them to click. Just remember Tomb Raider is a slow game and don't get frustrated that Lara doesn't control like Spiderman.

Re ledges, you never run along edges, you walk.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
AoD is just jarring, some of the upgraded graphics aren't arguably upgrades and some are the exact same.
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