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Tomb Raider Series Adaptation Hires The Marvels Writer

Neon Xenon

Why do they keep trying to make live action Tomb Raider a thing? Lara just is not a compelling enough character to helm a TV or movie series. The animated one could possibly work, especially as it could flesh out the storylines of the games more. But I never really found the '00s films worth sitting through. I certainly wasn't going to bother with the reboot. I had very little interest in the Amazon live action series before, the OP of this thread killed off even my morbid curiosity. This just doesn't seem like something the world needs.

Agreed. I have a suspicion that that if this series is successful, it'll be looked at as a template for a new set of Tomb Raider games. I'm not big into Tomb Raider as a whole, but it would really suck to see another long-established female character who have liked for a long time fall victim to the sort of bad writing that people associate with many modern female characters now.

I forgot that other live-action reboot even happened.

Isn’t fleabag supposed to be pretty good?

I had watched Fleabag in 2021, on a recommendation from a content creator. I actually did enjoy it, Season 1 more than Season 2. However, the show has a meta approach to it where the main character will occasionally talk to the camera. In the years after watching that, I've developed an aversion to media that relies too much on "being meta" (take your pick, there's been a lot), to the point where I have to resist immediately dismissing media for just going even slightly into meta territory. So I would very likely feel much more differently about the show if I rewatched.

Ulysses 31

No he's written like a human being that holds his friends in high regard, he's not an authority or law enforcement or whatever nonsense you want to put on him. She's also a fugitive in hiding, but he still visited her without issue so he clearly knew where she was all this time so he also knows she wasn't causing any more issues for at least a whole year, that's enough for him to draw conclusions yes; meanwhile strange almost breaks the entire universe with Spider-man, but whatever, only wanda is not allowed to make mistakes, hunt down your all of reality saving friend and lock away the key.
You don't check on friends who enslaved others for a while? Try to make sure that stuff doesn't happen again? He doesn't have to drag her off in irons but he has knowledge and resources to try to help her with her "condition". Unless your argument leans on Dr. Strange being of low moral fiber like Wanda then it is out of character for Steven not to be concerned and check it out. Even if Wanda had a history of going nuts with her magic on civilians but ultimately not killing anyone, it's still morally wrong to just let her do what she likes without any accountability.
Also really, it wouldn't matter if he visited sooner, she only revealed the darkhold because she messed up her ruse, if he visited before the meeting would've gone almost the exact same way, except strange would leave peacefully and she would just continue studying the darkhold until strange would come back for her help.
May not have mattered in the grand scheme of things but at least Dr. Strange wouldn't have come of as not caring for the pain and suffering Wanda visited on innocent civilians.
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Lmao it's gonna be such shit, luckily I wouldn't have watched it even before this announcement.

I wonder if it will kill off Laura for good in the public eye, that would be sad


I would watch happy Gilmore 100000 times over than even try brace through an episode of fleabag.

Also this is choosing 2 writers with terrible careers not just casting one actor.

Turns out writers play a fairly significant role in how shit a TV show or movie will turn out.

No offense but thats why your on a video game discussion board while shes one of the most sought after cretives in hollywood, Ive seen Fleabag and its brilliant, I understand why hollywood loves Phoebe Waller Bridge, shes great
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You don't check on friends who enslaved others for a while? Try to make sure that stuff doesn't happen again? He doesn't have to drag her off in irons but he has knowledge and resources to try to help her with her "condition". Unless your argument leans on Dr. Strange being of low moral fiber like Wanda then it is out of character for Steven not to be concerned and check it out. Even if Wanda had a history of going nuts with her magic on civilians but ultimately not killing anyone, it's still morally wrong to just let her do what she likes without any accountability.
What's morally "right" or "wrong" is ultimately up to the characters individually, they function as human beings, not robots, so just as you might find something immoral, they might think otherwise; Stark thought it was morally right to do everything to protect the world, which leads to Ultron, which leads to countless civilians dead including Wanda's brother, but hey, he's still mister I love you 3000 hero.
Strange could've simply looked at it from the perspective that he knows what's she's been through and had to sacrifice, and sometimes you just gotta give people space to work through things themselves; civil war tony stark would've certainly gone after her like you suggested, to hold her "accountable", but Strange clearly doesn't feel that way, heck instead of holding her "accountable", he suggest helping will get her back in everyone's good graces, skipping "accountability" entirely.

May not have mattered in the grand scheme of things but at least Dr. Strange wouldn't come of as not caring for the pain and suffering Wanda visited to innocent civilians.
Fair, but to me it comes more across not as him not caring, but as him knowing that she does; that's enough for him as a friend.


Gold Member

Oh shit. She’s cute.

By the way why do ya’ll care? This was already dead on arrival as soon as PWB got announced as the one adapting it. At this point it’s like trying to argue which pepper is hotter.

“This pepper is 3 million on the Scoville chart.”
“Yeah but THIS pepper is 5 million.”

It doesn’t matter. It’s gonna be pain either way.
While perhaps that doesn't give me a lot of confidence, I'm more than happy to wait and see what the final product actually is vs. what people's mind already made it up to be.
Mate, we’ve had 27 Bond films. Twenty seven. It’s okay if they use just one to try and explore his character a little more, especially when he’s an older, more worn out Bond who was ready for retirement.
You're kind of re-affirming the point though. By 27 films he had a thoroughly established and well developed characteristica. So, it was weird they wanted to go against it and almost tore it down.

If the filmmakers were so inclined on exploring a spy character, with similar characteristica to Bond, gone soft or whatever they should've decided to create a new one from the ground up. So, no. I disagree. I guess, we'll just have to agree to disagree there.
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Ulysses 31

What's morally "right" or "wrong" is ultimately up to the characters individually, they function as human beings, not robots, so just as you might find something immoral, they might think otherwise; Stark thought it was morally right to do everything to protect the world, which leads to Ultron, which leads to countless civilians dead including Wanda's brother, but hey, he's still mister I love you 3000 hero.
While true, I'm confident even Dr. Strange is against enslaving 1000s of civilians and wouldn't just stand by once informed about it. If the movie had informed that he was busy with other serious threats and that he couldn't check it out that would be one thing, but MoM doesn't give us anything and it hurts Dr. Strange's character.

What Ultron did was an indirect result of what Stark did, what Wanda did to the town is more a direct result of her own actions.
Strange could've simply looked at it from the perspective that he knows what's she's been through and had to sacrifice, and sometimes you just gotta give people space to work through things themselves; civil war tony stark would've certainly gone after her like you suggested, to hold her "accountable", but Strange clearly doesn't feel that way, heck instead of holding her "accountable", he suggest helping will get her back in everyone's good graces, skipping "accountability" entirely.
I must be holding Dr. Strange to a higher regard if I don't think he'll Wanda enslave civilians for as long as she did without any accountability or trying to stop her.
If my “friend” with incredible strong powers randomly tortured a town full of people then she wouldn’t be my friend anymore. I certainly wouldn’t be able to trust anything she would do and try my damnest to get that person either locked away or if not possible, taken out permanently.

Because in this case a pattern is established where Wanda basically has complete disregard for human life and well being which is waved off. I guess if the goal is to show Avengers in general and Strange in particular as morally corrupt organization, the writers succeeded.
The psychological profile of most writers in Hollywood right now, particularly with their narcissism, actually fits the mentality of what normal people would consider villainous.
So the “heroes” of the stories they write actually behave as villains.
I'm confident even Dr. Strange is against enslaving 1000s of civilians and wouldn't just stand by once informed about it
Sure, but he doesn't know about it until after the situation has been resolved, there's nothing to "stand by" about, the people are now safe and free and wanda has self exiled in penance.
What Ultron did was an indirect result of what Stark did, what Wanda did to the town is more a direct result of her own actions.
It doesn't really matter if it's indirect, he's still the cause if it because of his irrational fears, heck he's indirectly responsible for what happened to westview as well thanks to his bullshit sokovia accords.
without any accountability or trying to stop her.
Well there was no need to "stop her", because it was already over, but also because that's what some friends do, some may come and berate you, while others recognise you might need some time and even come up with a way to ameliorate the situation, which is what strange did; others will be ride or die and will even help you fight your detractors, that's steve protecting bucky from stark, t'chala and the UN.


No offense but thats why your on a video game discussion board while shes one of the most sought after cretives in hollywood, Ive seen Fleabag and its brilliant, I understand why hollywood loves Phoebe Waller Bridge, shes great
What the fuck comment is that 🤣.

Who gives a fuck who she is and where she lives and what she does. 99% of "creatives" come from nepotism, I wouldn't be shocked if she had a rich uncle producer or something along those lines. I wish she'd be on a game discussion board, she'd might get better at her job 🤣

As for your viewing I'd recommend opening your horizons and seeing actually well written TV shows and movies and I do mean offense when I say they are horse shite and unequivocally uncreative and uninteresting.

Middle aged woman who like sex but is a mess... wow so original and creative, what a smart show. 🤣
She also wrote Wandavision…but let’s ignore that one since it won’t bring as many clicks
The Rock Clapping GIF

Thanks for pointing out what should be very obvious.

While I'm here, I think it's important to point out that Tomb Raider is going to be VERY hard to adapt because the story and characters have almost always been absolutely terrible. I've been a fan of the series since day one. Bought it for Saturn, if you can believe it. It has always sucked. Gameplay is where the series shines. The only ones that ever got it right IMO were Crystal Dynamics w/ Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld. Every other iteration has bottom of the barrel story telling.
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Ulysses 31

Sure, but he doesn't know about it until after the situation has been resolved, there's nothing to "stand by" about, the people are now safe and free and wanda has self exiled in penance.
We don't know when he was informed about it but even if after the fact, him not checking it out when he could makes Dr. Strange seem not caring for the civilians that suffered. How does he even know she's remorseful without checking?
It doesn't really matter if it's indirect, he's still the cause if it because of his irrational fears, heck he's indirectly responsible for what happened to westview as well thanks to his bullshit sokovia accords.
You can be directly responsible or indirectly, the first is worse and Wanda's situation leans more into that territory.
Well there was no need to "stop her", because it was already over, but also because that's what some friends do, some may come and berate you, while others recognise you might need some time and even come up with a way to ameliorate the situation, which is what strange did; others will be ride or die and will even help you fight your detractors, that's steve protecting bucky from stark, t'chala and the UN.
Friends also call out each other's bad behaviour. Friends will also be more tactful than finger wagging lectures.

If we go with that he was informed after she got away, why would he just assume it couldn't happen again without checking on her?

Really the only explanation for Dr. Strange's behaviour is that he trusts Wanda so much that she can go around enslaving people and he would not be worried since he trusts her to not kill anyone and set them free again. You know how ridiculous that sounds, right?
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At some point you have to wonder if all these execs ever hear an opinion out of their own little bubble…The Marvels is a critical and commercial flop, no sane person would hire anyone involved with that garbage, and Waller Bridge? Come on surely…SURELY somebody there understands modern ‘Feminism’ fundamentally goes against the concept of a sexually secure, hetero, badass explorer right? Guaranteed Lara will be a lesbian and dont need no man ugh
Who is making these decisions and why? Where are the people putting their foot down and throwing these creeps out of the writing room? And why does one person get to be responsible for so much? Why their obsession with phoebe waller brigg? She is cancer yet they keep putting her in charge of stuff.

Dont they care that this kills their brand. Men and boys will no longer have things to watch and will go outside. Is this the goal? Inject idpol into everything, make everything ugly, bastardize it, no respect for beauty or source material? These fs think everything from before 2014 was the dark ages. So sick of their bullshit.

At least we have 11 games and a remaster coming up... But we also have a woke version where she hates men incoming (according to the leak) too.
We don't know when he was informed about it but even if after the fact, him not checking it out when he could makes Dr. Strange seem not caring for the civilians that suffered. How do he even know she's remorseful without checking?
We do know because only SWORD knew and they were corrupt, they even lied about her stealing vision's body; they wanted her dealt with/dead and vision as their personal weapon.
You can be directly responsible or indirectly, the first is worse and Wanda's situation leans more into that territory.
Not really, maybe if all things are equal, but nobody died from westview, so in no way shape or form could it ever be worse than at least a hundred people dying, including wanda's brother, as a result of stark's actions.
Friends also call out bad each other's behaviour.
Maybe, maybe not, just like people aren't created equal, so aren't relationships and you don't get to decide how someone needs to act, that's up to the people in the relationship, not whatever you deem moral or not as an outside observer.
Really the only explanation for how Dr. Strange behaviour is that he trusts Wanda so much that she can go around enslaving people and he would be worried since he trusts her to not kill anyone and set them free again. You know how ridiculous that sounds, right?
That's stupidly reductive, but if that is what you believe then we're just going in circles and this discussion has reached its conclusion; good day.
You're kind of re-affirming the point though. By 27 films he had a thoroughly established and well developed characteristica. So, it was weird they wanted to go against it and almost tore it down.

If the filmmakers were so inclined on exploring a spy character, with similar characteristica to Bond, gone soft or whatever they should've decided to create a new one from the ground up. So, no. I disagree. I guess, we'll just have to agree to disagree there.
They went against the grain multiple times with the Craig films. Remember that his films were way more connected narratively than any other Bond to the point where viewers could realistically be confused watching Skyfall or NTTD.

They explored his origins and inexperience in Casino Royale and people loved that movie. We never experienced that side of Bond but the key there was that it was written well.

Again, I think you guys are more upset at the execution here rather than the intent. I think if NTTD were a better written end story it would have been just as celebrated and people would have connected with older Bond the same way they connected with Old Snake in MGS4.

Ulysses 31

We do know because only SWORD knew and they were corrupt, they even lied about her stealing vision's body; they wanted her dealt with/dead and vision as their personal weapon.
I admit my WandaVision knowledge is a bit hazy after a few years but Wanda being branded a terrorist and lies spread about her would seem as even more cause to check up on her as a friend.
Not really, maybe if all things are equal, but nobody died from westview, so in no way shape or form could it ever be worse than at least a hundred people dying, including wanda's brother, as a result of stark's actions.
Those deaths aren't from Stark's direct actions though, Ultron is sentient and thus responsible for it's own actions, and Stark actively works to correct his past mistakes, that can't be said of Wanda.
Maybe, maybe not, just like people aren't created equal, so aren't relationships and you don't get to decide how someone needs to act, that's up to the people in the relationship, not whatever you deem moral or not as an outside observer.
If anything in past movies showed that Steven doesn't care (at all?) about civilians suffering at the hands of Wanda or any of his other friends then fair enough, as it is now it comes across as character assassination of Dr. Strange and the movie trying to cover for Wanda and the nasty things she did in WandaVision.
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Phoebe is a good writer for her audience. But... Here's the thing - her audience is female intellectual young to middle aged women who like sarcastic/witty/"independent" women

Gamers who love tomb raider are NOT these, OG fans were male Gen x to older male millennials.
Yep and Disney and apparently most studios today don't want to cater to us. Apparently they think we don't have money. I don't get it at all. Is this college indoctrination? Why do executives allow this when they won't get the returns?
I admit my WandaVision knowledge is a bit hazy after a few years but Wanda being branded a terrorist and lies spread about her would seem as even more cause to check up on her as a friend.
There were no lies "spread", nobody knew what was going on and SWORD kept it that way, they deemed wanda a threat to their plans of making vision a weapon and tried to kill her; this is all internal politics at SWORD and is why they eventually get dismantled after the events.
Those deaths aren't from Stark's direct actions though, Ultron is sentient and thus responsible for it's own actions, and Stark actively works to correct his past mistakes, that can't be said of Wanda.
Sapient*, sentient is a common hollywood mistake and now people keep misusing it; sentience is just the ability to feel not think/reason, which is sapience (like our species name Homo Sapiens).
And again it doesn't matter if Stark directly pulls the trigger or not, there's no ultron without stark's push for "world protection"; Ultron is his creation and he took responsibility for it, so he's ultimately responsible for those deaths and I'm sure he used his infinite well of money to try and make things right afterwards.
And yeah wanda can't correct her past mistakes because she's dead lol.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I have been playing through Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Its actually pretty good after you get past the boring story introduction. Jonah is actually a likable sidekick this time around, whereas I didnt care for any of the non-Lara characters in 2013 or Rise. Would recommend if you want actual tombs in your tomb raider game and are ok with a slower-paced game :messenger_sunglasses:

Ulysses 31

There were no lies "spread", nobody knew what was going on and SWORD kept it that way, they deemed wanda a threat to their plans of making vision a weapon and tried to kill her; this is all internal politics at SWORD and is why they eventually get dismantled after the events.
OK sure, still leaves us with a Dr. Strange that doesn't seem to care enough to check on Wanda after he learned she enslaved civilians. To my knowledge there's no MCU material stating he was too busy with something else.
Sapient*, sentient is a common hollywood mistake and now people keep misusing it; sentience is just the ability to feel not think/reason, which is sapience (like our species name Homo Sapiens).
Interesting. :pie_thinking:
And again it doesn't matter if Stark directly pulls the trigger or not, there's no ultron without stark's push for "world protection"; Ultron is his creation and he took responsibility for it, so he's ultimately responsible for those deaths and I'm sure he used his infinite well of money to try and make things right afterwards.
Unless it can be shown Ultron would turn out the way it did but Stark still chose to continue development anyway, I don't see how Stark can held directly responsible. That Stark feels responsible and wants to repair the damage Ultron did speaks to him as being a moral person, not that he's as guilty as pulling the trigger himself.
And yeah wanda can't correct her past mistakes because she's dead lol.
Come on now, you know they wouldn't end Wanda's story like that without some attempt at a redemption arc later on. :messenger_winking_tongue:
Dr. Strange that doesn't seem to care enough to check on Wanda after he learned she enslaved civilians. To my knowledge there's no MCU material stating he was too busy with something else.
We don't know when he was briefed, we only know that it took place a year+ before he asks her for help. Aside from almost destroying the universe before that, nobody knows what else he could've been doing, but also it doesn't matter as I said, however people handle their interpersonal relationships is up to them, not what any outside observer deems moral, and strange eventually comes up with a way for her to improve her public image.
Unless it can be shown Ultron would turn out the way it did but Stark still chose to continue development anyway, I don't see how Stark can held directly responsible. That Stark feels responsible and wants to repair the damage Ultron did speaks to him as being a moral person, not that he's as guilty as pulling the trigger himself.
hindsight is 20/20, I'm sure we'd all love to be able to operate with perfect future knowledge, but that's unfortunately not the case and you have to take responsibility for your actions even if you had noble intentions. Banner had his reservations but stark talked him into hiding it from the rest of the team, because he didn't want to leave it up to a vote, he was blindly focused on his world protection plan that he didn't want anyone to interfere.
He's not directly responsible as I agreed, but he is ultimately responsible and he himself took that responsibility so there's really no need to argue that point further.


I liked marvels enough. It was just serviceable..

Wandavision was pretty good however.

This is a weak stance in general. The same guy who wrote Rose of Skywalker wrote Argo.

No artists writer or otherwise has all hits and no misses.

Ulysses 31

We don't know when he was briefed, we only know that it took place a year+ before he asks her for help. Aside from almost destroying the universe before that, nobody knows what else he could've been doing, but also it doesn't matter as I said, however people handle their interpersonal relationships is up to them, not what any outside observer deems moral, and strange eventually comes up with a way for her to improve her public image.
With all the material there is of MCU Dr. Strange, one can get a feel of Steven's character with how he handles situations and see something's off with how casually he disregards enslavement of 1000s of people. I think it's more a case of bad and sloppy writing than Dr. Strange suddenly having such grey morals.
hindsight is 20/20, I'm sure we'd all love to be able to operate with perfect future knowledge, but that's unfortunately not the case and you have to take responsibility for your actions even if you had noble intentions. Banner had his reservations but stark talked him into hiding it from the rest of the team, because he didn't want to leave it up to a vote, he was blindly focused on his world protection plan that he didn't want anyone to interfere.
He's not directly responsible as I agreed, but he is ultimately responsible and he himself took that responsibility so there's really no need to argue that point further.
When I talked about taking responsibility I was more talking about stranding trial. I don't think Stark did anything that warrants a trial unless there's proof of warning signs he ignored while making Ultron. Wanda however, enslaving 1000s of people and mentally torturing them over imaginary children she fabricated warrants her standing trial for that, even if she felt sorry afterwards.
Dr. Strange suddenly having such grey morals.
Again, you're deciding as an outside observer that his morals are grey, because they aren't in line with yours, while he might feel like treating a friend the way he does is the right thing to do and not "grey" at all; again he says that helping him will improve her public image, so he's well aware of what the opinion on her is, but as a friend he knows her better than anyone looking at it from the outside as an isolated incident and made his decision based on her further actions.
When I talked about taking responsibility I was more talking about stranding trial.
Again, he's not a cop or whatever else authority, he doesn't concern himself with any governmental or judicial affairs or the sokovia accords nonsense, only mystical ones; he clearly didn't deem wanda to be a threat after he was made aware of the incident and made his choice on how to handle the situation, which was to leave her to her self exile for who knows how long, until he needed her help, which he then also saw as an opportunity for her to improve her public image.
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Ulysses 31

Again, you're deciding as an outside observer that his morals are grey, because they aren't in line with yours, while he might feel like treating a friend the way he does is the right thing to do and not "grey" at all; again he says that helping him will improve her public image, so he's well aware of what the opinion on her is, but as a friend he knows her better than anyone looking at it from the outside as an isolated incident and made his decision based on her further actions.
Is it really a stretch to assume Dr. Strange is against enslaving civilians, even if it's a friend doing it? If he doesn't seem to care, would it be inaccurate to call that morally grey? He is tasked with protecting parts of the planet so it is in his interest to make sure Wanda doesn't become unhinged again in the future.

You misread me if you think I'm critical of Dr. Strange just because his morals don't seem to align with mine, I'm taking issue with how he is in MoM compared to how he was in the movies prior.
Again, he's not a cop or whatever else authority, he doesn't concern himself with any governmental or judicial affairs or the sokovia accords nonsense, only mystical ones; he clearly didn't deem wanda to be a threat after he was made aware of the incident and made his choice on how to handle the situation, which was to leave her to her self exile for who knows how long, until he needed her help, which he then also saw as an opportunity for her to improve her public image.
He should act like a concerned friend that doesn't want to see any more innocent people get hurt. What information does Dr. Strange have to not consider Wanda a threat anymore if he never saw her? The movie just skips over these things that make Steven look like a fool and a jerk for not caring about the needless suffering of civilians at Wanda's hands.
If he doesn't seem to care, would it be inaccurate to call that morally grey? He is tasked with protecting parts of the planet so it is in his interest to make sure Wanda doesn't become unhinged again in the future.
It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he knows that she does, and there's really no reason for her to become "unhinged" again, she's lost everything already, the thing that caused the hex was her not being allowed to get closure and give vision a funeral; intent and the root cause are important, she didn't just waltz into westview and proclaimed to be their new emperor like dr doom or whatever, it was a mistake, not malice.
He should act like a concerned friend that doesn't want to see any more innocent people get hurt. What information does Dr. Strange have to not consider Wanda a threat anymore if he never saw her?
He shouldn't do anything, it's not up to you to tell him how to treat his friend. The information that he has is that she's not caused any trouble since, meanwhile he nearly destroys the universe, whoopsie 🤭


To quote Yahtzee from an episode of one of his (former) series, Extra Punctuation, "a video game being adapted to a tv show or a movie is not an elevation of the source material. It is a reduction."

No tv show or movie, no matter how good can give you the experience brought on by the interactive and immersive nature of a video game.

Particularly not if it is a shit tv show like this one looks to be.
Let me guess this new Lara is gonna be bitter as hell and all the male characters will be morons who are incompetent at everything they do.

She will also have a simp male nerd companion who is unbearably awkward.

And its inevitable she will meet some "badass" chick that develops into a scene where said "badass" chick opens up about her traumatic past resulting in Lara reaching for her hand and going in for a kiss.

I can see it a mile away.
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Agreed. I have a suspicion that that if this series is successful, it'll be looked at as a template for a new set of Tomb Raider games. I'm not big into Tomb Raider as a whole, but it would really suck to see another long-established female character who have liked for a long time fall victim to the sort of bad writing that people associate with many modern female characters now...
wait! didn't this already happen quite recently?...

If written properly Lara Croft could be the female Indiana Jones. Which Tomb Raider was inspired by.
But why do we need this? Indiana Jones at its core is nothing more than an homage to the classic 1930s serials that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg grew up with. We're now approaching a full century on from the inspiration of it. There's no clamoring for a female version of Indiana Jones, and it's not because the mainstream can only accept a male in a leading role of that nature, but because the entire thing is pretty much over. The mainstream has moved on from these types of stories and characters. Indiana Jones & The Dial Of Destiny, while objectively a better story than Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, still significantly underperformed at the box office and failed to catch on with the hearts and minds of the mainstream. The mass market appeal of such a character is behind us.

In a similar vein, it's not an accident that neither Naughty Dog nor Sony have felt compelled to resurrect the Uncharted franchise. We had six games and some side media of it. It was a fun ride. But much of the mainstream has moved on. Maybe there will be a retro want of it in a generation or two. And the same could be said for Indiana Jones. But right now, neither feels terribly relevant and I certainly don't see any tremendous gap that needs filling.

Lara Croft has been raiding tombs for the better part of 30 years. She doesn't need a live action component to remain relevant. Neither does Nathan Drake. Because his Uncharted movie is no more worth sitting through than any of Lara's live action outings. Last I checked, Tomb Raider games are still selling just fine. Not every character and every IP need to be a household name touching every type of media. They are wasting large sums of money that could be invested in making better games.

Ulysses 31

It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he knows that she does, and there's really no reason for her to become "unhinged" again, she's lost everything already, the thing that caused the hex was her not being allowed to get closure and give vision a funeral; intent and the root cause are important, she didn't just waltz into westview and proclaimed to be their new emperor like dr doom or whatever, it was a mistake, not malice.
But how does he know she does without ever talking to her? Is it not in human nature to check on friends after hearing they've done pretty bad things to hear their side of the story? And for someone who can teleport there's really no excuse to never visit her after what she's done.

And it turns out she can't be that remorseful of civilian casualties when she's been sending out these huge monsters after America.
He shouldn't do anything, it's not up to you to tell him how to treat his friend. The information that he has is that she's not caused any trouble since, meanwhile he nearly destroys the universe, whoopsie 🤭
Why shouldn't the viewer question Dr. Strange never investigating a friend who's enslaved 1000s of people? What is this information he has on her that removes any concern she'll got nuts again? Yeah, the writers plays fast and loose at the expense of Dr. Strange's character.

Talking about NWO? Yeah, Dr. Strange is character assassinated there too with how he casually starts casting a dangerous universe altering spell for Peter without ever fully informing him first.


wait! didn't this already happen quite recently?...


I know you jest, but as far as the core gameplay goes, i have enjoyed the hell out of these 3 games. Turns out, if it is a video game and if you actually enjoy the moment-to-moment gameplay, a shit story doesnt even bother you much.

But when you're adapting a game into an inferior (and non interactive) medium such as a TV show, writing and character development take paramount importance. And this will not fly if the writing quality is similar to Megan McDonnell's other projects cited in the tweet.
I know you jest, but as far as the core gameplay goes, i have enjoyed the hell out of these 3 games. Turns out, if it is a video game and if you actually enjoy the moment-to-moment gameplay, a shit story doesnt even bother you much.

But when you're adapting a game into an inferior (and non interactive) medium such as a TV show, writing and character development take paramount importance. And this will not fly if the writing quality is similar to Megan McDonnell's other projects cited in the tweet.
afa as a tv series, you're likely correct. not sure if movies fall into the 'inferior medium' category, but, if so, i'm thinking that at least the people behind the john wick series would certainly disagree...


afa as a tv series, you're likely correct. not sure if movies fall into the 'inferior medium' category, but, if so, i'm thinking that at least the people behind the john wick series would certainly disagree...

When i classify tv shows and movies as 'inferior', i should probably add that i mean them to be inferior only when they're trying to adapt from a source that was originally a video game.

Movies that are original works or adapted from books/comics can turn out great ofcourse. John Wick movies are a good example. They are trying to do something specific - good fight choreography - which is fun to watch in a movie. And i love the John Wick movies by the way. Another good example is the Lord of the Rings movies - adapted from books and turned out great, yet the original material (the books) have much more detail and hence can immerse you more if you have a good imagination. That is because, as good as the LotR movies were, they have inherent restrictions like runtime, and not being able to go into too much detail about a single character or event or location - something that the books can freely do.

Extend the same logic to a video game - it can immerse you, make you the center of the story, make you interact with it, so that you are the force driving the events forward; or at least, they make you feel that way. No movie or tv show can do that; even if the source game was very cinematic. Just see how bad the Uncharted movie is compared to the games. Even the Last of Us tv show, as good as it was, is not the same experience as playing the game.
When i classify tv shows and movies as 'inferior', i should probably add that i mean them to be inferior only when they're trying to adapt from a source that was originally a video game.

Movies that are original works or adapted from books/comics can turn out great ofcourse. John Wick movies are a good example. They are trying to do something specific - good fight choreography - which is fun to watch in a movie. And i love the John Wick movies by the way. Another good example is the Lord of the Rings movies - adapted from books and turned out great, yet the original material (the books) have much more detail and hence can immerse you more if you have a good imagination. That is because, as good as the LotR movies were, they have inherent restrictions like runtime, and not being able to go into too much detail about a single character or event or location - something that the books can freely do.

Extend the same logic to a video game - it can immerse you, make you the center of the story, make you interact with it, so that you are the force driving the events forward; or at least, they make you feel that way. No movie or tv show can do that; even if the source game was very cinematic. Just see how bad the Uncharted movie is compared to the games. Even the Last of Us tv show, as good as it was, is not the same experience as playing the game.
i agree with what you say. i was just making the point that, afa something like the john wick movies, writing & character development (in other than maybe the first one) are not only not of paramount importance, they're of little if any importance, in much the same way as you feel is true of the recent tomb raider trilogy...
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