Theres no grappling in kendo, Takeshi.
The way Takashi appends 'man' to the end of sentences never really works .......... man
How would the cat even sense hacking?
How would the cat even sense hacking?
How would the cat even sense hacking?
oh, it's the Dengaropa bear or whatever the fuck the game is called
Max's thirst level is off the charts.
I think that's against the rules
The rules of the IGPX are pretty fluid.I think that's against the rules
So what's to stop Aku from throwing Jack further into the future?
I assume Jack isn't dumb enough to fall for the same trick twice.
The rules of the IGPX are pretty fluid.
I assume Jack isn't dumb enough to fall for the same trick twice.
You can summon a tornado and apparently that isn't against the rules.