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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Junior Member
The Prestige is my favourite Nolan.

I recommend it if you haven't seen it. I'm actually not too keen on his other works, but I love that one.
I have seen all of Nolan's films and have liked them all.

I have a feeling Interstellar is going to wind up my favorite, but, for right now, it's still Memento. The film is genius.


Ichigo's Friends:

They stuck with you through thick and thin, and even if they couldn't do anything of note, he still tried when they could for that 1 second.



I have seen all of Nolan's films and have liked them all.

I have a feeling Interstellar is going to wind up my favorite, but, for right now, it's still Memento. The film is genius.

Oh yeah that one is good. Eh its not that I dont like him, but I dont exactly love his stuff. If that makes sense.

Krillin won occasionally in Dragon Ball...plus he married 18. That's a big win

Renji has jobbed since appearing in the series

Yeah he won against Bacterian and Chaozu in original DB, and killed the Saiabman.

Renji has some canon victories though. I know for fact
he beat Jackie in the Fullbring Arc
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