FAIRY TAIL FORESHADOWING. Woooooow!Any reason to take off his shirt.
FAIRY TAIL FORESHADOWING. Woooooow!Any reason to take off his shirt.
Armstrong if you arrived a minute later you'd prevent the worst subplot of the series!
The bad timing alchemist.Armstrong if you arrived a minute later you'd prevent the worst subplot of the series!
Armstrong if you arrived a minute later you'd prevent the worst subplot of the series!
time for stealth
Hmm, I suppose the whole introduction of a possible government conspiracy isn't awful. That and the Scar problem are the some of the first events in moving the overall plot along.
I guess it's more the whole "The library burned down! D: " --> "Doesn't matter, this girl has a photographic memory!" that I don't gel with.
guys, next week's episode is amazing
You guys really are the same person.jack
jack jack jack
edit: embarassing, smh
Time for the Aku show, featuring me Aku!
You can't be Aku, he would state this with much more self-praise.
hehat went from jack, to evil jack, until he finally became aku
Oh my.This random dude really wants Jack to come...
Jack needs to learn to think for himself, he always just does whatever anyone tells him to, random ominous voices included.
It was before your time but his avatar used to be Aku before it went to Jack
It's especially silly when he knows 90% of the time IT'S A TRAP