The filler gets basically more and more dumb from here on out
How the hell is that guy even in the village? Doesn't the hidden leaf has a protective barrier around it that detects anyone unknown. Oh wait filler.
that hasn't been established yet.
"Your father was a evil bastard, Sora" How hard was that Asuma?
I remember in one filler arc down the line where they give some otherThat was actually pretty hilarious.jinchuuriki character development then at the end Pain just totally fucking murders him.
Well being just like Naruto makes you immune to prosecution.Attempted regicide? They'll have your head for this, Sora. Aww yiss. Samurai Naruto and Sasuke ending. Time for One Piece.
It continues to sound like it's a good idea to make Shippuden the only show on Toonami I don't watch.
Yeah in like a2 min fight.
Yup!I just noticed the EP seem to just put in characters that don't even appear in the arcs they currently show.
It continues to sound like it's a good idea to make Shippuden the only show on Toonami I don't watch.
This episode was a two parter then.all the decently animated shippuden clips in the 'goodie' tonight are from the next episode.
Naruto in pain? Sure, I'd watch that.If I were you i'd skip all filler and just watch the canon arcs.Especially Naruto Vs Pain.