They NEED to advertise that the creator is the same one who did yu yu devastated will people be if HxH bombs?
can i pretend jason chrysler is bandit keith
ohh I like the way you thinkKnowing this story so far I'm betting that the coil powered body turned the girl Cray Cray and she whopped them and ran.
They just say it was an accident cause it was experimental and they had money riding on it. BIG money. A true Human-Coil-Robot? That's gotta be big.
I hope none of those character's we were just introduced to die.
oh god he's a superhero
Would not be surprised.You know, I half expected Kaiba to host a childrens card game tournament on that airship.
She would probably just shut down while they're there, much like how all of the coils in the vicinity of the blast in the first episode got fried.So if Coils don't work there will Mira die?