no more mr nice guy
no more mr nice guy
Just don't miss next weeks. Easily one of the best episodes of the series and arguably my favorite.
Well hes a Kamen Rider reference so he must me awesome.Mumem Rider is the best character in this show
Speaking of torture...UGH!!!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT TILL NEXT WEEK FOR THE NEXT EPISODE!?!?!? THIS IS LITERALLY TORTURE!!!! Time for Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans.
No preview or end footage too 🤔
it'd be nice if gundam didnt suck this week
I can appreciate a show getting to the point but the whole brother subplot...it'd be nice if gundam didnt suck this week
negativeChances of IBO not being babble?
Chances of IBO not being babble?