Are we recapping how Luffy didn't listen AGAIN?
Depends, howTL are you?
He says Sasuke is stupid and says Naruto has a small dick.
It need to finish firstOne Piece needs a Kai adaption desperately
Are we seriously recapping the same shit we've already recapped for the last 2 episodes?
I like this guy.
Voice isn't deep enough, Aramaki sounded too much like a mentor character, heck I'd say switch the 3rd from part 1 with Danzo would have worked better
I always forget about Anko...
Let me rephrase
Most wasted potential of a character that was introduced to be a major part of the story
Longest recap ever...why?
Last weeks was almost twice as long.Longest recap ever...why?
Good to know.Well, that was only 4 minutes instead of 8 or whatever
10,000 vs Luffy? Those odds seem unfair.