Probably the least dramatic childhood flashbacks on this show.
That's the joke.
Probably the least dramatic childhood flashbacks on this show.
So, bad writing. Got it. Just go with whatever is the most "ninja" looking even when it's counter productive.
Orochimaru helps those who help themselves!
Lol she's got to have a concussion by now
He's dropped any concerns of staying consistent with LITERALLY ANYTHING recently.I guess bad writing is as basic as it gets. Kishi could never decide what to do with the tech. At times you wonder if they even have electricity and at others they seem even more advanced than us. Kishi dropped any concerns he had of staying consistent with the tech a long long time ago though.
Lol she's got to have a concussion by now
Just skip to the FMA B gif.I'm actually looking for the snow one now.
Nice of the other Sound Ninja not to finish their mission by killing off Sasuke and all. Time for FMA Brotherhood.
Maybe they should have titled that episode, "Sakura Bruises".
Ninja are pretty cordial when it comes to fighting. Taking turns and all that.
Every episode with her name in the title involves her failing horribly.Maybe they should have titled that episode, "Sakura Bruises".
He's dropped any concerns of staying consistent with LITERALLY ANYTHING recently.
Dat Ino forehead.
She'd need a brain for that.
She knew the risks of joining the NFL
*sigh* Its true.
Time for ToonamiGaf to write its own manga.
Writer: lazybones18
Tuxedo Mask shows up to avenge Sailor Moon after Shard made her cry.
Writer: lazybones18
So Seda and Levyne becomes the OTP?
Ling has like zero fucking stamina. Dude is only good in short bursts.