F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Aug 17, 2014 #10,103 Imperial Bishop said: Best OP Click to expand... Did that episode happen yet, I missed it last saturday D:
Imperial Bishop said: Best OP Click to expand... Did that episode happen yet, I missed it last saturday D:
T Takashi Member Aug 17, 2014 #10,106 Haha from fighting to starting a band in seconds like a real rock band
G GaimeGuy Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16 Aug 17, 2014 #10,110 Hahahahahahha yeessssssssssssss
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Aug 17, 2014 #10,113 I'm loving this episode already
U UltraGunner Banned Aug 17, 2014 #10,114 That confrontation in the bathroom could have went a lot differently had this been written by someone like KyoAni
That confrontation in the bathroom could have went a lot differently had this been written by someone like KyoAni
R ramoisdead Member Aug 17, 2014 #10,118 I like the band name "Dandy...and those guys over there". Very catchy.
D daveo42 Banned Aug 17, 2014 #10,119 Johnny and Dandy become ROCK GODS. Also works out since they are part of the same weird space cult or w/e. Hisoka really knows his Rock album covers.
Johnny and Dandy become ROCK GODS. Also works out since they are part of the same weird space cult or w/e. Hisoka really knows his Rock album covers.
B B-Dubs No Scrubs Aug 17, 2014 #10,132 Do they even know how to play music? Oh Honey, you so suggestive.
R RagnarokX Member Aug 17, 2014 #10,133 Zonic said: Was that dude playing a PSP? How old IS this series? Click to expand... Bleach was sponsored by Sony and Playstation. In Japan animes start out listing their sponsors
Zonic said: Was that dude playing a PSP? How old IS this series? Click to expand... Bleach was sponsored by Sony and Playstation. In Japan animes start out listing their sponsors
S Shard XBLAnnoyance Aug 17, 2014 #10,138 So how long before this turns into an episode of Behind the Music?
R ramoisdead Member Aug 17, 2014 #10,146 "What's this delicacy"...as Dandy stares at Honey's booty... ...booty... ...booty. Also QT was fishing for that one.
"What's this delicacy"...as Dandy stares at Honey's booty... ...booty... ...booty. Also QT was fishing for that one.