Look at dat plot
Main VA is reading the script for the first time.
basically if they're higher than kami/piccolo then they cant do shitI remember reading something that the dragon cant do anything to affect in attack form or restrain someone who's power level is insanely higher than a certain level or something like that.
Basically the dragon cant halt someone who is overpowered D:
Random question but who has seen this akame thing all the way through?
Worse, we got a really shitty filler ending that interrupts thethe priest arc
Worse, we got a really shitty filler ending that interrupts thethe priest arc
Is it me or is the audio quality like really poor?
I don't mean the acting, but the audio sounds really off
He said "when do we start recording" and they said "what we're done"
Not really.This made me laugh >_<
This dub is harming our overall view of the show, isn't it.
This poor dub is making it easier to treat this show as a parody.
I mean, along with....most everything else.
This made me laugh >_<
This dub is harming our overall view of the show, isn't it?
NoAre you sure this isn't a parody? Because it feels like one.
So they're justice warriors? Cool.
oh boy are we in for some good guy satan tier fuckery?