Bring Witch Hunter Robin to TOONAMI!involvement with witches? THE ULTIMATE CRIME
Bring Witch Hunter Robin to TOONAMI!
SO none of this actually happened in the Manga correct.
It beems SAO directly to their brainsUgh. I forgot they turned madness into a death ray...ugh.
to go further beyond
Pfffft lolDeath is going full SSJ
Less boring than the beautiful Wolf's Rain.No, no, oh ye gods no, let us not bring the pile of boring known as Witch Hunter Robin back to Toonami
I swear this guy looks like a Zelda character
Not really. Some of the Black Star stuff loosely follows it.
Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........I have no desire to see that again.Less boring than the beautiful Wolf's Rain.
Or the ultra shitty Trinity Blood.
The embodiment of Tsubaki's clan.Uh, did I miss something, who is this zebra elk
Good thing he's got a bijuu or something inside of him.
Uh, did I miss something, who is this zebra elk