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Toonami |JanFeb17| Super Saiyan Please?

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There are two things I will never get over.

How much more I prefer King Kai's japanese VA to the nebbish squealer we have and the shade Vegeta threw at Yamcha.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Time for another retcon!
They should call him Beerus the Retcon-er.

There are two things I will never get over.

How much more I prefer King Kai's japanese VA to the nebbish squealer we have and the shade Vegeta threw at Yamcha.

The old one or the new one?


Now for more "Beerus was secretly behind everything and was always a part of the Dragon Ball canon, you just forgot or were never told before" :p


I'm... not okay with that retcon. I mean, King Vegeta getting punked is already well-established, but the silliness of Beerus' motives (best food/pillow in the universe) doesn't mix well with DBZ's more serious backstories.

The setup for this scenario seemed better executed in the movie.
Unforuntately, Super doesn't adapt one of the best scenes from the movie:

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