8 X 11 Printer Paper
Don't try to stop Feitan...don't.
Fuck I didn't realize. Is Kurapika in Emperor Time this whole scene?Fuck that's a lot of time
Who is the Troupe member guy with the blond hair and no eyebrows and who is his English VA? Sounds famliar.
You mean Phinks the one that dresses like a Russian mobster, but is actually kind of sort of Egyptian?Who is the Troupe member guy with the blond hair and no eyebrows and who is his English VA? Sounds familiar.
oh, David Vincent is the VA.
Heh, symbolic.Gon on the other hand has no problem breaking his jail of chains
Unless you've seen the whole series you don't even know the half of it yet.Gon is crazy
Scar guy talks sense...whats his name?
these guys fight like a big old married family
Unless you've seen the whole series you don't even know the half of it yet.
It's time for Hisoka to fuck everything and everyone
fixed maybe?