I'd use US manga sales, but that's such a non-existent market that it wouldn't matter.
It's not as bad as you'd think as it's generally regarded as being the central reason for the new Sailor Moon dub.
I'd use US manga sales, but that's such a non-existent market that it wouldn't matter.
That's debatable.
I would like to see some numbers on the Funimation dvd/blu-ray sales on Fairy Tail vs. One Piece. I don't know if that info is publicly available though.
man all this nerd taste elitism sure is fucking dumb
maybe one piece isn't really as great as you keep loudly and repeatedly telling everyone it is
but no, americans are just too stupid to understand oda-sama's genius
I really don't see this being Adult Swim's relationship with One Piece at all.One Piece is a show that I think Adult Swim wants to turn into a new Inuyasha or Bleach, something that will probably last forever and have new episodes, and will probably be a cheaper buy then other more popular shows.
Joseph and Johnathan over Jotaro and Dio?
I'm hoping that like JSS -> JUS we'll see a second version of J stars victory vs with more characters and more series
Well, when that douche from programming comes around and says, "We've run the numbers and Fairy Tail will outperform One Piece in any timeslot so replace it" he won't really have a choice.DeMarco has said multiple times he loves the series, so it's likely going to stay around for a while.
DeMarco has said multiple times he loves the series, so it's likely going to stay around for a while.
The problem is that Fairy Tail likely beats it in ratings in ANY timeslot.He also said it does just fine in its current slot. Remember you're not getting miracles out of 2:30am. It's real ratings problem was when it was near to headlining the block.
He also said it does just fine in its current slot. Remember you're not getting miracles out of 2:30am. It's real ratings problem was when it was near to headlining the block.
Her thing like falling for Luffy? I am surprised anyone would fall for him.Funimation is getting pretty close to Boa Hancock
Her thing like falling for Luffy? I am surprised anyone would fall for him.
Also, this Ace dude eat the Sun Sun fruit?
Here are some manga charts for the US:
Top Manga Properties Fall/Holidays 2013
Top Manga Properties Fall/Holidays 2014
Fairy Tail ranks higher than One Piece there. Dunno anywhere to find anime sales, though.
Considering that Demarco thinks One Piece isn't as popular due to its art style and length, I seriously doubt they'll ever replace it with itsWell, when that douche from programming comes around and says, "We've run the numbers and Fairy Tail will outperform One Piece in any timeslot so replace it" he won't really have a choice.
Here are some manga charts for the US:
Top Manga Properties Fall/Holidays 2013
Top Manga Properties Fall/Holidays 2014
Fairy Tail ranks higher than One Piece there. Dunno anywhere to find anime sales, though.
Let me just put this to rest, since you guys like to keep bringing up Fairy Tail.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/yi659o8rs1l27gp/FUNimation December 2014 Solicitations.pdf?dl=0
As of 2014 in North America:
Fairy Tail - 30,000 copies sold
One Piece - 220,000 copies sold
Good night.
I'm kinda selfish in that I don't really care if something rates well or not. I don't care if the things I watch are the popular things. I have no stake in anything here. It's more a plain vanilla curiosity to see what the big picture is. (I view videogame sale numbers similarly)
I also don't care to speculate what William's Street wants to see in ratings.
Well, when that douche from programming comes around and says, "We've run the numbers and Fairy Tail will outperform One Piece in any timeslot so replace it" he won't really have a choice.
I don't think the anime is a good adaptation at all. Any joy I get from the anime is due to association and even then a lot of iconic moments from the manga end up being flaccid in the anime, Marineford is pretty much the embodiment of this. My ideal situation regarding the anime isn't for a Kai version but for another studio entirely being given the reigns to adapt it; probably Madhouse considering how good Ippo, HxH and Black Lagoon turned out.
Another feather in FT's cap is that it was actually cheap enough for FUNIMATION CHANNEL to air at one point. A channel which literally had one major cable company having it on its package. One Piece/DBZ never even sniffed the channel.
Isn't it new thread time
Seda is LATE!
Hey guys, NeoGAF has added the ability to spoiler tag images!
Hmm, how do these load on mobile? ie will they still cache and crash if I do an all gif review tagged?