Vegeta yesVegeta no
Vegeta yes
He assumed he was the strongest being in the universe and that the earth was safe, and he was right for a few years.Damn Gohan where was this motivation to train later in life?
Damn Gohan where was this motivation to train later in life?
Hey remember when Gohan was suppose to eventually surpass his father in terms of power
........on the island, Krillin.
What, did you think they were hiding underwater?
Actually, you know... why didn't they hide underwater? They don't need to breath, right?
Can't just blame him. Vegeta was stupid.krillin you have ONE JOB
The moral of this story, don't give the world saving task to the sexually frustrated bald guy.
To be fair, the androids haven't done anything really bad yet except steal a van. They don't really deserve instant death judgement.