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Toonami |JunJul16| You Thought It Was Dragon Ball Super, But It Was ME, DIO!

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Sketchbook Picasso
I got Battleborn Rather than Overwatch, I don't regret it. (Especially since one has Splitscreen online play, the other don't.) D.va left a pretty bad impression on me from the Demo (kind of a boring kit gameplay wise), and the match I won with the NotTF2Mechanic guy in live play was incredibly boring, lol.

Anime-Con took any money I was thinking of spending on One Piece: Burning Blood (Nice giveaway SEDA!), but I threw a few dollars at the Humble Narrative Bundle & The Humble Monthly to try out Wayforward's Catgirl Without Salad (or heavy development time!)

Lets see if I do anything with these... to pretend I actually see a PC as a viable way to play games! ;-)

Gotta express your artistic vision with all the 3D CG, SAB CA.


I actually have papers from school places that say I know something about 3D animation! I should try to make some again someday! (-_-;)

I always think about making models like MegaMan Legends / Threads of Fate style, as that's a nice spot of "expressive 3D" to me.
Reaper is dope. Just embrace the shitty faux-edge stuff and realize he's fun to play. He's a good flanker who can get in and get out with his abilities and a good tank shredder, and when done properly his ult can cause instant chaos because of the extremely high AoE damage. He also heals from kills so you don't have to back away so fast.
So I'm convinced that the DJ Masterseal trailers for Tokyo Mirage Sessions are designed to be as obnoxious and cringeworthy as possible.


Gives all the fucks
P5 & TMS are probably gonna be the only RPGs I fully play on console this year (trying to find the time to play Type-0 HD since it seems to be about 30-ish to 100%), or at the very least, P5 will be my one big RPG for next year.

I'm just glad TMS is at the end of June because damn, I've got 4 other games I'm getting this month, & next week is Odin Sphere & Kirby, and I just got OP Burning Blood this week.


So today the Crunchyroll Twitter account RT'ed something from me, and I was like... Oh God, incoming notifications...

P5 & TMS are probably gonna be the only RPGs I fully play on console this year (trying to find the time to play Type-0 HD since it seems to be about 30-ish to 100%), or at the very least, P5 will be my one big RPG for next year.

I'm just glad TMS is at the end of June because damn, I've got 4 other games I'm getting this month, & next week is Odin Sphere & Kirby, and I just got OP Burning Blood this week.

Skip Type-0 that game is terrible.

If I had a Wii U I would get #FE but I don't. I'm half looking forward to Star Ocean 5 for some reason, despite having no attachment to the series outside of playing SO2 when I was young and not progressing past the first town and completing SO4 out of spite because I hated it so much. And I thought Tales of had bad characters and plotlines, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. Will give Odin Sphere Leiftwhatever a try.

Other then that still working on FE Fates and will likely pick up SMT 4 Apocalypse. Not sold on Pokemon, nor do I think I have the time or willpower to sit through another easy-ass Pokemon campaign thats fundamentally the same thing as it was 20 years ago. I'm mostly just interested to look at it and hear about it, not really play it unless GF changes up their ways, which they won't. I did that Fallout 4 DLC that runs terribly and looks terrible and yep Fallout 4 is still a pretty bad game that I like for weak reasons. I doubt I'll be able to stomach Elder Scrolls VI though, I'm past the point of giving Bethesda the slip when it comes to never improving on anything ever when the new console generation didn't do shit to their games. New Deus Ex I'll probably pick up, HR was a good game. Final Fantasy XV I expect to be garbage but I'm just interested to play it from a historical and "wow this is finally coming out" perspective. I stopped looking at any info on the game or trailers or anime or anything months ago, I just want the game to come out. Is Nier Automata this year? Because that's the game I look forward to the most. I plan on playing the Drakengard games at...some point but it doesn't look like the first two are available on PSN.

If I still had Witcher 3 I would play the xpac, but I only borrowed it. I'll probably watch my friend play the last 6 hours like I did for the first xpac.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
After VLR and its upcoming sequel the rest of the year is very RPG for me. DQ 7, DQ 8, Sun and Moon, FF V Job Fiesta, Idol Emblem.

MH Generations will probably ruin all of my best laid plans.
Ah shit I forgot Dragon Quest. Always meant to dive into that series and now is the time. Looks like my year is going to be RPG heavy, but thats like every year for me.

Man my 3DS has gotten a lot of play. Five years in and big games are still coming out for it, although I'm getting ZTD on Vita. Once I work my way through Apollo Justice and the two Investigations games I can crack open Duel Destinies which I bought on a digital sale like, a year and a half ago. I also got Layton vs Ace Attorney but I dunno if I will end up playing that. Then there's AA6...but I'd rather have The Great Ace Attorney.


If I can squeeze out some time the next video game I'm going to play is probably Mighty No 9

Come at me

Also I already paid for it :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I bought ZTD on Vita and 3DS so I can sell them complete in box with watch years later for a good profit. I'll buy it digitally day one on 3DS and get the Vita version when it gets cheap.
ZTD comes out the same day I arrive at a friends house for AX, so I'm going to have to convince him to buy a Vita copy so I can play it on the plane home. Gonna just dodge spoilers for two weeks.


Gives all the fucks
If I can squeeze out some time the next video game I'm going to play is probably Mighty No 9
I don't think I've ever felt such deflated hype for a game as much as Mighty No. 9. I might try the demo, but unless it actually turns out to be rather good, the whole ordeal with the kickstarters, delays, awful marketing, etc. just turned me off.

Otherwise, the rest of this month for me, after next week's Odin Sphere LE & Kirby (+ 2 amiibo), is Zero Time Dilemma (+ watch), Tokyo Mirage Sessions LE, & Jojo Eyes of Heaven.
I was never that excited for Mighty No. 9 but I sure feel vindicated at never backing any Kickstarters and just buying the game when it came out if it was good.

At this point MN9 is just a sad state of affairs. It stopped being funny a few fuck-ups ago and now I just kind of feel bad. Inafune's rep is pretty much done for and even if the game was somehow a miraculous achievement 10/10 (which it wont be it looks terrible) it couldn't undo the years of bad press.


If I can squeeze out some time the next video game I'm going to play is probably Mighty No 9

Come at me

Also I already paid for it :p
Why come at you when you are getting what's coming to you?

I hope it turns out good for your sake.


I was never that excited for Mighty No. 9 but I sure feel vindicated at never backing any Kickstarters and just buying the game when it came out if it was good.

At this point MN9 is just a sad state of affairs. It stopped being funny a few fuck-ups ago and now I just kind of feel bad. Inafune's rep is pretty much done for and even if the game was somehow a miraculous achievement 10/10 (which it wont be it looks terrible) it couldn't undo the years of bad press.
I feel lucky on what I backed is turning out so well. If Undertale or Shovel Knight got a new game announced I'd back them in a heart beat.


I was never that excited for Mighty No. 9 but I sure feel vindicated at never backing any Kickstarters and just buying the game when it came out if it was good.

At this point MN9 is just a sad state of affairs. It stopped being funny a few fuck-ups ago and now I just kind of feel bad. Inafune's rep is pretty much done for and even if the game was somehow a miraculous achievement 10/10 (which it wont be it looks terrible) it couldn't undo the years of bad press.

No disrespect but if everybody felt that way lots of the best games in the past few years and some of the most promising games coming up straight up wouldn't exist. It's your money of course but I can point to too many good outcomes to feel that is the best stance to take towards crowdfunding as a whole.

I don't disagree that there have been some serious missteps with the project but more of them look to be communication errors rather than development errors. I think the damage has already been done and Inafune et al deserve some heat but I expect that the disdain towards the project hasn't been (and likely will not be entirely be once the game is actually out) correlative with the actual quality of the gameplay, etc.


Plus Croc. As many mistakes Inafune's made with MN9,nothing comes close to the fuckery that is what Capcom pulls with Mega Man.
No disrespect but if everybody felt that way lots of the best games in the past few years and some of the most promising games coming up straight up wouldn't exist. It's your money of course but I can point to too many good outcomes to feel that is the best stance to take towards crowdfunding as a whole.

I don't disagree that there have been some serious missteps with the project but more of them look to be communication errors rather than development errors. I think the damage has already been done and Inafune et al deserve some heat but I expect that the disdain towards the project hasn't been (and likely will not be entirely be once the game is actually out) correlative with the actual quality of the gameplay, etc.

Maybe Kickstarter should make it so that it doesn't feel like I'm throwing money into the wind and hoping it flies into a good direction? Same reason I don't bite on pre-alpha or early access games anymore.

If I was into Shadowrun, I probably would've backed that Hong Kong Kickstarter or whatever it was because

1. They already delivered a well received Kickstarter
2. The game was happening regardless, they were just asking for more funds to expand on the games features

I'm not saying I'll NEVER EVER back a Kickstarter but I've never felt compelled to. It would have to be someone I trust or someone who has already delivered a crowdfunded game. If Yacht Club were to Kickstart a Shovel Knight II or Shovel Knight 64, I'd be a bit confused because of the games success but thats an example of something I would back.
I have never backed anything on kickstarter.

I came close a few times, but then those kickstarters met their goal, and after something meets its first goal, no.


I have promoted Kickstarters but I have never personally backed one for reasons mentioned in this thread.


Sketchbook Picasso
Eh, I'm perfectly fine with the amount I backed for M#9. I feel bad for those who let their dreams of what they THOUGHT it'd be get to them, though. I guess I'm glad most of the KS's or such I've donated more than the base to have been for already-produced things like the Bubblegum Crisis set. The AnimeGo guys did a crazy excellent job at updates, backer communication, and explaining exactly where budget and such were going. Probably the best KS-a-like I've been in, (Did a few Indie GoGo's too) and probably the best possible.

I wouldn't be surprised if I like Mighty #9 more than Shadow Complex, honestly. Goofy SNES game personality is so much more up my alley than palette-swaps with generic soldiers into fairly expected settings. Whether it's more Megaman 2, Megaman X3, or Megaman Network Transmissions on Gamecube, it's still Megaman-ish enough to be enjoyable.

I already saw someone at Animazement selling the BGC Collection I got for double the price I got it for, and that made me fairly happy. Also saw the boxes for Freedom Planet, Axiom Verge, and Rogue Legacy. When such products work out, it's awesome to be able to get something so limited and made with care like that.


Gives all the fucks
I actually just backed my first Kickstarter a few days ago for a book by Bitmap Books & they reached their goal within 24 hours & has hit 9 stretch goals so far. I only backed it because 1.) early bird special of getting a copy of the book cheaper, & 2.) I knew it would be of both good quality due to previous record/products (I actually got two of their books the day before or on the same day the kickstarter started) & something that'd be delivered within the time they estimated.

I think I would've done more, but they were during the time I had a very strict budget due to college & no job. The only other time I backed something was throwing $5 or $10 towards Lab Zero to fund more Skullgirls DLC on Indiegogo.

But I can fully understand why people might be skeptical to funding products/giving money for something that won't ship for months, if not years.
I've backed multiple games on kickstarter including shovel Knight, broken age, mn9, shenmue 3, bloodstained, and looka laylee. I'm all about putting my money where my mouth is to see the games I want be made.


I've only backed Pillars of Eternity (woo!) and Unsung Story (uuuuuuuuuuuh)

Psychonauts 2, Broken Age, Yooka Laylee and Bloodstained.

No regrets.

Came close to backing LWA2 as well and that would have been money well spent.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I've backed Bloodstained and Shenmue III. Should have backed Yooka-Laylee but oh well.

I also dropped $5 onto Mighty No. 9. Only $5. I actually regret it


Sketchbook Picasso
I'm quite glad KS's have multi fund levels, and also feel like the amount of "Slacker Backer" stuff really takes a lot of the potential sting out that used to be there. Can back a little to get the news updates and info, and then increase as you see things are going well.

All the "Behind the scenes" that you get on the way to the final product make reasonable pledges totally worth it. I'm sure it's MUCH more painful when you start throwing Multi-hundreds at it. At Multi-thousands invested, you... probably don't really miss spent funds all that much, really! ;-)
Beat Tales from the Borderlands. As someone who is lukewarm on both Telltale Games and the Borderlands series, it is a good game. Liked it better then Life is Strange. Had pretty high expectations after people praised it so hard and combine that with my general disinterest in either of the main properties and it was quite the wall the game had to climb but it ended up being good.

Almost makes me want to feel excited for Borderlands 3 but uhhh...seems like Pre-Sequel was kinda shit, the Borderlands 2 port on Vita wasn't the best but its cool they still update it, Battleborn is lukewarm at best and Colonial Marines is Colonial Marines. So maybe not. I'd like to think Gearbox has it in them to knock it out of the park with the inevitable Borderlands 3 with just a few tweaks and improvements, but I would have to be convinced. Seems like the chances of Borderlands 3 not being a Destiny-like pseudo-MMO with the ending of 2 revealing there's tons of planets and vaults are pretty much zero after Destiny and Division's huge successes. That also makes me not interested because I don't like either of those games but at least Borderlands has a kind of Diablo vibe and Diablo owns. Will probably throw up a thread about it.

Also fuck Randy Pitchford.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
If there's one bright side to Borderlands 3, it won't be written by Anthony "Memes are Humor" Burch.


All the games I backed simply wouldn't have existed without crowdfunding apart from Yooka Laylee maybe. When all is said and done, despite the growing pains of crowd funding I truly believe it has been for the betterment of the game industry which was in danger of becoming bland unadventurous AAA games with the occasional indie title or art title to shake things up. It shows, like Overwatch, there is a serious market for bright, fun games. Jim Sterling talked about it in his latest segment as well.
If there's one bright side to Borderlands 3, it won't be written by Anthony "Memes are Humor" Burch.

The meme-y shit in Tales From the Borderlands wasn't bad. I actually liked the part where a Bandit covered in speakers driving a truck covered in speakers comes blasting into the scene playing that one "XXX bitch triple X rated" dubstep song used in all the parody mlg noscope videos just because its a real song I recognized. This.Also the writing is just generally a lot better.

All the games I backed simply wouldn't have existed withput crowdfunding apart from Yooka Laylee maybe. When all is said and done, despite the growing pains of crowd funding I truly believe it has been for the betterment of the game industry which was in danger of becoming bland unadventurous AAA games with the occasional indie title or art title to shake things up. It shows, like Overwatch, there is a serious market for bright, fun games. Jim Sterling talked about it in his latest segment as well.

If someone I legitimately thought would never make another game like Swery 65, John Carmack, an actual Suda 51 helmed game, Yoko Taro (although he seems to be doin good at SE now) or Shigesato Itoi made a Kickstarter I would pledge to it, no question. Maybe John Romero...but I dunno. He is making a crowdfunding thing, we'll see. I want the project to be more then a name attached to it, if you are selling me a game based on the name Swery 65 or Suda 51 it better be a game that bleeds their directorial intent.


I've backed multiple games on kickstarter including shovel Knight, broken age, mn9, shenmue 3, bloodstained, and looka laylee. I'm all about putting my money where my mouth is to see the games I want be made.

All the games I backed simply wouldn't have existed withput crowdfunding apart from Yooka Laylee maybe. When all is said and done, despite the growing pains of crowd funding I truly believe it has been for the betterment of the game industry which was in danger of becoming bland unadventurous AAA games with the occasional indie title or art title to shake things up. It shows, like Overwatch, there is a serious market for bright, fun games. Jim Sterling talked about it in his latest segment as well.

These guys get it. I 100% agree with "only back things from those with a good plan and a good resume" but that's completely different from "never back anything ever". It's a matter of if you're invested or interested enough in any project to make sure it happens. I think saying "I didn't care enough about anything so far to put the money upfront" is fair but saying "Kickstarters are basically playing the lottery or a trap" is a bit disingenuous. Capcom still hasn't shown any plans to make a new Mega Man game (and after that cartoon series reveal I'm worried about future games), I wasn't getting a new gothic Metroidvania if Iga wasn't making it, Lab Zero was disbanding if Indivisible fell through, etc.


Mighty No. 9 is such a scam and the worst kickstarter ever that I hope it crashes and burns. Everyone needs to see Scamafune for what he is.


I backed Ascension Online (which never actually came out, but instead led to them rekindling the relationship with the developer of the awesome mobile version, so everyone won in the end), and Bloodstained.

I'm kinda glad we aren't getting new Kickstarters every day now.
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