Sometimes I am just so surprised how much some people are so avidly into *all* sports, when it feels so draining and hard when I try to even focus on just one sport and its season.
Football is the exception to this for a variety of reasons (Fantasy, fewest games), but for the most part, people care about their teams. I don't watch NHL games, I watch my Flyers. I don't watch MLB games, I watch the Phillies. Pretty much the only time i'm exposed to other games is via highlights
Football is the exception to this for a variety of reasons (Fantasy, fewest games), but for the most part, people care about their teams. I don't watch NHL games, I watch my Flyers. I don't watch MLB games, I watch the Phillies. Pretty much the only time i'm exposed to other games is via highlights
I care about sports in a decreasing order of American Football, Baseball, (Large gap), Hockey, (Large Gap), Basketball
Lions, Tigers, Red Wings, and Pistons. Yay.
I'm the exact same. I'll watch nearly any nfl game, but nothing outside teams I root for in other sports, with playoffs as the exception.
could be worse he could pull for the Chargers , hahaha ...;_;
I'm so sorry.
Fuck the Yankees.
Eh...close enough. At least you chose the superior Avatar show.
I don't hate Legend of Korra as much as some folks seem to, but yes the first is superior.
Enough of this baseball crap! This is the Toonami thread; let's get ANIME!
I may have done that wrong
Krev is poisoning my timeline with baseball stuff
Does anyone know the name of that video/song where the guy plays a shit load of those f2p games that are energy based that have a Gachapon element to them of getting mostly crap and fighting monsters that are way too tough?
Happy opening day everyone in the US!
Sports are the best type of anime, *KILLS DINOSAURS WITH TENNIS BALL*
The first one is in the comic, so it should be in Kai. Then again the anime's removed manga stuff before. >.<
The second one is filler, but is written by Toriyama. So canon-filler?
Buu Arc debuts Sunday
Someone asked on Bass why Toriyama forgot about Lunch.
Where does this come from? The filler episode with Lunch in the Saiyan arc was his idea! He also wanted to include her in the Genki Dama part of the Buu arc but figured the fans have forgotten about her, so he used #17 instead.
Well when she doesn't appear in the manga at all for hundreds of pages the perception is he forgot about her lol
He actually did forget about Yajirobe and Chaozu. They both survived Super Buu's mass genocide attack. Yet when Goku needs to potara fuse he says Mr. Satan is the only fighter left.
Unless Mr. Satan is actually >>> Yajirobe/Chaozu
Can't you only fuse with someone of a similar body size to you or does the portara ignore that?