Hm Hm, this new [AS] look. We only got as far as the disclaimer.
Oh right it starts at 8pm now
Football is the exception to this for a variety of reasons (Fantasy, fewest games), but for the most part, people care about their teams. I don't watch NHL games, I watch my Flyers. I don't watch MLB games, I watch the Phillies. Pretty much the only time i'm exposed to other games is via highlights
Season three of Bob's Burgers is going up on Netflix sometime tomorrow.
That thread was AMAZING!
Yes, yes it does.I'm probably one of the only ones that actually likes The Cleveland Show. Does that make me a bad person?
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate it when shows have shitty finales.
Bass you actually did okay on the test, at least to my eyes.
Not perfect, but you got the general progression right.
This is just me looking at the second set of colors, not the tabulated results.
That was about as bad as it gets
This week on "Dumb things Seda said one time"
That thread brings back memories :')
So I just read the final episode synopsis on wikipedia LOL wtf is this garbage I feel mad and I only watched like 5 episodes
the best thing about the first april fools toonami was that noone had a clue what was going on and what was coming up next.
every commercial break was a celebration
I used to lurk the older Toonami threads, only posting once in awhile but I'm sure I've shared my sob story before.
I'm home that day and bored after a long day of cleaning around the house or playing video games. Probably both. It's about 9:30 at night and I suddenly remember it's April Fools and that CN will be doing something. I tell myself, eh, it's probably The Room again and promptly fall asleep. I wake up at six am and imagine my shock and horror when I learn what really went down.
The last scene with the kids was shot years ago as the actors have grown up a lot. Meaning this was still planned.
This would have been fine had the show only lasted 2 or 3 seasons, but it lasted 9! They went through the Ted & Robin thing over and over and over and over again. The fact that they still went with it without considering all the time spent in between shows just how much contempt they have for the audience.
I remember Astro Boy and Gigantor being hilarious.
He just pulled his pants down.
The only way that could be improved is if you flicked on the channel to see, caught the actual opening of the room they aired, then turned off the tv before it panned out to TOM.
I used to lurk the older Toonami threads, only posting once in awhile but I'm sure I've shared my sob story before.
I'm home that day and bored after a long day of cleaning around the house or playing video games. Probably both. It's about 9:30 at night and I suddenly remember it's April Fools and that CN will be doing something. I tell myself, eh, it's probably The Room again and promptly fall asleep. I wake up at six am and imagine my shock and horror when I learn what really went down.
Why is waluigi wearing a cape
you're on PA, tenumi?
The only way that could be improved is if you flicked on the channel to see, caught the actual opening of the room they aired, then turned off the tv before it panned out to TOM.
I remember Astro Boy and Gigantor being hilarious.
Those were the best!
So goddamn strange
If they did that, I think I would be in heaven. I loved Miguzi.This year they should do Miguzi for April Fool's.