Takeshi's got the Yips. Happens to a lot of athletes.
For now on schandenfruede is to be called Squid
Woogedy woogedy woogedy
RelevantI hate you all.
How many more weeks till this show ends?
I've only half been here anyway, turning in. Later
but inuyasha
Later ToonamiGaf. R.I.P InuyashaGaf
I can't look at American made comics I read them like manga and it confuses me
I can't look at American made comics I read them like manga and it confuses me
Literally all old Rumic works are flipped. They havent even fully released Inuyasha and Ranma unflipped yet.
Eww, not looking forward to buying those then
Why is that Jedi dressed like she's mourning?
she is a famous jedi actually, she was also in gennedy's SW with her padawan where they kicked ass and yoda came to help.
The Geonosians on this level in Battlefront 2 are annoying.
How were they killed in episode 3?