We're literally running 3 topicals at the same time at this pointwait they're going to do topicals for sand whale?
We're literally running 3 topicals at the same time at this pointwait they're going to do topicals for sand whale?
So I suppose the question of the hour is what will suck more, Power Rangers or Ghost in the Shell?
Can't wait for her alt costume: Georgia Gold KFC.
Her costume needs more belts.
Everything needs more belts.
We need belts for our belts.
indeedThat god for Fight It Out.
HAHAHA us gamers, right?
Gotta spend that One Piece money they saved on somethingWe're literally running 3 topicals at the same time at this point
Can't wait for her alt costume: Georgia Gold KFC.
Piccolo going with his old alias.
Piccolo, an alias won't help you.