Chrollo's tear... Gotta have that single tear rolling down your face and nothing else.
He's really quite the gentlemen when he's not trying to kill you.
I think zeno's dad or grandpa.Grandpa, mom, dad, andchildren.five
An early shadow cutout of the family earlier in this very series showed somebody who could be a grandma, but IIRC she's never shown in the anime or manga.
Chrollo Lucilfer. Get it right.
God. Another acid trip video. Song isn't bad but why do these have to make zero sense?
DeMarco, the fuck is with this Music Video?
oh my god
is this what you guys have to deal with during shippuden?
......I'm so sorry....
"My name is Quwrof Wrlccywrlir."
I think zeno's dad or grandpa.
God. Another acid trip video. Song isn't bad but why do these have to make zero sense?
"My name is Quwrof Wrlccywrlir."
.Fucking hell, can they keep these to the Naurto time slot where I don't watch them?
You could ask that for like 95% of the music videos he shows.